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Wow this game is hard o.O


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Fiona kind of sucks even if you baby her. The other paladins are just... better. In my exceedingly correct and 100% awesome opinion.

Meg turns out pretty awesome, though, especially on Hard mode. She's borderline necessary on hard.

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Meg needs babying as it is, so I'm pretty sure it'd be harder to use her in Hard Mode. I mean, you have less experience to spread amongst your units that need it more, so why give the needed EXP to Meg of all people? >_>

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Fiona kind of sucks even if you baby her. The other paladins are just... better. In my exceedingly correct and 100% awesome opinion.

Meg turns out pretty awesome, though, especially on Hard mode. She's borderline necessary on hard.

Fiona has a lot going against her: bad bases, bad starting chapters, and even one sit-out chapter entirely. But, given the proper training, she is a goddess on horseback, even if Astrid is better.

I highly, highly doubt Meg is anywhere near necessary on hard. If she can even stay alive on hard, I find it hard to believe she will be amazing. Underleveled units are just tough to use at all in hard mode.

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Meg needs babying as it is, so I'm pretty sure it'd be harder to use her in Hard Mode. I mean, you have less experience to spread amongst your units that need it more, so why give the needed EXP to Meg of all people? >_>
Look at her starting stats. They are actually pretty damn good, especially because she's only a level 3 unit. She had as much strength as any other member of my team at that point, which really isn't that surprising if you look at average stats and consider how little training you'll be able to give to your other units at that point (it's like stage 4, or something.) Her speed's a little low, but so is Aran and Nolan at that point. (I know Nolan's got good speed growth but even if he gained a speed for the pheasable 3 or 4 levels you may have gained, it's still not that great considering his poor starting stats for the level he joins.) She's got fortune, which is the key. REMOVING the chance for enemies to one-shot her with luck turns her into a pretty awesome tank. Give her the seraph robe you find in the chest in the map she joins and she'll quickly become one of the best people on your team, and still have more levels to gain.

This is not one of those times where I'm just trying to josh you guys to get easily upset people to flip out. I mean it. Meg is borderline necessary on Hard Mode, as she turns into a better unit with less experience than the rest of the dawn brigade.

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This is not one of those times where I'm just trying to josh you guys to get easily upset people to flip out. I mean it. Meg is borderline necessary on Hard Mode, as she turns into a better unit with less experience than the rest of the dawn brigade.

That's the part I just can't see being right. I disagree with giving Meg the Seraph Robe, since Micaiah needs it, but there is no way you NEED Meg in hard mode.

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Micaiah gets attacked for you?



The seraph robe is much better suited to just about... anyone else, really. Nolan, even. The only time Micaiah should be getting attacked during part one is if you forget that an enemy is carrying a long ranged weapon or something. She just about one-shotted everything during my playthrough while using Thani, or was close enough to it that I could damage them down using any weak ol' weapon with someone else to finish it off with her.

I used to think that she needed it because her HP is low, but then I realized she NEVER gets attacked unless I screwed up. If you're not going to use Ilyana, you can jam Shade on her to help a bit, too.

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Micaiah gets attacked for you?



The seraph robe is much better suited to just about... anyone else, really. Nolan, even. The only time Micaiah should be getting attacked during part one is if you forget that an enemy is carrying a long ranged weapon or something. She just about one-shotted everything during my playthrough while using Thani, or was close enough to it that I could damage them down using any weak ol' weapon with someone else to finish it off with her.

I used to think that she needed it because her HP is low, but then I realized she NEVER gets attacked unless I screwed up. If you're not going to use Ilyana, you can jam Shade on her to help a bit, too.

Not to piss off Fox or anything, but you have a valid point. I planned on giving it to Aran with a couple of speedwings to make him a uber slaughtering machine( on normal of course.) BUT, on 1-9, I get screwed over alot because Micaiah's speed is sometimes horrendous. It's debatable at this point, but certainly not moot.

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Micaiah gets attacked for you?



The seraph robe is much better suited to just about... anyone else, really. Nolan, even. The only time Micaiah should be getting attacked during part one is if you forget that an enemy is carrying a long ranged weapon or something. She just about one-shotted everything during my playthrough while using Thani, or was close enough to it that I could damage them down using any weak ol' weapon with someone else to finish it off with her.

I used to think that she needed it because her HP is low, but then I realized she NEVER gets attacked unless I screwed up. If you're not going to use Ilyana, you can jam Shade on her to help a bit, too.

Or on Chapter 9. In all seriousness, I usually don't use stat-boosters until endgame, and only then if I remember. But if you are actually using Micaiah, or anyone for that matter, it's plenty easy for them to be attacked, and it doesn't mean you "screwed up."

Edited by Fox
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1-9 is valid, sure, but if you've given her Shade, you can pretty much hide her in any given corner with the Black Knight up front and it takes some epic bad luck for her to be targetted, and even then to die assuming she's in the bushes. Also, she's probably going to die if she gets attacked/hit in that map while you're on Hard Mode because she's most likely going to get double-attacked (even if you've given her the speedwing you can get up to that point) and her low defense means it's gonna ouch hard.

Does anyone have a map of that stage? I can't seem to find one anywhere. The one shown on the Chapter Data section this site has is really blurry and therefore hard to show exactly where I'd move her to keep her from harm.


Stat-boosters are part of this game's strategy, at least on Hard Mode. Remember my gaming philosophy now: it's better to win now than win later. You can either hold on to them until the end of the game to make uber people more uber (rather silly, imo, but I digress) or you can use them on people when you first get the items to make the going much, much, much, much easier. I know you've got a thing against Meg, Fox, because you think she's ugly. Okay, that's fine. But she doesn't require as much babying as you say she does, especially on Hard where EVERYONE requires babying. Her low level but uber starting stats are a huge boon ON HARD because she actually requires less experience to level up and get to the same power as the rest of your units. Her strength growth IS a bit low, sure, and her spotty skill growth means she'll hover around the 70% hit chance rather than the 80% or so the rest of your units are likely at. That's one of the benefits of swords, is their pretty awesome Hit stat. I haven't had much of an issue with her strength, either, because I gave her the Energy Drop as well. I figured she'd need it because I plan on using her end-game this time and her strength growths are low, but she's got 16 strength at level 9. LEVEL 9. Every one of her other important stats is better than every other character in the party, save the defense on Aran and the Speed/Skill on Edward.

Edited by sandmanccl
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FE10 normal mode was very difficult, especially towards the end when you have to fight the final bosses

i agree. I'm stuck at the final chapter, because Ashera thinks of nothing else than killing Kurthnaga. That b**ch

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i agree. I'm stuck at the final chapter, because Ashera thinks of nothing else than killing Kurthnaga. That b**ch

Ah, the dragons. Personally, I don't use them during that battle because they are more of a burden than an asset. It's doable, you just have to plan very carefully as Ashera will not show any compassion towards your units. Just keep experimenting and you will prevail. I'm pretty sure if you've gotten this far you have some skills( better than the people who rated this game.)

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Ah, the dragons. Personally, I don't use them during that battle because they are more of a burden than an asset. It's doable, you just have to plan very carefully as Ashera will not show any compassion towards your units. Just keep experimenting and you will prevail. I'm pretty sure if you've gotten this far you have some skills( better than the people who rated this game.)

Just abuse Kurth in the dragon level before, and he'll kick Ashera's ass. My Kurth was 40 after the dragon level, and he proceeded to annihilate Ashera and Lehran.

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Just abuse Kurth in the dragon level before, and he'll kick Ashera's ass. My Kurth was 40 after the dragon level, and he proceeded to annihilate Ashera and Lehran.

I've always thought that would be a good idea, but for some reason I feel compelled to complete that chapter in 3-4 turns. Maybe I'm itching to get the playthrough over with, or maybe I was just impatient that day. It's sort of an adrenaline rush, knowing you have only a couple more chapters to complete. I think I'll do this next time if it's better than BEXP abusing him, since he has low parameter gains or something( I can't remember the exact word somebody used earlier.)

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It's the opposite for me, since it's the end of the playthrough, I tend to try to stretch the chapter as long as I can to get the most out of it.

The only redeeming growths Kurth has is HP, Strength and Luck, BEXPing would leave him with abysmal speed and skill.

I might abuse that chapter with Kurth my next playthrough, combining Paragon with Blossom, maybe Dragonfoe if it fits.

Ire seems like such a waste with his skill.

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Part 1 is probably the hardest part of the game, mainly because all of Micaiah's people start off weak. Most WILL end up good though, so don't give up on them. Be sure to have several people premoted by the end of the part, I would recomend Edward, Nolan, Aran (he makes a great tank, but is often overshadowed by Neph later on), Jill and Illyana, but you can really use anyone you want. (DON'T believe what everyone says about Meg and Fiona!)

Volug can help early on, but try not to use him too much, he becomes next to useless later on.

Micaiah MUST be level 20 by the end of part 1, in case you didn't know.

I don't want to spoil anything, but you will be getting two REALLY uber character towards the end of the part. Don't overuse them, or the DB will really suffer later on, as they desperatly need the experience now.

this game is insanely hard, and i really don't think part 1 is the hardest, just the most critical. I still haven't beat the game. I got to the miciah chapter in part 3 and my characters were WAYYYY underdeveloped. It is impossible for my group to win that battle....

so i gave. sorry everyone, i had to. i haven't played that game for over a month and a half because of how mad i was (and still am) about that chapter. and with summer over, i don't know when i'll play it again....

why did they have to make this game so hard?

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