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I lost faith in FE


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I would be, but no.

She can't be a "little girl" if she wears that kind of outfit. And in FE, manakets that appear to be young are usually at least 100...besides, physically, she doesn't look THAT young.

In terms of maturity, Manakete are as old as they look. That's what we learned through Fa in FE6.

...Not that the fact, that she doesn't even know about dead, stops Roy to deploy her on the battlefield.

Also, she does not wear that kind of outfit because she is not a "little girl".

She wears that outfit, because somebody at IS decided that the game should include a little girl in a skimpy outfit.

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what, you're saying a design decision doesn't have to have an ingame explanation? that there are human beings making the game?

that's fucking crazy talk brightbow, we don't need your kind here

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what, you're saying a design decision doesn't have to have an ingame explanation? that there are human beings making the game?

that's fucking crazy talk brightbow, we don't need your kind here

I'm saying, that since this game is not a natural phenomena but menmade, it's entirely valid to call those people out for the disgusting decisions they made.

Like sexualising little kids, for example. There is no need to just accept it.

Edited by BrightBow
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Something is only sexual if you think it is. I don't find Nono sexy because she's just a kid in a two-piece (or looks like it, at least). Hell I've seen toddlers on the beach wearing two-pieces, you'd be strange to think that is sexual.

Edited by Raven
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Something is only sexual if you think it is. I don't find Nono sexy because she's just a kid in a two-piece. Hell I've seen toddlers on the beach wearing two-pieces, you'd be strange to think that is sexual.

I would find this argument a lot more convincing if IS didn't made it possible to knock up that "little kid in a two-piece".

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Something is only sexual if you think it is. I don't find Nono sexy because she's just a kid in a two-piece (or looks like it, at least). Hell I've seen toddlers on the beach wearing two-pieces, you'd be strange to think that is sexual.

I didn't know the entirety of FE13 took place on the beach. In that context, the clothes of every other character now seems somewhat inappropriate.

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I would be, but no.

She can't be a "little girl" if she wears that kind of outfit. And in FE, manakets that appear to be young are usually at least 100...besides, physically, she doesn't look THAT young.

In terms of maturity, Manakete are as old as they look. That's what we learned through Fa in FE6.

...Not that the fact, that she doesn't even know about dead, stops Roy to deploy her on the battlefield.

Also, she does not wear that kind of outfit because she is not a "little girl".

She wears that outfit, because somebody at IS decided that the game should include a little girl in a skimpy outfit.

That, pretty much.

She might be hundreds or thousands of years old, but since they age slower the age of maturity (or age of consent or whatever) is much higher.

And dressing in skimpy clothes doesn't mean she's not a little girl, it just means she's a little girl in a skimpy outfit. Most (but admittedly not all, some of us are thicker-skinned) sane people would find that at least a little disturbing.

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I didn't know the entirety of FE13 took place on the beach. In that context, the clothes of every other character now seems somewhat inappropriate.

It's strange why they decided to put her in such clothing. Perhaps they wanted the character to wear such clothing because the character feels she wants others to view her as someone who's older than she looks.

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tbf kids do a lot of things that would look/be sexual, but for the fact that they have no idea themselves/don't have anything near that intention in mind. I've seen a little girl lie down on a little boy in a way that you couldn't possibly argue wouldn't at least look sexual, if they were about 3 times bigger and actually knew what sex was/meant, whereas she/they were probably just playing around or tired.

IS is generally made of people who do "know better," though they haven't exactly made it seem like Nono does

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I didn't know the entirety of FE13 took place on the beach. In that context, the clothes of every other character now seems somewhat inappropriate.

Yeah because otherwise... you don't really ever find girls dressed like that...

And for the most part people consider thigh-highs to be sexy-looking so... and I think also... whatever those little strappy things are? x3

It's strange why they decided to put her in such clothing. Perhaps they wanted the character to wear such clothing because the character feels she wants others to view her as someone who's older than she looks.

Couldn't they just easily have chosen to not make a character like that so they wouldn't have to try make her look questionable?

I don't think she looks sexy either of course since she's still young but I can't help but think of what the outfit implies anyway.

So yes I am agreeing with that first sentence x3

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Seems like aiming for the people who would like to have the opportunity to impregnate a little girl, will work out in Nintendo's favor.

Though, please forgive me, for not being all that exited about this new direction.

Edited by BrightBow
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Conclusion: IS team are sexually frustrated?

Whatever sells the game.

You are aware we are talking about people working in the video game industry. This is probably a near-guarantee.

And if they wanted to sell the art more in Japan, they'd go straight into the moe territory. *convulses* dear lord no, make it go away...

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