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Ema Skye

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Chapter 1 4/4

Marcus Ferries Roy through enemies, Alan helping clear his path and I set Roy down near the castle he fights off Axe guys while Marcus fights the boss with his Silver Lance

Mission Success FireEmblem-FuuinnoTsurugiJapan_03.png

Chapter 2 6/10

Marcus once again ferries Roy [although in the beginning Roy did some fighting] Alan holds off the Rest, Ellen healing him, Dieck arrives and starts whooping ass right away and opens a path, Merlinus goes up to get the Armorslayer and shop for weapons and vulneraries. Boss goes down to Silver Lance again

Chapter 3 7/17

Marcus and Roy Charge, Alan and Dieck hang back to deal with enemies, Merlinus sneaks past everyone to get the Mend Stave, I got stalled due to Soldiers and Cavaliers but I broke through and used the Armorslayer on the boss.

Chapter 4 6/23


whew got through before Rutger showed up.. Roy died so many times because I dropped him in the wrong spots but its DONE




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I don't need Alance or Dieck to match that Jedi!

Chapter 1 - 4 turns (4)

Marcus scoops up Roy and rushes, burning through a chunk of his Silver Lance on turn 2, drops Roy and kills the boss. Bors ignored the village in favor of gaining exp. I had enough gold to get by for a while anyway.

Chapter 2 - 6 turns (10)

This was a bit tricky to plan. At one point I almost gave up on it, but then something clicked and I realized I was being stupid, and tried it totally differently. Bors' kills from last map netted him strength and speed, so he could double the soldiers, and help Roy kill fighters. The soldier part wasn't too huge, it just kept them out of my way. Marcus dropped Roy when he reached Dieck's group, and took on most enemies in that EP, and then scooped up Roy. Since I had nobody else to help me punch through, I had to use more Silver Lance. Meanwhile, Merlinus got me the armorslayer, which got ferried to Marcus by Thany, and he used it to kill the boss.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns (17)

Bors and Chad hung back, slaying soldiers for exp, and to keep them off of the undrafted's backs. Marcus scoops up Roy turn 2, and during turn 6, Roy gets a decent amount of exp, which should help me out next chapter. Merlinus got Mend, because he had more move than Bors.

Chapter 4 - 6 turns (23)

Marcus rushes ahead a bit, since he could ORKO without Roy slowing him down. Then he dropped back a bit and Bors passed Roy to the old man. Chad ran for the Robe, Merlinus got the door key. And Clarine got blocked from recruiting herself on turn 4. Aaaaaaaah. I fed Roy the bosskill though, so some good came out of it.

Chapter 5 - 3 turns (26)

Marcus opens the gate and hand axes anything that comes near him. Clarine rescues Roy and keeps a safe distance away. Bors and Chad move up behind. Turn 2, Clarine passes Roy to Marcus, who drops him, and moves in front of the boss. The others make a wall in front of Clarine. Marcus finishes the boss (screw that Killer Axe man) and everyone grabs some exp. Merlinus died walling off the north. Roy seizes.

Merlinus death count: 1

Chapter 6 - 6 turns (32)

Roy used the Robe here. Sue costed me uh, 2 turns I suppose? Oh well. I think I can make those up with both Sue and Shin, it's not a big problem. Bors and Merlinus bait the main group of enemies and everyone else went around. Merlinus died, but Bors pulled through. Marcus took the boss. 3 mounts makes moving Roy about really easy now.

Merlinus death count: 2

Chapter 7 - 6 turns (38)

This was a bitch. Less than it's been for me in the past, but still, it was bad. Roy grabbed Zealot turn 2, who grabbed Treck. He started moving towards the boss again with his mounted pals on turn 3 or 4. Don't remember which, but he reached the gate turn 5, with both wyverns dead between Sue (who procced def!) and Dorothy (who got a crazy level). Sue opened the door, Marcus killed the boss, and because of this the reinforcements didn't spawn. I think I got most of the villages, aside from the Hero Crest village. Guess who died?

Merlinus death count: 3

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	Lord	5.40	28	7	8	10	9	7	2	Sword - D
Marcus	Pally	4.78	34	9	14	13	10	9	8	Sword - D, Lance - A
Bors	Knight	8.71	26	9	4	6	9	13	0	Lance - B
Chad	Thief	5.06	20	4	4	14	7	2	1	Sword - E
Clarine	Troub	2.07	16	2	6	9	8	2	5	Staff - D
Dorothy	Archer	4.54	19	6	7	7	4	5	2	Bow - D
Sue	Nomad	4.50	21	6	9	11	6	6	0	Bow - D
Treck	Cav	5.06	26	9	6	7	6	9	0	Sword - E, Lance - D

Edited by Serious Bananas
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First FE6 draft, and a fun ride this will be. Sure, this is my least favorite FE, but such a big team I have! Let's evaluate each one:

ZM: Lance, Tate, Lot, Rutgar, Cecilia, Astol, Klein, Lilina, Douglas, Sophia, Cath, Bartre

Lance: Definitely my main man for most of the game.

Tate: Flier, and my favorite in the game! She may cost turns, but she's worth it.

Lot: Early game support, and better growths than Ward. Lot will do alright.

Rutger: Cost turns, but bosskiller! That killing edge will definitely come in handy.

Cecilia: Needed a staffbot, but Cecilia may come in handy for rescue staff utility! Not to mention she's a promoted troubie, so instant :wub:.

Astol: Thief utility. Nothing more.

Klein: Why not? Will be of use in Ilia.

Lilina: You better proc SPD.

Douglas: As Horace requested, everyone on our team requires a THWOMP. Douglas fulfills that role.

Sophia: Meh...we'll see.

Cath: Probably won't be recruited. I have Astol, though.

Bartre: Won't be either, but I'm going B route anyway to train Tate more.


Chapter 1 - 4 turns (4)

Marcus rushes, and Lance kills some scrubs along the way. Lance got STR and SPD in both his levels, which made me really happy.

Chapter 2 - 6 turns (10)

Lot joins the team! With his help, the way is cleared for Marcus and Roy. Merlinus gets the armorslayer and some weapons from the armory, while Lance just gains some EXP.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns (17)

Lot and Lance pick off soldiers while Marcus rushes with Roy. Roy gained a GOOD level at the end, what the hell. Marcus slays the boss with the armorslayer, which is awesome.

Merlinus picks up the mend staff.

Chapter 4 - 7 turns (24)

Flipping Rutger costs turns. Oh well, he'll be a pretty cool bosskiller.

Lot gets some lances and javelins.

Chapter 5 - 3 turns (27)

Rutger critkills the boss after Lance, Lot, and Marcus clear the way. Roy seizes.

Chapter 6 - 5 turns (32)

Probably could've been four turned, but meh.

Fuck Cath.

Edited by ZM456
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Gonna keep going.

Chapter 8 - 14 turns (52)

4 mounts is great to have. Even if one is bow locked. Sue's been doing pretty well actually. Clarine generally carried Roy, sometimes the others had her. Treck dropped out at the treasure room to clear it for Chad to raid it, which he did with not a turn to spare. Marcus 2RKOed the boss, stupid bulky Leyglance. Tried to feed Sue and Treck as many kills as I could.

Chapter 8x - 9 turns (61)

Henning is the worst. Well, not THE worst, but he's pretty bad. Marcus took 3 KE hits (2 had to crit) to bring the guys down. The mounts helped Marcus around, while the unmounted guys stayed back get exp, mostly for Chad. Snagged a door key because of thinking ahead (last draft it almost killed me).

Chapter 9 - 7 turns (68)

Fir is so fearsome. So fearsome, she took a lance to the face and almost died in one hit. Sue grabbed Shin, he has less strength than her, and was 5RKOing Mercs. So bad. Chad was my eyes for the chapter, otherwise I probably would have walked into a ton of guys. Scott is a jerk, but Marcus is too good for him and smacks him in the face with the Killing Edge a few times. That solves most of my problems, come to think of it.

Chapter 10 - 7 turns (75)

Shin continues to be worse than Sue in almost every way! Sue hit C bows, which means Killer Bow fun next map. Same deal as usual, Marcus pushes and someone else passes him Roy. Marcus KEs the boss like usual. I wish Marcus would give Treck his speed.

Merlinus death count: 4

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	Lord	9.14	32	8	11	11	12	7	3	Sword - C
Marcus	Pally	9.59	38	12	16	15	11	10	8	Sword - C, Lance - S, Axe - C
Bors	Knight	10.19	28	10	5	6	9	14	1	Lance - B
Chad	Thief	11.30	25	9	6	19	12	2	2	Sword - D
Clarine	Troub	3.81	16	3	6	9	8	2	5	Staff - D
Dorothy	Archer	6.66	21	6	9	7	5	6	2	Bow - D
Sue	Nomad	8.17	24	8	10	15	8	7	3	Bow - C
Track	Cav	12.58	33	14	6	10	7	13	0	Sword - E, Lance - C
Shin	Nomad	7.07	25	8	10	11	7	7	0	Bow - D

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Chapter 5 3/26

Marcus and Alan rescue drop Roy near the gate, Roy and Marcus support, Alan charges with Roy while Marcus fights the boss with a Armorslayer and avoids being crit and Dieck handles 1 or 2 guys. Ellen distracted an enemy. Roy Seizes GG

Ch 6 4/30

Marcus with Roy in tow, Alan and Dieck charge upwards with Ellen and Merlinus as distractions, Alan fights off the 2 armors allowing Marcus to break through [plus he can double solders with an Iron Axe so thats bro] Marcus drops Roy in support range and fights Wagner with the Silver Lance while Roy dodges Magic. Ellen healed Merlinus when needed and dodged a javelin.

Ch 7 6/36

This was painful to pull off correctly lemme tell you.

Roy waits outside the arena for Noah to show up, Marcus, Alan and Dieck fight off guys while Merlinus goes for the Killing Edge, Ellen with her 9 speed in a forest plays distract and heal duty.

Noah arrives, Roy talks to him and Marcus is right in range to grab him from where I talked to Noah at so they head upward with the door key I got in Chapter 4, Noah runs for the hero crest and grabs a javelin from Merlinus, Alan and Dieck fight as hard as they can against the knights and wyvern. The Wyvern goes for Ellen but she dodges and Dieck crits him, Marcus opens the door and charges, he gets to the boss before the reinforcements arrive BUT I had to survive a turn with them attacking Roy and amazingly he dodges a Wyvern and Thunder [Elfire hit him though] but Marcus finishes the boss and Roy seizes After Noah got the Hero Crest and Physic

Also I bought Chest Keys and Door Keys

Ch 8 15/51

Omg, I redid this chapter so many damn times, Marcus rushed and used the last of his silver Lance, Alan, Noah and Dieck cleaned up the masses of enemies, Barth arrives and helps out against Archers and soldiers, I use my chest keys I bought in Ch 7 to get the Lightbrand and Knights Crest

Marcus runs around nearly dying from arrows and lances but not Magic due to his MASSIVE Res, Alan and Barth throw javelins at the mages guarding the throne and Marcus takes the guy out with the Armorslayer which breaks [Oujay has my new one though :P]

Edited by Spirit Detective Jedi
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