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Rumours About The Next Gaming Generation


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So what do you think of this article regarding the next gen of gaming?

Well, Yoshi's Land for Wii U has already been leaked and there's already been plenty of reports about a 3D Mario and 3DS Zelda, so it fits in line with those.

If that article is at least 80% true, then the next generation sounds like it'll be quite savage in terms of competition.

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Fucking hell, Modern Warfare 4? How much farther can you go with that shit?

Unfortunately, with the storyline being foreign terrorists are planning to attack the U.S. every fucking game, endlessly...

UPDATE/EDIT: Upon reading the article and seeing the words "New Metroid Game" I proceded to go fanboy.

Edited by dandragon01
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Unfortunately, with the storyline being foreign terrorists are planning to attack the U.S. every fucking game, endlessly...

At least Treyarch tried to change some shit up with Black Ops. Infinity Ward seems to have their heads so far up their asses in ignorance of the belief that their 2007 formula still holds up today, and are determined to undermine every good/creative/unique change Treyarch brings.

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New yoshi's story. Better mark my calandar for that.

Not sure if people missed this, but they say that pokemon 3DS seems to be taking a global look at things. New typing, new forms and abilities, a global crisis, and more focus on past generations seems like a very daring and interesting idea. This seems to be the end of classic pokemon as we know it, and changes might shake the entire foundation of the series. I don't know about this..

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Haven't managed to give it a thorough readthrough but

Crystal Dynamics plans to resurrect the Legacy of Kain franchise in 2014 built with the Unreal 4 engine
Sleeping Dogs will get an internally made sequel made with an updated engine on Wii U/360/PS3/Vita


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Even Mario can't seriously be compared to the staleness that is the Modern Warfare series.

Regardless of baseless allegations of lack of content, the Call of Duty franchise is incredibly lucrative. Modern Warfare 3 had the largest entertainment opening of any product ever released.

So yes, it's comparable. And it will keep being made as long as there is a profit to be had. Just like Mario.

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Did you not read my last post? Modern Warfare (specifically Modern Warfare) series rises above everything else in terms of bullshit because they're literally disregarding most of the great steps made by other Call of Duty titles. Name a Mario game that almost completely ignores every new addition the last game introduced.

So no, it's not comparable. Not sure how "they both make lots of money" proves otherwise.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

Should have been more specific. Name a Mario game that completely disregards the last game's additions WHILE ALSO not introducing an entirely new, innovative concept. Sticker Star adds an entirely new system that basically changes how the game is played in comparison to past Paper Mario games.

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What was the point of your statement? If it was to comment on how it has left the series a dull husk, then Sticker Stories totally did that. The mechanic it introduced didn't make up for the lost RPG mechanics. That's similar to the commentary you'd probably make regarding CoD's early titles. Though I'd disagree, at any rate.

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Even if it was shallower on the rpg side of things (to be honest, it was already moving away from full-on rpg with Super Paper Mario), it completely changed up it's mechanics and gameplay to make it feel unique, and new, from the past Paper Mario games. Yes, it did get rid of things that past Paper Mario games introduced, but that's because they changed up the core formula and everything that goes with it. Modern Warfare 3 in no way did this, whatsoever. If you read my posts, you would know what my point about the Modern Warfare (MODERN WARFARE) series is and why I'm frankly insulted about it.

If I need to spell it out again, fine. Modern Warfare 3 doesn't in any way do enough to differentiate itself from Modern Warfare 1/2, and I'm flabbergasted that they would actually ignore almost everything the Treyarch CoD games introduced in order to continue their tired formula with only slight changes. If MW3 is any indication of what Infinity Ward is going to do with their future games, I feel MW4 will probably do the same.

I'm surprised you're criticizing Sticker Star now too. Sticking to the original formula with decent new gameplay ideas and continued quality level design (another thing which was god awful on MW3's part) is bad, but now, trying something completely new is also bad?

Edited by Davinatorman
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Modern Warfare 3 had a few primary changes to the first two, such as the removal of killstreaks in favor of pointstreaks, which were categorized into three separate areas. Several new gametypes were added, new perks were added, and the leveling system was altered a bit. They're small tweaks to the system, but they're widely agreed to be beneficial to the series. At least, by pretty much every "official" gaming publication.

I am not saying that innovation is a bad thing. I am saying that changing the system in the instance of Sticker Star was awful. They completely removed mechanics that defined the series to introduce a shitty system involving stickers to add to the "ohmigosh 3D!!" aspect, and instead of standing on its own it falls flat on its face. Gone are experience points, any customization of partners and gathering of progressively stronger items, instead in favor of just finding and buying lame stickers. It excised the entire mechanic and instead of improving on it or introducing a fresh new form of gameplay they did basically nothing. I am pretty sure most people would have just preferred them to have a fairly similar system that they could identify with. That's why people tend to play a series. They want subsequent titles to innovate, but to produce a similar gameplay feeling that they liked in the original.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Uh, no. It's still killstreaks, no matter what they call it. A true point streaks system would be Black Ops 2's. I believe the only real addition MW3 added was the change in kill streak packages, but even then it's not that different. The first one is the exact same, the second one only has one minor change, and the third one is the only true different one (another gripe: kill streak kills now count towards your current streak AGAIN. It was an awful mechanic in MW2, it was removed in Black Ops for the better, now it's back for some stupid reason). Also, since when is 2 gametypes "several new gametypes" (Black Ops added 4)? Different perks is the norm, not a new difference. It still uses the same system that Modern Warfare 2 introduced. The leveling system was only very slightly expanded (adding levels to the guns makes no difference when the way of unlocking the additions is pretty much the same). Everything you mentioned are, as you said, slight tweaks. Nothing significant, like Spec Ops Mode, the cod points system, the complete rebalancing of perks in MW2, and whatnot.

I'm not arguing that MW3 is not a well done, highly polished game. Lots of people enjoy it for what it is: casual, constantly rewarding fun time shooting and I have no problem with people enjoying that (the PC version is pretty much shit though, no dedicated servers and awful FOV? Fuck that). What I'm arguing that I personally feel that almost ignoring everything Black Ops introduced is highly arrogant, and that it doesn't justify my 60 bucks when I already have Modern Warfare 2. I feel that changing up the game, even if some of it's for the worse (see: Dragon Age 2, which I enjoyed), is much better than ignoring everything other developers introduced and only slightly expanding your previous game. Again, people really enjoy the core gameplay and being constantly rewarded and they don't care about significant gameplay changes, that's fine. It's not something I would pay for and support at all.

Super Paper Mario already threw out the core Paper Mario system, so why expect Sticker Star to go back to it? Go play the Mario and Luigi series if you want an expansion of the original Paper Mario system. Sticker Star's new system can be arguable if it's for the better or worse (deeper doesn't always mean funner), but you can't deny that they at least changed several aspects of it. I originally asked for an example of a game that ignored past gameplay improvements and instead was way too similar to the past game, and Sticker Star is ironically the exact opposite of that.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Uh, no. It's still killstreaks, no matter what they call it. A true point streaks system would be Black Ops 2's. I believe the only real addition MW3 added was the change in kill streak packages, but even then it's not that different.

The points streak system is different in that in addition to getting killstreaks from killing, you also get it from other relevant actions, making other game modes more entertaining since they don't devolve into mindless killing despite objectives.

Also, since when is 2 gametypes "several new gametypes" (Black Ops added 4)?

There were more gametypes for private matches.

What I'm arguing that I personally feel that almost ignoring everything Black Ops introduced is highly arrogant, and that it doesn't justify my 60 bucks when I already have Modern Warfare 2. I feel that changing up the game, even if some of it's for the worse (see: Dragon Age 2, which I enjoyed), is much better than ignoring everything other developers introduced and only slightly expanding your previous game.

That's great and all, but most people that tend to be fans of a series would probably disagree with you. Especially in the case of games such as Dragon Age II, which was a massive departure from the first title that left most fans baffled by the seeming change in the crowd it tried to cater towards.

I definitely agree that innovation is fairly necessary to remain successful, but I don't agree that this must include a massive re-working of the basic mechanics. Modern Warfare 3 might not have been an incredible step forward, but you have to understand that they're working with a system that far more people pay attention to than a random Mario game.

Super Paper Mario already threw out the core Paper Mario system, so why expect Sticker Star to go back to it? Go play the Mario and Luigi series if you want an expansion of the original Paper Mario system. Sticker Star's new system can be arguable if it's for the better or worse (deeper doesn't always mean better), but you can't deny that they at least changed several aspects of it. I originally asked for an example of a game that ignored past gameplay improvements and instead was way too similar to the past game, and Sticker Star is ironically the exact opposite of that.

You just asked for one that completely disregarded past games' innovations. If you want to be stingy and say that I must remark upon a game that disregarded the exact last game in the series, even though that is completely irrelevant, then sure, Super Paper Mario. Whatever. It still omitted a valued part of gameplay in regards to a different mechanic.

What deep mechanic did Modern Warfare remove that made the Call of Duty titles such huge sellers prior to it? The series wasn't even notable in the mainstream before its inclusion on the 360, and then it was only because of its good graphics and fairly solid gunplay.

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As fun as this discussion is, it seems off topic. Granted, MW4 is part of the rumour post, but the problem is that all this talk about MW3 compared to 1 and 2 and the talk about paper mario is, well, not.

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The points streak system is different in that in addition to getting killstreaks from killing, you also get it from other relevant actions, making other game modes more entertaining since they don't devolve into mindless killing despite objectives.

Fair enough, I didn't play the game enough to find out that in certain game types, you actually can get points for objectives. I doubt that this is seriously considered as good as simply killing people, calling in air strikes/whatever to kill more people (that stacks for whatever stupid reason they thought was justifiable), which allows you to call in even more air strikes and on and on. It's an extremely small addition that's overshadowed. Black Ops 2 did it far better as far as I can tell.

There were more gametypes for private matches.

I don't really count those since they're extremely niche, unbalanced, and ONLY accessible through private matches.

That's great and all, but most people that tend to be fans of a series would probably disagree with you. Especially in the case of games such as Dragon Age II, which was a massive departure from the first title that left most fans baffled by the seeming change in the crowd it tried to cater towards.

I definitely agree that innovation is fairly necessary to remain successful, but I don't agree that this must include a massive re-working of the basic mechanics. Modern Warfare 3 might not have been an incredible step forward, but you have to understand that they're working with a system that far more people pay attention to than a random Mario game.

People didn't like Dragon Age 2, as far as I know, primarily for anything plot-based, reused maps/elements, and maybe some small gameplay fuck ups here and there. The core gameplay was, imo, pretty greatly enhanced and much more gratifying. Dragon Age Origins was a pretty hard act to follow, no doubt people will be disappointed, but that doesn't make 2 a bad game.

So Modern Warfare 3's barebone additions is excusable because it's popular? What the fuck kind of logic is that? Black Ops pretty greatly changed the multiplayer system, that must be why it didn't sell very well. Oh wait, 13.7 million copies sold. Also, there's a difference between massive innovation (what CoD4 arguably did) and at least some steps forward (Black Ops, MW2 to a lesser extent). MW3 didn't even do the latter.

You just asked for one that completely disregarded past games' innovations. If you want to be stingy and say that I must remark upon a game that disregarded the exact last game in the series, even though that is completely irrelevant, then sure, Super Paper Mario. Whatever. It still omitted a valued part of gameplay in regards to a different mechanic.

If you're going to argue pure semantics, then yes, I specifically asked for a game that removed stuff that was in the last game. My point was that Mario never had a game that removed aspects of the previous game, while also not adding/replacing it with something else on a major level. I know you were referring to the gamecube/N64 Paper Mario when you said Sticker Star, but you were missing/ignoring my point either way.

What deep mechanic did Modern Warfare remove that made the Call of Duty titles such huge sellers prior to it? The series wasn't even notable in the mainstream before its inclusion on the 360, and then it was only because of its good graphics and fairly solid gunplay.

I'm talking specifically about Modern Warfare 3, and to a much lesser degree, Modern Warfare 2. And I'm willing to bet that Modern Warfare 4 will follow the same trend. Also, Call of Duty pretty much revolved around the 360 from almost the start, with all major titles with exception to the first being exclusive on it/being majorly marketed for it.

In a hopefully non-boring attempt to be more on topic, I'm personally excited for the Donkey Kong 3DS game and a new Zelda for 3DS, and I'm insulted that Microsoft is going to continue their stupid discounted Xbox with several years required online subscription system. At least it's not as sleazy, but seriously, why the hell should we keep paying for online service?

Edited by Davinatorman
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