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Shattered Honour Chapter Four


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After waiting for the armorer to do his stuff, Jack tries on his brand new armour. "Ah, this fits perfectly. Thank you so much sir. You have done a wonderful job and I will be sure to recommend you to the rest of my group." Turning to Jordan, he asks, "And how does yours fit?"

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"It fits wonderfully. I already feel like I'll be dying less!" He lets out a small, awkward laugh, and clears his throat. "But yes, we should all probably get some sleep, if there aren't any more questions from you to," he motioned at Susan and Airik as he spoke.

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While Jack and Jordan had been dealing with armor, Susan thought and Airik mulled over the possible risk. As they were about to head out again, Susan spoke up. “I don’t have any more questions at the moment, but I have an idea. My brother and I could pose as apothecaries looking for work, and offer to treat their wounded. I guess I’d have to talk it over with this Irene, or the assassin though,” she said.

“So I guess that means you still want to do it, eh?” Airik asked his sister. Then he turned to Jack and Jordan, “I believe we’re staying at the same inn. We can find you to talk about the details in the morning, but I think we’ll be joining. Probably,” he said, shrugging.

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As the night wears on and leads into day, you're met with an agonisingly bright and sunny morning.

"This is my kind of morning!" says Daniel, laughing. "Everyone's hangovers are usually bad enough they're desperate to buy another few rounds first thing!" Well, at least he's honest about wanting a profit.

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Jack walks downstairs and sits at a table in the main room and waits for everyone on the mission to join him.

Irene wanders down fully equipped with the green side of her cloak exposed and leans against the wall near the table where Jack is sitting.

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Those of you who intend to leave, leave. You march out of the city unopposed, and have a six-day march to Carona.

And are there confronted by the sorriest sight you've seen in your life. Dracian soldiers and mercenaries patrol the streets, attempting to curtail the violent mercenaries who defile the city and dishonour the villagers.

This was once the Rose of the Northeast. Presumably the Dracians intend to restore it to some semblance of its former glory, but... right now, that looks a distant dream.

Those on the infiltration mission, continue to Chapter 4B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The door suddenly bursts open with all the force of a sidequest!

Walking confidently into the room is a large man with a two-handed club and an eyepatch. He grins in a way you're not altogether comfortable with. There are a few heavies behind him, as well, armed with swords and dirks.

"Evenin', gents," says the leader. "I heard you might be able to assist me in a little... inquiry."

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"I will fucking belt you one if you don't-"

"Leave it out," says a companion. He has a different look about him to the rest; sharper, for one. He also has a floppy hat, with a pigeon feather in it. "Besides, they don't even know who you mean. It's a whore, name of Diana. Her brother ain't paid his debts, so we figured we'd start ripping off her limbs and putting them on his doorstep until he felt cooperative."

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Kerrard puts out his cigarette on the bar table. "Ain't seen her in a while," he said noncommittally.


"Listen here, you ugly fuck. I don't care for your kind. I don't care for your attitude. I don't care for your ugly fucking face. I last saw Diana when I was climbing off your mother last night, and if you want more you'll have to try and beat it out of us. We're better fighters, we're better armed, and we're better than YOU. So if you really want to go ahead, then try me."

The ruffians hesitate, noticing exactly how many axes and swords there are in the hands of people nearby.

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"NOBODY is going ANYWHERE," bellows their lead man. "Now if you ain't gonna tell us where-"

This is the part where Angeline smashes him in the face with her shield, knocking him back. The other men draw their blades.


OOC: ... that I can't be bothered to set up this time of night. If you aren't fighting, say so; you'll also get a chance to pull out in your first turn of 'combat'.

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