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Shattered Honour Chapter Four


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Jack was stunned at the news. "That far... I knew they were attacking but that far this quickly? I... yes sir. Though, I'm afraid we are perhaps not the best suited for sneaking about. Most of us are more straightforward fights type of folk. Any help you might be able to offer would be appreciated though it is understandable if you cannot offer any."

Irene watched the conversation from the shadows. Hmm. He seems... competent. Sort of. Asking for help means he's not rash or overconfident. But he could do with being able to hide his emotions a little more...

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"There's two people who will aid you on the journey. In Carona is a man, Colt, who I have sent to kill Strachan. Do everything you can to aid him in this task. Locklan claims he's the best assassin we have. Granted, most of our best assassins were killed by Othidia's best assassins, so that's not really saying all that much... and there's this one."

Randel jerked his head behind him. "Irene. Show yourself."

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Irene stepped out of the shadows calmly flipping her cloak to the green side. Stretching out her hand to Jack, she grinned at him. "My name is Irene and I'm one of the best spies they've got. In case you didn't guess, I'm also Dracian, so I should have little trouble blending in. Try not to slow me down too much. You're going to need to learn to hide your emotions, that much I can already tell." She dropped his hand and turned to Randel. "I'll see you in Cyra in about 15 days. Can't make any promises for the rest of them. I'll do my best to keep them along, but I'll cut any dead weight if I have to."

Jack shook the spy's hand, a little shocked at seeing her appear like that. At her comment about emotions, he did his best to return to a neutral face. After her comments to Randel though, he felt obliged to speak up. "I assure you, we will keep up. This is important to us too." Turning to Lord Randel, he asked, "Is that all sir or is there more? If that is it, I would beg your leave to return to the rest of my group and let them decide if they wish to continue along this path or not."

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Randel sighs, and puts his head in his hands. “Dismissed,” he sighs, wordlessly handing Jack a piece of parchment that can only be a pardon. It's accompanied by a substantial coinpurse.

As you make your way down the stairwell, you're met by a tall, athletic blonde of nineteen or twenty years. Her hair's shoulder-length and wavy, and her eyes are mismatched: one green, one brown. She wears a chainmail shirt over leather pants and riding boots that seem recently travelworn. "Ah, you're my father's man, I assume?" She pulls off her right glove and stretches out a hand in greeting. "Ser Merry Randel. ... Miriam, I should say, but they all call me Merry. I was fifteen the last time I saw him, and still a squire. 'Him' being my father, I mean. Brendan Randel? I hope he's not gone to the drink like mother." She laughs, nervously.

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Jack takes the pardon and the purse and leaves with a bow followed by Irene. Meeting the girl on the steps, Jack hesitantly takes her hand. "Ah, yes. I'm Jack of Boeshane. He ah... well it's not my place to discuss the possibility of him going to drink. He is my commanding officer after all. But it is nice to meet you. Were you on your way to talk to him?"

Irene sighs quietly and leans against the wall, waiting for them to continue onwards.

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The eager knight bobs her head. "Yes, of course! I just rode here from our mansion at Magant, but he hasn't been back there in years. I think he's trying to avoid my mother. She can be a bit of a witch at times." Her eyes widen and she puts a hand over her mouth. "ohgodsdidireallysaythat"

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Jack does his best to politely cover a grin. "I heard nothing ser. I am glad that you are visiting him though. I feel like he could use good company right now."

Irene keeps a straight face and starts to take stock of the knight. She looks the girl over assessing possible threat as well as doing her best to discern any lies that she might tell.

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Merry looks exactly like she claims to be: a novice knight who is not really in the mindset to kill anyone soon. You can also see the likeness of her in her father. The hair colour may not match, but the shape does, as does her facial structure in general. Weapons: A sword at her belt, seemingly of good make.

Merry bobs her head again. "Yes, the war in the north would probably do that to him. He was never a man to take things calmly. I wonder if he's been faithful to mo- HAHAHAHA YES ANYWAY I'D BEST BE OFF"

She offers a quick, feverish salute, and starts heading upstairs.

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Jack returns the salute and then sets off to the tavern with Irene and Jacqui. When he arrives, he calls to the members of the group, "Everyone, come sit with me. I have some things we should discuss."

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Jacob moves to where Jack sits and gives him his full attention, slightly disappointed in the fact he isn't drunk at all, and wondering if maybe it would be easier to accept whatever comes next if he were.

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Having finished his drink Jordan had begun to sit there quietly, fiddling with, you've guessed it, his lovely crossbow. As Jack walked in, he did his best to give attention to the man, knowing that there had to be something important going on.

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"C'mon, Matthias." Felix mutters. "Just stick behind me and we'll figure about getting you in on whatever this is after it happens." He picks up his drink and wanders over towards Jack.

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After sitting alone for a good spell of time, Tordel heard Jack come in. There was probably another task at hand, this wouldn't end well. He made his way over, expecting the worst.

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"Ah, so you've returned, Jack." Leonhard noted as the man reappeared, and it seems was calling a meeting.

"Something to do with your talk with Randel, right? What sort of news did he have this time?" Leonhard asked, not bothering to pull a chair over and merely leaning against the wall.

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Ratter stumbles over towards whoever it is all the kids are going to, now in a fairly more jolly state of piss-drunk.

"Hullo, good man! No question you're the boy's leader! BOY!" He calls over to Jordan. "Name's Ratter, as the boy well knows. Pleased to f-- pleasure to make your company; under your command now. All I ask is food, shelter and a whore every once in a while. And I do my part with this ax o' mine. D'you care?"

that was f-- that was close

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Jack sighed and then started to explain things in a low voice. "There's some stuff I haven't told you. All it would have done would have been to distract you from our mission and, as shown, we all needed to be as focused as possible. But now it directly affects each of us so here it goes. Dracia has entered the war. They've already destroyed two Lords and their armies. One rider escaped. That's it. So here's the deal. We've been asked to infiltrate Strachan's army. We will stay there for fifteen days learning all we can and then report to Cyra assuming it still stands. We will have an assassin join us as well as Irene here who claims to be the best spy our side has. However, I am not going to force any of you to join in on this." He drops both the sack of money and the pardon on the table. "So, each of you who helped fight Chisford has earned this pardon. If that's all you want, you're free to go with the money in your pocket and your share of the reward here.. However, if you decide to join with me in this mission, you will also earn a fair share of whatever we acquire along the way. So, I'm going to order a drink. I'll let you talk about this among yourselves but when you decide, come let me know. I'll be at the bar." With that, he picked up the sack of money and the pardon and wandered over to the bar where he ordered a pint of ale.

Irene watched Jack explain things, giving a slight nod when he introduced her. When he left, she continued to lean against the wall and observe the discussion that followed.

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Jack pauses, and walks back to the table. "I should clarify. This isn't a fighting mission. This is strictly infiltration. While there will be one target for the assassin, most of this is not about fighting. Any other questions?"

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Jacob walks over to Jack.

"I'm with you. And you can keep my share of the money. I'd rather we have enough for our apothecaries to treat us and for the others to cover my back than be holding a fancy sword in battle."

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Jacqui spits out a cigarette. "Well, for one, I'm done. I've... other things to do. Some leave to catch up on." I need to drink myself into a fucking stupor.

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