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Expanded custom animations checksum


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So basically I have added some animations over FEeditor's limit... which for FE8 was C9, so I made an animation at CA.

I saved everything in Nightmare and the animation works fine...

But when I try opening the class animation manager in FEeditor again, the program doesn't allows me to do so, and it says something like 'you hacked this game with a program different from FEeditor'.

I made some researches and I think I have to update the checksum to the new rom size or something like that. I don't understand honestly... even what the 'checksum' is exactly.. x_x

If someone could kindly explain me these things and tell me how to fix the problem, if possible, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks.

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This is one of those really easy things that no one ever explains properly. To fix the checksum you just open the ROM in FEdior, save it, then close it. Open it up again and the checksum should be fixed, and the other functions should work again.

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hacking is almost like math

the best hacker is a lazy time-deprived one, since that person will always find the simplest way to do anything


that is, always assume there is a simple solution before snooping around for a more difficult one

Edited by CT075
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