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Weird Feditor Problem


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everytime I try to open my rom in feditor all the options except open and close are grayed out. Its not feditor because other roms work fine. What can I do to get my rom to work in feditor?

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I'm not sure what kind of details would be important. I inserted a lot of animations (up to about FB) assembled events for 2 and burned like 4 songs from FE8 and 6. Does the file size affect anything because its about 24MB right now. And I was using a Japanese version so could get the blood type option for the tactician

Edited by Brendor the Brave
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rom sort of starts acting funny when it hits roughly 28 MBs and really starts acting up at 32 MB, but the checksum sounds like it's your problem. so edit that and see if anything help

how the fuck are you at 24 MBs with 2 chapters :E



feditor is not for the japanese version lol

Edited by Kitty of Time
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people make hacks of the japanese game by using a japanese tool

i have no idea what it's called

just for future reference basically no tool that isn't designed for general romhacking (the only ones i can think off off the top of my head are my assembly hacker and zahlman's song editor) will work on a japanese rom since the offsets and shit are different

i mean a case could be made for the MAR array inserter and/or ea working but that's really a side note

Edited by CT075
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Even with the Japanese FEditor you won't be able to have as much hacking support as you would if you we're hacking an English rom because you are in the english speaking fire emblem hacking community. I would just recommend hacking the US one

If there really is no changing your mind then just PM me.

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I'm guessing theres no known resource for these tools

i suppose you can search around to find them in japanese land?

alternately you could man up, figure out all the information and make them yourself

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Well Trent I wasn't planning on translating just putting in my own text.

Make the tools myself? How would I do that?

well fuck me I was about to pm you..

Edited by Brendor the Brave
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Well Trent I wasn't planning on translating just putting in my own text.

how can you put your own text into a game that has no english letters in it

the english alphabet isn't in the japanese rom

there is literally no way to put your own text in.

don't get smart with me pal i know how this hacking thing works.

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don't get smart with me pal i know how this hacking thing works.

you actually don't since you could insert the graphics yourself and muck with the text displaying/compression routines and that's a way

Make the tools myself? How would I do that?

you make your own tool by knowing what you're doing which you clearly don't

you use your knowledge of programming and the way data is set up in the ROM to essentially automate a process you know how to do by hand

for example:

from text import _wrapLine, wrap
from util import convertFile
from err import NFE, Finished

def display(text, suffix = '\n'):
# import static System.out;
from sys import stdout as out
out.write((wrap(text) + suffix).encode(out.encoding, 'replace'))

def run_prg(prgName):
# fileName = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
while True:
	fileName = raw_input('Enter name of dumped file (exclude extension): ')
		data = readFile(fileName,'dmp','bin')
	except NFE as e:
		display('Error: %s\n' % str(e))
	except Finished:
		display('Finished converting file.\n')
	convertNew = raw_input('Parse another file? y/n ')
	if convertNew.lower() == 'no': break
	if convertNew.lower() == 'n' : break

def readFile(name, *extensions):
Loads the file as according to the extensions given.

for(ext : extensions)
	try { return new File(name.concat(ext)); }
	catch(IOException e) { continue; }
for ext in extensions:
		#path = '%s.%s' % (name,ext)
		path = ('%s.%s' if ext.find('.') != 0 else '%s%s') % (name, ext)
		with file(path, 'rb') as f: return f.read()

raise NFE("File not found.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
run_prg('Script Converter\n\n')

# import static err.Finished;
from array import array
from err import Finished, NFE

def convertFile(data, path):
# ...wish I could declare static variables like in java...
FRAME_CMD = 0x86
CALL_CMD = 0x85
# Ugly formatting but I don't know if I can put it on the next line safely.
modeNames = ['','att-','att-','crt-','crt-','rng-','rcrit-','dodge-','dodge-','stand-','stand-','stand-','att-']

data = array.__new__(array,'B',data)
	out = file((('%s.txt') % path), 'w')
	#from sys import stdout as out
	mode = 1
	# I guess I could make a for loop, but I want to read it four bytes at a time.
	# I don't feel like bothering with the bit shift operations either.
	i = 0
	while mode < 13:
		cmd = data[i*4+3]
		#print cmd
		if cmd == FRAME_CMD:
			out.write(('%s  p- %s%s.png\n') % (data[i*4],modeNames[mode],data[(i*4)+2]))
		elif cmd == CALL_CMD:
			number = data[(i*4)]
			out.write(('C0%s\n' if number < 0x10 else 'C%s\n') % hex(number))
		elif cmd == TERMINATOR:
			mode += 1
			out.write(('// End mode %s\n') % (mode))
		elif cmd == 0x00:
			out.write('Unknown: %s\n' % str(cmd))
		i += 1
	print ('Error with %s.txt:') % path
	raise NFE, 'Unable to create output file.'
raise Finished, ''

if __name__ == '__main__':
from main import readFile as load
input = load('data','dmp','bin')

is the source code for my working feditor dump converter

do I know how to do it by hand?


do I want to?


that is why i made the tool

SO BASICALLY if you need a tool to do something you're pretty much unable to make the tool

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you actually don't since you could insert the graphics yourself and muck with the text displaying/compression routines and that's a way

pft not even you would waste your time doing that and yes I knew that was a way thank you, how else do they make translation patches I mean honestly cam you don't give me enough credit.

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Well I know FE6 has English letters in the japanese version :D

But seriously, there are also graphics you have to edit to be in english... etc. etc. If you could get an english font in the game in the first place.

But seriously, all of this for a tactician choice that has no effect on anything? (Aside from affinity, I think, but who cares about the tactician affinity?)

Edited by L95
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considering that there's no tool that i know of that makes for an easy way to edit the text data in the japanese rom, you'd have to do it manually (meaning with a hex editor)

or you could write a tool to do it for you but that requires the ability to edit it with a hex editor

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