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Does Fire Emblem inspire you?

Murdok Dracul

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If I can ever ,somehow, convince someone of the opposite sex to reproduce with me. Then I shall name my child Micheal if it's a male and Michiah if it's a female.

Micaiah is a unisex name. You could name a boy that if you want. Though, imo, it does sound more feminine.

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I have an unpublished (read: I lost the source code) super-boring-and-even-more-simple prototype game that stole names of various FE characters, and that's about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i named a character 'mia' in a story once

I named a character "Rine Etzel Reinhardt" in a story once. One of my characters is named Asvel.

what can I do the names are simply awesome

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I tried to plan out a prequel/sidequel to FE4 for a while once. Then I realized that I'm incredibly lazy and also incompetent. But it was inspiration, briefly.

FE armor design has informed a few character descriptions I've used in RPGs as well, though nothing more direct than a general aesthetic.

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