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HxD Questions


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I here tales that the HxD hex editor is not the best program to use in these cases but as of this moment, it is the only one that I know of and will have to make due for now. In light of this, I'd like to request some assistance as to its proper usage. As it stands, whenever I decide to progress and open up the Rom within the editor, I have absolutely no idea what the heck I'm even looking at. I've scoured the ultimate tutorial as well as this topic here, as I was attempting to insert a map I created from Tiled, but I have never been more confused.

Basically, I'm requesting information as to not only how I know what I'm looking at, I also wish to know if there is a proper procedure to follow to better learn how to use it. My thanks for any assistance that can be offered in this endeavor.

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It is the only method that I know. Do you mean to imply that there are other methods available?

You can use MapWin to export the map into .MAR and then use MAR array inserter (download link here) to insert it. It is pretty simple to follow, just load the .MAR file, the ROM, the map dimensions, and the offset you want the map to use.


Ah, read the topic missy...

If you're inserting a Tiled map then I don't know if what I said works since I don't use Tiled. But didn't MarkyJoe make a Tiled tutorial? Here it is:


Edited by eCut
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I here tales that the HxD hex editor is not the best program to use in these cases but as of this moment, it is the only one that I know of and will have to make due for now.

You can't use hex editor to insert maps made in Tiled or Mappy (technically you can, but it's muuuuch easier not to use hex editor). You should learn to use the proper tools for the job instead of trying to see nails everywhere because you happen to know/like hammers. The other methods for Tiled are in the tutorials already linked in this topic, I suggest you learn them.

Edited by Nintenlord
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@eCut: Thank you for your assistance. I'll be sure to look those over in due time and hopefully discover the error behind my ways. It is always refreshing to have someone cordially and respectfully respond to questions us newer users might have. Unfortunately, I don't take to these things as swiftly as others and often find myself puzzling over thigns for weeks if I don't stop by one of these forums to request aid. Once again, you have my thanks.

@Nintenlord: That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Learn the proper tools, hence my requesting of the proper procedure to use in the very first post. I had reached an impasse in trying to learn it on my own and had thought to come here and see if I couldn't learn more efficiently from the community rather than on my own. Jeez, I feel like every time I ask a question in one of these forums, I'm always greeted with hostility and snarky comments. Perhaps, I'm reading your comment wrong but that is how it comes across for one in my position.

@Ct: No, it isn't. But it does say to use a hex editor and as it turns out, HxD is the only hex editor that I currently know of and possess, hence my usage of it. I am well aware of the fact that I may be misreading something or perhaps going about it entirely wrong, which is why I am requesting aid here in the first place. I was hoping that those more accomplished in this field might be able to shed some light in some key areas that still elude my understanding.

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read again

nowhere does it state that a hex editor is necessary


here's a hint: most hackers are lazy

if there's a way to not have to do something manually (ie if it can be automated) it will be

hex editing is considered "doing things manually"

so what would be easier

doing it in a hex editor

or using a pre-made tool that requires no hex editor whatsover?

Edited by CT075
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@Nintenlord: That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Learn the proper tools, hence my requesting of the proper procedure to use in the very first post. I had reached an impasse in trying to learn it on my own and had thought to come here and see if I couldn't learn more efficiently from the community rather than on my own. Jeez, I feel like every time I ask a question in one of these forums, I'm always greeted with hostility and snarky comments. Perhaps, I'm reading your comment wrong but that is how it comes across for one in my position.

You are reading my post wrong. I am trying to help you.

@Ct: No, it isn't. But it does say to use a hex editor and as it turns out, HxD is the only hex editor that I currently know of and possess, hence my usage of it. I am well aware of the fact that I may be misreading something or perhaps going about it entirely wrong, which is why I am requesting aid here in the first place. I was hoping that those more accomplished in this field might be able to shed some light in some key areas that still elude my understanding.

We are trying to say that you don't use any hex editors when inserting maps. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't. You don't.

Read the tutorials linked in this topic carefully, if you follow them and do exactly as they tell you to do, you will insert the map and learn the process of doing so. There is no part in any of the tutorials linked that require the use of hex editor.

I'll make this absolutely clear, the problem you have "how do I insert a map", it's not "how do I insert a map with hex editor". You don't get to choose your tools unless you are very good.

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