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FE Confessions....Say What?

Loki Laufeyson

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I have never played any other FE Emblem game other than 7, 9, and 10

I hate Micaiah, as a unit and a character ._.

I kind of ship IkeXSoren ;-;

Laura is probably my favorite Saint, next to Rhys

I actually really don't like Shinon, but he is always too good for me not to use ;-;

I play FE10 on easy mode D:

I actually like Leonardo, he makes such a perty Marksman <3

I hate using Ike and really don't like his character that much, I feel kind of....cheap when I use him.

I love using Volke, Insta-deaths make me so happy, and his character intrigues me

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Normal mode is actually a wee bit too hard for me in RD. [/wuss] Especially since EXP (especially combat EXP) gets spread too thin in some parts of the game. Part 3 in Normal mode and onward doesnt seem to be much different from easy mode to be honest. But Parts 1 and 2 are a bear for me to get through in Normal mode. Easy Mode allows me to be able to get my Dawn Brigade units to dickstomping levels without a lot of trouble.

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Godlike? How so? It can still kinda be challenging at times if you use all the bad units hahah. But i like fun and easy mode is fun for me.

It makes a subpar game fun. FUN.

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I don't give clerics & troubadours much attention. This causes problems towards the end of the game though, I can't seem to brake the habit.

I'm just the opposite - I just can't go without a healer.

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I've played FE7, FE8, FE 9 and 10, and FE 11.

I find the Ike x soren ship distrubing, but at the same time I can't help but be intrested in it

I've never played hard mode.

I'm a sucker for ships like Ike x Elincia and Hector x Lyn.

I always seem to end up using mages or peg knights in all my playthroughs.

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You like IkexElincia and HectorxLyn. Two thumbs way up. biggrin.gif

I'm a huge sucker for the former too, as some people here know. drool.gif

Haha. Nice to see another fan. :D It's too bad the Ike x Elinca pairing didn't happen though. I was sure something was going on between them in PoR. O.o

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I've never played hard mode.

I always seem to end up using mages or peg knights in all my playthroughs.

On that note, FE8 is the only FE game where I actually bother to play hard mode.

Same here.

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Haha. Nice to see another fan. :D It's too bad the Ike x Elinca pairing didn't happen though. I was sure something was going on between them in PoR. O.o

I know, right? I was so sure of that too! In fact, I totally thought Elincia was going to kiss Ike in that final cutscene. lol

Then RD very nearly ruins their relationship. There's so little hint of how close they are. I would've never thought they were so close if I hadn't played PoR first, in fact.

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Eh, I thought it only ruined a bunch of pairings, endings, and the support system. Other than that, amazing game, imo.

Why the support system? Aside from the simplified conversations, I think RD's support system was better than FE9's.

Speaking of Jill..

I consider having her go over to the mercs' side in RD to be tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot so badly that the bullet ricochets back into the barrel of the gun and explodes.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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It ruined a lot of characters. Ike's barely salvageable personality was completely ruined in FE10, Sothe became a useless sidekick, the buildup to Micaiah led to... Micaiah. Pelleas, the supposed son of Mad King Ashnard, was a fucking pussy. A lot of the fleshed-out FE9 characters had very little substance in FE10.

Know what? No one had substance in FE10. It threw character development out the window for a fancy game.

FE10 needs to be rewritten, half the characters need to be scrapped, and the better support system needs to return.

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It makes a subpar game fun. FUN.

Me three.

Horray! Easy mode on RD was always a lot of fun for me :D

Capped stats is like crack for me <3

We should start an Easy Mode Brigade. :P:

I recently realized how well-written FE9's story is. Too bad most of the characters could use some work.

Except Jill.

Arr. PoR's story is pretty well written. I think Titania, Ike, Soren, Jill, Lethe, Reyson, Naesala, Mist, Elincia and Sanaki were pretty well fleshed out. Marcia and Tanith too but not as nicely as the others. But like every FE, there are characters who are just...there.

Radiant Dawn ruined a lot of things.

It did. I love that game but its mostly for its gameplay than its story. Part 2 was pretty decent writing and character development for most of the characters involved. I do like how some of the loose ends got tied up (Soren) but overall, the story felt freaking rushed and really cliched in too many places. Dat ending....


Why the support system? Aside from the simplified conversations, I think RD's support system was better than FE9's.

Speaking of Jill..

I consider having her go over to the mercs' side in RD to be tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot so badly that the bullet ricochets back into the barrel of the gun and explodes.

Being able to support with just about everybody was kinda cool but i longed for the PoR style support system. Longed for it...

And hahahahaha, yeah. I only do that when im feeling bold or want Jill and Haar to get their paired ending.

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Being able to support with just about everybody was kinda cool but i longed for the PoR style support system. Longed for it...

And hahahahaha, yeah. I only do that when im feeling bold or want Jill and Haar to get their paired ending.

Personally, I found FE9's support system to compare favorably only against the GBA support system... The number one thing that bothered me about FE9's support system is that some supports took WAY TOO LONG to reach A (I'm looking at you, Ike/Titania).

@Hamlet: Some of what you said about RD sums up exactly how I feel about FE4; I'm not getting into the characters at all, nor the story (other than to say that capturing multiple regions in one chapter is rather awkward both story wise and gameplay wise), but the gameplay, imo, had lots of room for improvement; when holy blood characters can trivialize the game, pretty much, something's wrong. And the maps... ugh.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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FE10 needs to be rewritten, half the characters need to be scrapped, and the better support system needs to return.

I wouldn't mind this as long as more pairings could get endings. So few were available in RD. As much as I hate a few pairs, I would have kept them in, only added other possibilities as well, like the GBA games had, so more of us pairing nuts are happy. And the more endings we can get, the more supports we can see, and the more fleshed out characters will get.

Edited by Anacybele
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I wouldn't mind this as long as more pairings could get endings. So few were available in RD. As much as I hate a few pairs, I would have kept them in, only added other possibilities as well, like the GBA games had, so more of us pairing nuts are happy. And the more endings we can get, the more supports we can see, and the more fleshed out characters will get.

I agree. Especially when FE9 hinted at more pairings than FE10 allowed. can we keep IkexSoren though it's the closest thing to a gay male couple

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