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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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I don't think I need to explain why lynching SK is better than lynching part of a faction. While we obviously don't know what mafia role is attached, I doubt it carries with itself another kill all by itself.

Although, given the wording on Prims's Hitman, I guess that's a possibility. It didn't say anything about that hitman kill being a substitute/replacement for the faction kill.

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I talked to Levity regarding my role. She said that in the case that I impersonate Manix, I will not be able to send a message until Night 3. Likewise, I wouldn't be able to do any night action until the next night, regardless of what role I get. Which...really sucks. I'm going to see what I can do to help confirm myself ASAP. I don't want to wait until Day 4 to get me confirmed, because that's useless.

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I talked to Levity regarding my role. She said that in the case that I impersonate Manix, I will not be able to send a message until Night 3. Likewise, I wouldn't be able to do any night action until the next night, regardless of what role I get. Which...really sucks. I'm going to see what I can do to help confirm myself ASAP. I don't want to wait until Day 4 to get me confirmed, because that's useless.


IF we were gonna have you confirm your role you would have to take mayor. Which i don't think worked in mylo/lylo anyway.

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2 hours and 10 minutes guise


BBM (1): Helios, Excellen, eclipse

Kay (1): Psych, eclipse

Bitto (3): BBM, eclipse, Helios, Shinori, eclipse, Helios, Psych

eclipse (0): Shinori

Paperblade (0): eclipse

Elieson (0): Psych (?????????)

Excellen (5): Paperblade, Psych, Balcerzak, Bitto, Helios, Psych

Shinori (0): Bitto

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Okay, let me humor you for a moment, Excellen.

In order for you to be legit:

1) Paperblade is lying scum. A No Result on a follower check means the person you chose idled. Paper claimed otherwise.

2) This means Shinori is lying scum. Shinori corroborates Paperblade's testimony. They would have to be a team of scum.

3) BBM is lying scum, according to your own arguments about Prims and Paper sticking up for him and keeping him out of the noose.

4) All of those scum are on the same team, leaving the SK still out there somewhere. I guess you'd argue that to be... Bitto? or who? I won't by SK 8-bit for a minute.

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Furthermore, look at where your vote is sitting. On BBM, and not Paper, the person who is directly opposed to you.

This is like a pair of cop counterclaims, with the one cop not even voting on the other cop, and not even for reasons of his own guilty scan. He's just voting on some random schmoe who looks scummy.

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I... see. Our paradigms really are quite different, as you noted earlier, then.

I will in mostly likelihood not be around for deadline. A friend will be picking me up to go carpool to see the latest Bond film shortly.

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Excellen (6): Paperblade, Psych, Balcerzak, Bitto, Helios, Psych, BBM

Bitto (2): BBM, eclipse, Helios, Shinori, eclipse, Helios, Psych

BBM (1): Helios, Excellen, eclipse

Kay (0): Psych, eclipse

eclipse (0): Shinori

Paperblade (0): eclipse

Shinori (0): Bitto

Elieson (0): Psych (?????????)

Guillermo was crying in a corner and Levity was watching with fascination and telling people she loves them when the dongs started singing their terrible inappopriate song. The musicians gathered up and started shouting.

"Kill 'em!"

"Skin 'em!"

"Stick 'em in a stew!"

"I'm a big fan of your work and what you did!"

Then a few of them made a bad triplet of noose knots, awkwardly tied them to the warped ceiling, and politely asked Los Tres to kindly get their necks in a comfortable position to die in. They hanged squirming for a good three minutes before they finally died.

Dear Excellen,

You are Los Tres.




You are the Mafia Bulletproof Godfather Rolecop. Your abilities are as follows:

Godfather: You appear innocent to cop reports UNTIL you are sent for a kill, in which afterwards you appear guilty.

Bulletproof: You have the ability to survive one attempt on your life. This does not apply to lynches.

Rolecop: During the night, you may respond to your role PM OR in the Quicktopic with ”Night X: Researching <USER>’s musical elements.” You will receive their musician name and role.


You are allied with the Mafia and win when you eliminate all threats and achieve parity with the Town.

Night 2 has started. This will end in 48 hours or until all actions are sent.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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