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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Well, alright.

I'm still an Imitator. I was the Independent Imitator. I could basically choose to be Town or Mafia, just as long as they are dead. On Day 2, I was still Independent. HOWEVER, I was planning to be Town, anyways, so there wasn't really a big deal. I'm not sure why you got "Unknown"...probably because of how my role can really go either way. Weird, because last night, I imitated Mancer's role. I felt like this was the quickest way to confirm myself as being able to copy dead roles. All I had to hope for is that today isn't LYLO and with Excellen being scum, I figured there was a really good chance that today would be not MYLO or LYLO. So there you go, I can doublevote now. Hooray.

In any case, I'm officially Town now. Oh, and for the record, an Independent Imitator who can constantly switch sides would be far too imbalanced. Yeah, I lied about being Independent. But I knew I was under pretty heavy suspicion and I nearly got lynched even when I claimed Town-affiliated.

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##Vote BBM

I think Bitto's legit now. I wanted to see if he'd slip up and accidentally say a different role or something, but the way we hit MYLO so fast I believe that the wild card could swerve to town's side for attempted balance. I really don't believe in a town!silencer though

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I'm going to wait a bit. If I vote on BBM, then if he is mayor, he could quickhammer BBM.

Actually, clarification:

15. On D2 and onward, there must be a majority for a lynch. ‘No lynch’ is still a viable option. If there is no majority, a random non-voter will be lynched. If everyone is voting, a random player out of all living players will be lynched.

Does this by definition exclude the possibility of quickhammer, as in there needs to be a full majority at the end of the day phase, or...?

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