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Hurt and Heal: Tellius Edition

You Know Shinon Is God

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1360054058[/url]' post='2273796']

Shiharam is down.

And I did see Vika. And I did see Marcia's points are higher, too. And that like half of Begnion is down.

Hurt Jill, Heal Shinon.

Last one standing is something totally different than half of begnion though. Who knows, maybr marcia will be the first of the +100 chars to fall. It is a possibility, Vika is still very strong.

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Hurt Tanith, heal Nephenee.

[spoiler=~List~]Greil Mercenaries

Ike - 0

Greil - 124

Mist - 20

Titania - 42

Soren - 66

Oscar - 46

Boyd - 0

Rolf - 16

Shinon - 96

Gatrie - 0

Rhys - 0

Mia - 44


Elincia - 0

Renning - 0

Lucia - 20

Geoffrey - 0

Bastian - 0

Kieran - 158

Nephenee - 178

Brom - 0

Calill - 0

Meg - 0

Heather - 22

Ludveck - 0


Ashnard - 0

Black Knight - 28

Pelleas - 20

Ilyana - 0

Zihark - 160

Jill - 34

Tauroneo - 4

Sothe - 0

Micaiah - 0

Edward - 0

Leonardo - 0

Nolan - 20

Laura - 16

Aran - 0

Fiona - 0

Izuka - 0

Petrine - 0

Bryce - 18


Sanaki - 20

Tanith - 6

Sigrun - 0

Sephiran - 22

Zelgius - 0

Tormod - 0

Muarim - 20

Astrid - 0

Marcia - 182

Makalov - 0

Devdan/Danved - 0

Haar - 28

Shiharam - 0

Stefan - 38

Largo - 0

Vika - 160

Oliver - 0

Lekain - 0

Hetzel - 0

Valtome - 0

Numida- 0

Jarod - 0

Levail - 20


Reyson - 0

Leanne - 20

Rafiel - 0


Caineghis - 20

Skrimir - 0

Giffca - 16

Ranulf - 0

Lethe - 36

Lyre - 0

Mordecai - 0

Kyza/Kysha - 0


Tibarn - 22

Janaff - 0

Ulki - 0


Naesala - 0

Nealuchi - 0


Deghinsea - 0

Kurthnaga - 6

Gareth - 0

Nasir - 22

Ena - 0

Almehda - 0


Nailah - 0

Volug - 0

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Hurt Tanith, heal Nephenee.

[spoiler=~List~]Greil Mercenaries

Ike - 0

Greil - 124

Mist - 20

Titania - 40

Soren - 66

Oscar - 46

Boyd - 0

Rolf - 16

Shinon - 96

Gatrie - 0

Rhys - 0

Mia - 44


Elincia - 0

Renning - 0

Lucia - 20

Geoffrey - 0

Bastian - 0

Kieran - 158

Nephenee - 180

Brom - 0

Calill - 0

Meg - 0

Heather - 22

Ludveck - 0


Ashnard - 0

Black Knight - 28

Pelleas - 20

Ilyana - 0

Zihark - 164

Jill - 34

Tauroneo - 4

Sothe - 0

Micaiah - 0

Edward - 0

Leonardo - 0

Nolan - 20

Laura - 16

Aran - 0

Fiona - 0

Izuka - 0

Petrine - 0

Bryce - 18


Sanaki - 20

Tanith - 4

Sigrun - 0

Sephiran - 22

Zelgius - 0

Tormod - 0

Muarim - 20

Astrid - 0

Marcia - 184

Makalov - 0

Devdan/Danved - 0

Haar - 28

Shiharam - 0

Stefan - 38

Largo - 0

Vika - 162

Oliver - 0

Lekain - 0

Hetzel - 0

Valtome - 0

Numida- 0

Jarod - 0

Levail - 20


Reyson - 0

Leanne - 20

Rafiel - 0


Caineghis - 20

Skrimir - 0

Giffca - 14

Ranulf - 0

Lethe - 36

Lyre - 0

Mordecai - 0

Kyza/Kysha - 0


Tibarn - 22

Janaff - 0

Ulki - 0


Naesala - 0

Nealuchi - 0


Deghinsea - 0

Kurthnaga - 2

Gareth - 0

Nasir - 22

Ena - 0

Almehda - 0


Nailah - 0

Volug - 0

Edited by Sock
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Tanith and Tauroneo are down.

One day... I will make that new list. IN FACT, MY NEXT POST WILL BE A NEW LIST FROM ME. Because the formatting is apparently my worst enemy.

Hurt Giffca, Heal Shinon.

And now I'm happy.

And Giffca's at eight points.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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I KNEW IT. I knew Awakening would make me forget to vote!

Hurt Giffca, heal Nephenee.

One more shot for Giffca.

[spoiler=~List~]Greil Mercenaries

Greil - 124

Mist - 20

Titania - 42

Soren - 66

Oscar - 46

Rolf - 16

Shinon - 100

Mia - 44

Ike - 0

Rhys - 0

Gatrie - 0

Boyd - 0


Lucia - 20

Kieran - 164

Nephenee - 182

Heather - 22

Elincia - 0

Renning - 0

Brom - 0

Calill - 0

Meg - 0

Ludveck - 0

Geoffrey - 0

Bastian - 0


Black Knight - 28

Pelleas - 20

Zihark - 166

Jill - 34

Nolan - 20

Laura - 16

Bryce - 18

Aran - 0

Ilyana - 0

Fiona - 0

Tauroneo - 0

Sothe - 0

Micaiah - 0

Edward - 0

Leonardo - 0

Ashnard - 0

Izuka - 0

Petrine - 0


Sanaki - 20

Sephiran - 22

Muarim - 20

Marcia - 188

Haar - 28

Stefan - 38

Vika - 164

Levail - 20

Tanith - 0

Sigrun - 0

Zelgius - 0

Tormod - 0

Astrid - 0

Makalov - 0

Devdan/Danved - 0

Shiharam - 0

Largo - 0

Oliver - 0

Lekain - 0

Hetzel - 0

Valtome - 0

Numida- 0

Jarod - 0


Leanne - 20

Reyson - 0

Rafiel - 0


Caineghis - 20

Giffca - 2

Lethe - 36

Skrimir - 0

Ranulf - 0

Lyre - 0

Mordecai - 0

Kyza/Kysha - 0


Tibarn - 22

Janaff - 0

Ulki - 0


Naesala - 0

Nealuchi - 0


Nasir - 22

Deghinsea - 0

Kurthnaga - 0

Gareth - 0

Ena - 0

Almehda - 0


Nailah - 0

Volug - 0

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