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Luckiest thing that has ever happened to you


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I always thought of starting a topic like this...

Edward dodged an 87 that would have killed him. I hit with a 1 critical and killed and enemy when I needed it

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I always thought of starting a topic like this...

Edward dodged an 87 that would have killed him. I hit with a 1 critical and killed and enemy when I needed it

Okay so there wasn't a topic like this. Good

Back on topic, Erk was about to eat a spear sandwich but dodged the killing strike

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Roy happened to pull off a critical with his 0% critical hit chance. Killed the bitch attacking him too. =D

Don't ask how it happened, I dunno. O_O

EDIT: Typoooo. ;-;

Edited by Zanryu
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in one of the trial maps for PoR (the boat one, to be exact), my Marcia was suddenly surrounded by thousands of Wyvern Lords with about 10 hp. She was constantly attacked by every single one, and wasn't hit once.

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In PoR, my unpromoted Ike was surrounded by a whole bunch of knights, archers, and mages.

Right when one more blow would have killed him, he dodged every attack and critcaled every knight.

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I don't remember exact details, but Lowen was on the arena square of New Resolve with minimal health. He was attacked by about 5 enemies, all with 50+ chance to hit, any one could have killed, and dodged all of them.

And recently on FE4, Midir hit Phillip with a 52 (around there), dodged his 95, and hit again.

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FE8, Ephraim's route, chapter 14. Cormag gets berzerked within striking range of Vigarde. I can't cure him, so I just get everybody else out of Cormag's range and hope for the best. Cormag rushes Vigarde and lands a critical blow, defeating him.

I'm less of a novice now, and I leave less to fate, which is why I think I haven't had any other particularly lucky moments.

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Oh yeah, I gave Micaiah Resolve on the one with just her and the BK and when she got down to low health, she dodged like 4 attacks in a row without being hit. Some of them were pretty high, too

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In the final chapter of PoR, Boyd was assaulted by countless Paladins and Swordmasters (and probably other units too). One of the Swordmasters criticalled him, and all the other units hit him. He should've dodged them, because he dodged everything (for me).

So he's down to 1 HP. A Swordmaster approaches and attacks him. Not only does he dodge, but he also criticals the Swordmaster! Then some more Paladins came and attacked him. He dodged and killed them all!

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Actually, I have many but here is my fav.

I was going to attack a dragon with Sanaki . If she failed she would have been killed but my Sanaki made Flare and I killed that freaking dragon. I was so happy.

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(I'm suprised I didn't post this here...)

One time, on the chapter where you have to save Tauroneo, Jill, and Zihark, A swordmaster came and attacked my level 3 laura.

The guy had a 98% hit rate, and coud attack twice for 18 damage each blow. She only had like 17 health. She dodged both attacks. It was epic.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Roy happened to pull off a critical with his 0% critical hit chance. Killed the bitch attacking him too. =D

Don't ask how it happened, I dunno. O_O

EDIT: Typoooo. ;-;

You sure he wasn't equipped with a weapon that did bonus damage to the unit that attacked you? Like a rapier or something.


On Radiant Dawn, I was using Meg on the map she joins in, on Hard Mode. I wasn't paying attention to biorythyms but it was something I should have been doing because hers was lowest and the tiger that went after her was highest, meaning he double attacked when he should have just done one attack. He hits me, I hit him back, then he attacks again. I was like "OH GOD NO!" but she managed to dodge him despite his 80+ % chance to hit me. I was pretty happy because that's the try I beat the map.

edit: I should also mention that the next round, I healed her and had her attack the tiger to finish him off. She did, gained a level, and gained EVERY STAT POSSIBLE. Even magic.

Edited by sandmanccl
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(I'm suprised I didn't post this here...)

One time, on the chapter where you have to save Tauroneo, Jill, and Zihark, A swordmaster came and attacked my level 3 laura.

The guy had a 98% hit rate, and coud attack twice for 18 damage each blow. She only had like 17 health. She dodged both attacks. It was epic.

Actually, I had something almost exactly like that happen to my Laura.

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You sure he wasn't equipped with a weapon that did bonus damage to the unit that attacked you? Like a rapier or something.

Positive. He didn't have effective damage goin' on, he pulled off a critical with 0%. He was fighting a Mercenary while using a... Steel Sword, I think it was. Dodged and pulled a critical out of his ass with 0% crit chance.

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Ike miraculously defeated the Black Knight when I first played Path of Radiance. Without being healed, no less. I don't remember the details exactly, but it involved Ike dodging two high accuracy hits and Aether activating twice in a row.

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Sothe activated Bane against a general on the first strike and then did just one damage to finish him off exactly

Plus, there's the random Mia activating Vantage, then Adapt, then criticals, then (if they survive) triggers Astra

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My fucking Ephraim was down to two and the fucking Demon King missed, and Ephraim hit him, almost killing him. The DK equiped that high accuracy thing, he had like 99 to hit, he missed, and Ephraim critted twice, with a 1 crit, and killed him.

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(I'm suprised I didn't post this here...)

One time, on the chapter where you have to save Tauroneo, Jill, and Zihark, A swordmaster came and attacked my level 3 laura.

The guy had a 98% hit rate, and coud attack twice for 18 damage each blow. She only had like 17 health. She dodged both attacks. It was epic.

Actually, I had something almost exactly like that happen to my Laura.

Wow. The exact same thing happened to me. Laura must be blessed in the game or something. No wonder the people who've used Laura thinks she's so awesome. XD

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