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FE5 Chapter 12 and 12 X Silence staff VS Warp Staff


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From what I've seen on youtube and my personnal experience I was thinking of a new strategy(well I'm sure someone used it before but...)

Most people on youtube uses the warp staff to get Parn on the very first turn and to stop Tina from using her staffs. I was wondering which one is more valuable, silence staff or warp staff ? I think we could make a better use of this by using the warp staff in 12 to catch Salem on the first turn in order to save his sleep staff... This counts as one use and we get the Sleep staff. We also assume Karin gets the silence staff.

Then on the next chapter we use the Silence staff on Tina ( Nanna will be there and will use the Torch in order to see her ) And we should be okay for the chapter ? With that strat we used one silence use but we got the sleep staff and it makes capturing Trewd a lot easier(since he won't run away if we had not recruited Parn and if he does we can put him to sleep).

I haven't tried chapter 12 X yet(well I did do it a long time ago with states so almost no strategy) but I've heard if you wait around turn 25 and 30 without killing any dancers ( catching them and releasing them is fine?) you can get an extra knight proof + warp staff.

I haven't tried it yet but on paper it seems like this strategy would work pretty well and we get an extra sleep staff. My only guess on what could go wrong would be the thief stealing all the treasures... Which I don't remember if they do...

Any thoughts ?

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Couldn't you just warp Lara into the boss room, talk to Pahn and have her promote to Dancer, and then have him recruit Tina and save a Silence?

Or can only Saphy recruit Tina? I don't really remember.

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Couldn't you just warp Lara into the boss room, talk to Pahn and have her promote to Dancer, and then have him recruit Tina and save a Silence?

Or can only Saphy recruit Tina? I don't really remember.

That's what he's saying--he wants to save the warp use by just silencing Tina instead.

I don't see why it wouldn't work.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure silencing Tina will prevent you from talking to her (thus making you unable to recruit her).

If you want to use no staves whatsoever, "simply" only deploy units with 3 or more MAG. You'll probably need to abuse the Sety scroll a bit to achieve that on some units, but if you know beforehand that that's what you want to do, it should work out.

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Thanks for the replies, I guess I will have to try. Man silenced Tina can't talk that is some serious trolling IS...

What I really wanted was to actually recruit Trude/Trewd(for his silver sword) while not wasting a warp staff. But I guess I'll try it the normal way, warping Lara, recruiting Pahn and stealing Tina's staff. Problem is by doing this the ennemies starts running away and so does Trewd. I'm not really interested in him but more intested in having every characters possible to recruit(his sword's hot too) but I guess I'll let him run away.

I'll do some tests...

If I warp and catch Salem I'll have wasted a warp staff use but I'll have the sleep staff... Which means I'll be able to put Trewd to sleep but I'll have to waste another warp use anyway...

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the standard SSS strat for chapter 12x is to warp lara to pahn, talk to pahn, steal tina's thief staff with pahn, put trewd to sleep (you need a torch to see him), and have leaf and pahn rescue chain saphy to tina. or something like that.

Edited by dondon151
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Safy: Tina! What are you doing here?!

Tina: Mmmmm!! Mmmm-mmmm!!!

Safy: What? I don't understand what you're saying...

Tina: (Desperately points to mouth) Mmmmm!!! mmmm-mmm-mmm!!!

Safy: Oh, this is one of your pranks, right?

Tina: (Growing more desperate) MMMMMMM!! MMMMMMMMMM!!!

Safy: You know what? Since you don't know how to behave in front of your big sister, I'm leaving you here until you learn your lesson!

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Ah thanks Dondon I haven't checked any SSS run videos, I did a long time ago but most of the time they just rushed everywhere, missed treasure and did not bother with most characters. So to do this strat I'll need to either silence Salem with Safy before he can do anything or I'll need to warp a strong guy to catch him on the first turn. Alright thanks for all the help I'll do it right now. Maybe promote Asvel to do it.

My main problem with promotion is that I always want to wait too long for nothing since the stats caps are so low...

Jave hahaha man that sounds almost real.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good strategy in theory. As already pointed out, people who are silenced can no longer talk. So you can't recruit Tina...

Can someone please tell me: if you capture and release dancers, will those holding the knight proof/warp staff still show?

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