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[Nintendo Direct] First look at English localisation


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Inconsistencies aren't anything I'd worry about.

Sure, you can find a whole list of localisation issues on my site, but those are just tiny specks in a massive room of dialogue. Nintendo of America know what they're doing with FE localisations.

Liberties are often taken because literal Japanese->English translations are generally static and dull.

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This thread is getting as ridiculous as the FE12 thread.

I was going to say...




Jeez, people... Calm it down and at least try to be more positive and excitable? No need to be so nippy about the semantics of something that can be argued about endlessly anyway.

So let's get back to "OMG IT'S COMING TO AMERCIA 'SOON'." On topic, I'm going to say I'm pretty excited to see how the dialogue ends up turning out. Seemed pretty solid from what little I've seen. I've yet to actually watch the whole video, but I've gathered a lot from the thread!

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So how would you react if that one January release date was true?

Aside from 'Too soon after Christmas D: wont sell well' and 'ASXNWEJKFCNRESKGDFHJCMAEIRFKDLXJKEWOD OMG YES'

While name changes can be meh, they generally don't go wrong with the dialogue.

I dunno, playing through SS and getting all the supports, some of the supports feel really awkward, Gerik/Ross comes to mind. Particularly the line at the end of each one. But I dunno, something about FE8s script bothers me overall. IDK why.

Edited by L95
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True, true. Though I'm sure every fan is happy deep inside their hearts; people have probably just ran out of things to say, especially since the release date is still a while away ^^

Now, this is really starting to remind me of the FE12 patch. Eventually people stopped discussing about the fact a translation is being made and about progress and instead bitched about non-name changes we made (like Malliesia to Malicia--it's the same name).

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So how would you react if that one January release date was true?

Aside from 'Too soon after Christmas D: wont sell well' and 'ASXNWEJKFCNRESKGDFHJCMAEIRFKDLXJKEWOD OMG YES'

While name changes can be meh, they generally don't go wrong with the dialogue.

I dunno, playing through SS and getting all the supports, some of the supports feel really awkward, Gerik/Ross comes to mind. Particularly the line at the end of each one.

I don't care, in Europe it's for the 2nd trimester T_T

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So how would you react if that one January release date was true?

Aside from 'Too soon after Christmas D: wont sell well' and 'ASXNWEJKFCNRESKGDFHJCMAEIRFKDLXJKEWOD OMG YES'

While name changes can be meh, they generally don't go wrong with the dialogue.

I dunno, playing through SS and getting all the supports, some of the supports feel really awkward, Gerik/Ross comes to mind. Particularly the line at the end of each one.

For me, the earlier the better, though January is not really a good month to release games and I do care for the game to sell very well here.

Edited by Dr. Rudy Mjölnir
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I'm more worried about the name 'changes' they'll make to returning characters. Mainly because the fandom has been so used to the old ones. I'll get used to them, but MUs default, Robin already conflicts with FE2 XD

You know Malicia looks way better. Except for the fact it almost has 'Malice' in it.

The earliest date I can see is February.

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Sometimes name changes make more sense than you think. Had Marisa retained her original Japanese name, FE8 would have probably been banned in Spanish-speaking countries.

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yes, but the official japanese for Vioron is 'Viaur" and not "Viole" who effectly means rape in French xD.

[edit]: And here the names are for the american's localization...

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yes, but the official japanese for Vioron is 'Viaur" and not "Viole" who effectly means rape in French xD.


pick a stance already, romney jr

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And I heard that Viole means rape in French, so that is also a no-no.

Why did I laugh?

yes, but the official japanese for Vioron is 'Viaur" and not "Viole" who effectly means rape in French xD.

[edit]: And here the names are for the american's localization...

This is getting ridiculous.

So how much Japanese do you know again? Do you realize that katakana is ambiguous, and "Viole" is just as valid as "Vaiur"?

Because you're being selective. If you're going to go the route of "Official Japanese names", you're going to have to go argue for "Olivie", "Smia" and "Sort".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I do not even see the connection with the rest of the conversation. xD

Viaur is valid as Viole but I don't think Inteligent System can make an error like this. And so I don't know why change the names, this all x)

I have no problem with Sumia beacause this is an error, so the name ans the origin of the name don't change.

But yes the conversation become ridiculous ><

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I do not even see the connection with the rest of the conversation. xD

Viaur is valid as Viole but I don't think Inteligent System can make an error like this. And so I don't know why change the names, this all x)

I have no problem with Sumia beacause this is an error, so the name ans the origin of the name don't change.

But yes the conversation become ridiculous ><

"Error". Now, in terms of localization to FRANCE, yes that would be a big mistake. But I don't see how you're being selective about names here. Because I don't see how you're backing up your claims. All I see is that you are frustrated that they're not keeping the same Japanese katakana names. That is called being stubborn and bordering on being more of a *insert derogatory term used for people SO in love with everything Japanese here* than even me.

Now, Japanese katakana names came from the dev team.... just as how "Rufure" works for them for both a male and female my unit, they have no idea how their names would work in other languages. This is the reason localization has changes. They don't just do it for the hell of it.

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No but a character who means rape, even in Russia, this is verry fuuny. I don't think Inteligent systeme can make a error like this. I don't want the kanakana's name, I want the same names as japanese, but in the official romanization, it's all. After, if the translation team made ​​mistakes, I do not care, but if they change their name just for fun I hate this ><

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Why does someone who says "kanakana" even want the japanese names so bad? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

When a company localises a game, they have the freedom to do whatever they want. We should thank our lucky stars they don't even completely change names like a lot of other games do. Also, if you're not playing in Japanese then why does the Japanese name matter to you? If they decide to name Soiree as "Soiree", as "Sully" or as "Bunifa Latifa Halifa Sharifa Jackson", that will be the name you and the rest of us will see in the game, and we'll probably never (or very rarely) see the original name in discussion again. So what?

Edited by Axie
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It's right, but but as I watch a lot of animes badly translated, I become paranoiac ^ ^ '

After that, if they translate the names, they do so for all (with the same research in the names) and then I will not say anything. Otherwise they keep the official names (and not in katakana either).

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If they decide to name Soiree as "Soiree", as "Sully" or as "Bunifa Latifa Halifa Sharifa Jackson", that will be the name you and the rest of us will see in the game, and we'll probably never (or very rarely) see the original name in discussion again. So what?

Totally got(and loved) the reference. I also agree with the post. Guess we just have to wait for the initial shock to wear off, hm?

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It's right, but but as I watch a lot of animes badly translated, I become paranoiac ^ ^ '

After that, if they translate the names, they do so for all (with the same research in the names) and then I will not say anything. Otherwise they keep the official names (and not in katakana either).

So "names" = "badly translated" nowadays, does it?

As someone who knows a second language, I expected you to at least understand that things in one language doesn't necessarily work in another.

It does NOT help that Katakana makes it even harder to decipher exactly what is meant. In higher level Japanese college classes, you don't get graded and marked off for slight mistakes in Katakana because it's so ambiguous. Native speakers have admitted to that.

The only thing I see is that you're vehemently opposed to changing any of the names. That is a STUPID mindset. What "research" is your condition? All you're spewing is what we call "selective bullcrap".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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As someone who knows a second language, I expected you to at least understand that things in one language doesn't necessarily work in another.

I totally agree. Sometimes names just don't sound good in another language.

And that's not to mention when the name is completely Japanese - which doesn't really happen in Fire Emblem, but it does happen with anime and games, and while people complain about name changes in anime, I don't see anyone complaining that Gamefreaks changes the names of almost all of the Pokémons for the English release of Pokémon games (and changes it further for French, Italian and German releases) when it's basically the same situation. I don't think name changes constitute as "bad translation" in the slighest.

Also: I'm so glad someone caught the Bunifa Latifa Halifa Sharifa Jackson reference so quickly. colon3.gif

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