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Disney buys Star Wars

Guy Starwind

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Basically, the only reason George Lucas gave his company to Disney is because he's getting old. That's all it is.

Eh, I'm not too shocked by Disney buying Lucasfilm - there's a Star Wars ride at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It had to happen eventually. But the announcement of Episode VII? Probably not a smart move. The main antagonist of the entire series is dead, so unless they somehow deus ex machina Palpatine back to life, where does the series go from there?

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Basically, the only reason George Lucas gave his company to Disney is because he's getting old. That's all it is.

Eh, I'm not too shocked by Disney buying Lucasfilm - there's a Star Wars ride at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It had to happen eventually. But the announcement of Episode VII? Probably not a smart move. The main antagonist of the entire series is dead, so unless they somehow deus ex machina Palpatine back to life, where does the series go from there?

The Expanded Universe Novels perhaps

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The main antagonist of the entire series is dead, so unless they somehow deus ex machina Palpatine back to life, where does the series go from there?


Palpatine's death didn't stop hack writers from bringing him back in the Star Wars expanded universe. I don't see why it would stop anyone else.

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Argh firefox killed a post I was makin stop the presses

I might be a big enough Star Wars fan to be given pause by this? I think? Except for I know less than I should about what happens to people Disney buys, and therefore don't know what Disney's game with a new film series is. Cash freakin money aside of course

The Expanded Universe (that is, EVERYTHING not in the movies) is big enough I assume you can't swing a [reference] without hitting ground somebody already covered in it, but I guess I don't actually know that much about stuff that happened in the vicinity of the films so Iunreallykno

Being it's SO_HUGE, I wouldn't really know whether to be happy or worried if they left it at "yeah it's EU stuff." Unless of course they said they were making KotOR, in which case I would outwardly wring my hands at the coming unpleasantry but secretly be all eeeeeee

Revan was a woman, a consular and a droid genius YOLT

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I think when you invest 4 billion you're expecting to at least return the investment. And what do Disney expect from that franchise anyway? It was already dead when episodeIII was released.

This is either one of the dumbest investments ever made, or Disney has some sort of hideous plan.

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KH3 Star wars world ftw

All Kingdom hearts jokes aside, I'm not really sure where they will go with this. For 4 Billion, it just seems a bit unrealistic to me. Next thing you know it's gonna be LOtR or something.

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Basically, the only reason George Lucas gave his company to Disney is because he's getting old. That's all it is.

Eh, I'm not too shocked by Disney buying Lucasfilm - there's a Star Wars ride at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It had to happen eventually. But the announcement of Episode VII? Probably not a smart move. The main antagonist of the entire series is dead, so unless they somehow deus ex machina Palpatine back to life, where does the series go from there?

The Old Republic? (I seriously hope Drew Karpyshyn doesn't agree to move to Disney. Unless he can preserve the quality of TOR. Otherwise Darth Revan and Bane will have singing careers on the side.)

The New Jedi Order?

Remake the original trilogy?

A movie adaptation of The Force Unleashed series?

Edited by Mr. House
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If they do movie adaptations of the Expanded Universe, my first bet would be the Thrawn Trilogy. Still... I don't care that much by this point. All I really want is another game like the X-Wing series to come out. If Disney thinks they can make money off of this, they're welcome to try. As for Lucas...he probably wants to just sit back and relax...none of his movies now are doing well (for obvious reason, but eh). He's probably giving up on the movie-making business, he probably feels too hurt by people to continue. Even if the reason he feels hurt is his staff is made up of "yes-men", he can't see it.

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I could see a remake of 1-3 because people hate them(I personally enjoy them but that's just me). I wouldn't want that but I can see it happening. However, if the originals are redone people will shit twinkies. I mean you better get ready for the second coming.

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Because there was a Star Wars ride in Disney for 22 years.....you didn't see it coming?

I know right? Not to mention some distribution rights....

Seeing how Marvel's quality has been boosted since Disney bought them, im not too worried.

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