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Shattered Honour Chapter Four


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Balls to this, thought Felix, I'm not much of an infiltrator. But then there's the money, and I do like money...

With that thought, Felix approached Jack. "Aye, I'm in. Just point me in the right direction and tell me what you need to know." He paused. "Also, er, sir, there's a fellow archer who wants in on our next expedition. Ought I send him to talk to you or shoo him off or something?"

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Jack stares at the man and then hesitantly responds, "Ah, there is not intended to be killing on this mission. It would be us against the entire army which would distinctly be in their favor. It's about gaining information."

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Jack stared blankly at Jacqui for a few seconds trying to form words. "I..." Thankfully, Felix interrupted his thoughts. "Oh, ah yes! He's welcome if he's willing and knows what we're going to be dealing with."

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"Well, that's not quite what I was expecting to hear... still, I'm with you. Just wouldn't feel right to leave things like this, right?" Leonhard replied, making his way over to Jack and giving the man a firm, but friendly whack on the back.

"Barkeep, give me one of 'em too. What he's having."

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Chrysanthum sniffs and wipes a single tear from his left eye (yes, you must know which eye it was).

"I'm out. I simply cannot stand subtlety. I'll be around here, so whenever you have missions that involve killing, you know where to find me."

With that, he takes a seat at a table, puts his feet up and nods off into a beautiful world of death, doom and destruction.

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Ratter loses his jolly manners suddenly, and drops the business praise.

Ratter looks at Jack, says "Wait, boy. No fighting? Ya mean I can't even use my fuck'n ax? I'm no good for prancing around on my toes and keeping quiet." Ratter also tears up a little. Probably from the merry old ale-go-round.

Ah-h-h, fuck it. I like not being dead more than I'm noisy. I can shut the fuck up for a while.

"Well, s'long there's money. I don't even know your name or what yer doin', here. Sir, who do I have the pleasure of speakin' to. I'm under the sir's command now." Ratter wonders if he's said that already. Is the man even listening here. "D'you hear me?"

Bilbo decides right there he'd rather never see any of their faces again, save... maybe a few. So he just stays quiet.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Oh yeah Izdihar goes and sits vaguely near Chrysanthemum in case she feels like having misadventures with the other murderous fellow when Furetchen writes up the things to do in Cyra while everyone else is shitting themselves for fifteen days or whatever it is they're doing.

Edited by Hikarasuman
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Jack hands out the money to each of the members of the party who had fought against Chisford (resulting in them each having 40 crowns except Jacob who doesn't want his, so he's still at 10 crowns) and then walks over to Jacqui. "You're not coming?" he asks quietly. "I suppose I understand. I'll miss having you with us though."

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Jacqui sighs. "Look, kid, it was fun while it lasted. But... I just can't take any more killing for the time being, and I don't do infiltration. Marlowe's death left me more shaken than it should've done... I've lost my edge. I need to break from it."

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Infiltration, not my strongest point. Matthias thought to himself. But I should be better at it than some of these people, at least I have a Dracian face. And that coin purse looks nice.

Matthias walked over to Jack, who seemed to be in charge here. "I'm Matthias, the mercenary archer Felix mentioned. If you want me, I'm in."

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Ibn grins and pats Jack on the back.

"I'm afraid I won't be there to help you, though I can't help but think I'd not be bad at it," says Ibn gleefully, "But, alas, my sister would never be able to bear it. That's the important thing after all, you know, everybody's got to have someone."

As Ibn walks away he is grinning so hard you can't believe his mouth doesn't tear apart at the seams.

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Jordan pushed past a grinning Ibn and ignored Ratter to talk to Jack, wanting to ask him about his pay. "Jack, I'm sure you'd like to get out of here for a bit, and I'd like to talk to you about getting some armor. I'm sure you'd like to get some as well, so maybe the folks here should relax for a while. How's that sound?"

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Jack turns to Jacob. "We'll be leaving tomorrow. You have today to do any shopping you might need to do." He then grins at Jordan. "Sounds good to me. I've been thinking about getting some new armour too, so lets head over to the armorer that the Captain told us about."

Irene remains in the inn, watching the rest of the group do their thing.

Edited by scorri
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Susan and Airik listened to Jack from their spot at the table. So their next job was some kind of infiltration mission? It didn’t sound dangerous, except when one considered the consequences of being found out. Airik looked at his sister. She seemed a bit less sure about things than before. “Do you still want to do this?” he asked.

“Well, we wouldn’t be fighting, right? It wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary for two apothecaries to offer treating their troops. I think we should ask how much the pay is,” she replied.

Airik nodded, stood up, and walked over to Jack while Susan followed. “Hey, do you mind if we tag along a moment? Jordan here offered us a job with your group and we had some questions.”

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It was a difficult decision, but there was money... something he desperately needed.

"I'm in, but I need the money sent back home to my family."

It was a dangerous mission, but the pay was good. If he could earn a little more, then he could quit. The blight would probably end at some point, farming could very well be viable again.

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