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Hi, SF! I normally don't make serious threads, but I'm in a very cheerful mood right now and there's little something that I wanted to chat about with all of you: Thanksgiving. Now, I'm not going to ask what you're going to eat during that day or whatever (I mean, who cares, right? :U), but I wanted to focus more on the word thanks. I think a lot of people (and I'm sure some of us, too.) often forget how good we have it. I know I do. I mean, I get to feast on that particular day, I get to eat with my family, I don't have to worry about very much, really. However... there are some people who are much less fortunate than I. There are those that DO have to worry every day due to certain circumstances, there are some who cannot eat with their families, some who don't even have families, even some who don't even have enough food to celebrate or a home to celebrate it in.

Those of us who DO get to celebrate Thanksgiving with such luxuries should take a moment to realize how blessed we really are. Don't just forget about everyone else, though! Do something kind for someone less fortunate than you, and express your thanks to those who make such luxuries happen. I implore you that you do not take what you have for granted, lest, when it goes away, you regret not enjoying it then.

Thanks for reading my 7th grade essay about Thanksgiving. (It's not.)

Happy thanksgiving, SF. I hope you all enjoy that turkey!

If you want, you can give a little shout-out to someone / something you're thankful for. :>

[spoiler=A poem that came to my mind while writing this] Sonnet CLXXI, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Read history: thus learn how small a space

You may inhabit, nor inhabit long

In crowding Cosmos--in that confined place

Work boldly; build your flimsy barriers strong;

Turn round and round and, make warm your nest; among

The other hunting beasts, keep heart and face,--

Not to betray the doomed and splendid race

You are so proud of, to which you belong.

For trouble comes to all of us: the rat

Has courage, in adversity, to fight;

But what a shining animal is man,

Who knows, when pain subsides, that is not that,

For worse than that must follow--yet can write

Music; can laugh; play tennis; even plan.

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Ah yeah I constantly remind myself that I'm very fortunate to have my family to celebrate with~

I'm especially fortunate because lots of people complain about having to spend time with their other family members and that they're too mean or too weird and embarrassing, meanwhile I look forward to meeting the rest of my family because they're super awesome and funny ^~^

I don't think I know anybody who's worse off though... besides the people that don't enjoy the company of their family members as much, at least

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i lav u esme <3

I only wish it'd come sooner, I can't wait to get away from all of this stress. I mean, I'm traveling to Spain for the next week so that's pretty fun :> I guess I'm also thankful for all of the hilarious as fuck friends that I have.

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I'm thankful that my parents, despite being divorced, get along well enough to coordinate things such as "Who gets eclipse for which major holidays?" That means stuff like two Thanksgiving feasts!

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Personally, I'm not 100% sure if I'll enjoy Thanksgiving this year. My dad said we'd be spending Thanksgiving over at one of his friend's house. The thing is, it's *his* friend, and not one of my own friends. I kinda want to spend Thanksgiving with my friend and his family, instead of with my dad's friend and his family. Me and my friend and our families used to spend most of the holidays together... I miss it.

Don't get me wrong, there are things are thankful for, but I think I'd- what's the word- express it better with my own friends. Not only that, but I won't be bored out of my mind over at my friend's house, but that's beside the point. So yeah.

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Something I am thankful for?

The way I am treated. I am probably not treated badly even as frequently as one hour a year.

As for the feast, the people we most often spend thanksgiving with had a fire at their house a while ago, and one of them is old and quite sick, so we won't be seeing them, and we're not going down to Texas. My parents are not trying to set anything up, so our Thanksgiving Dinner might just be the usual suspects, for the first time ever. It could actually be great.

I'm probably going to see a friend who's been out of the area, so I'm looking forward to that, and hopefully I can see a friend who I'd like to see more, but is on the perimeter.

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