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First thing I wanna ask is, how many of you guys saw Lawless(Came out in August of this year) and what was your take? I haven't been able to discuss it much.

*Spoilers for Lawless*

I saw Lawless a while ago and I enjoyed it. I found the story to be a bit bleh. The main villain felt like he was acting evil only because they needed someone evil (killing Cricket accomplished nothing beneficial for him), and I didn't really enjoy or care about the love story between Shia and "girl". That said, all the actors performed incredibly well, I especially enjoyed Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce's performances, the violence in the movie isn't glorified but is still gratifying, and it's a greatly shot film overall.

As for Star Wars movies, I personally really liked Return of the Jedi, and enjoyed Revenge of the Sith, but hated the first two. 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 in order of enjoyment.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Usual suspects was all about the plot twist. In my opinion everything else about it was just bad and the twist was predictable by the end of the movie.

Anyway, has anyone here seen 25th hour?

You really only see the plot twist if you REALLY pay attention to all the little details of the movie. I think the plot was really well-written, and though you start to predict the twist towards the end, when you realize what's about to happen it's still a pretty powerful movie. That's really all there is to the movie but I thought it was a really good one. I've only watched it twice though.

Haven't seen 25th hour, but I took a quick look at it on IMDB and it looks pretty interesting.

Anyone seen Gangs of New York before?

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who here prefers the star wars trilogy more than the lord of the rings trilogy?

That's tough but it's a good comparison. Probably LOTR.

Last movie I saw was Skyfall. Everyone was going on about how great it was, but I thought it was bad. The villain was lame, and the plot was full of holes and rested entirely on deus ex hacking-a. It seemed almost more like a Bourne movie or some other franchise than actually a Bond movie.

The villain was crazy but calculated. It's definitely a weird combination and I'd agree that at times it just made me more mad than anything. I still think all those dumb scenes with M were the worst part of it, just my take.

*Spoilers for Lawless*

I saw Lawless a while ago and I enjoyed it. I found the story to be a bit bleh. The main villain felt like he was acting evil only because they needed someone evil (killing Cricket accomplished nothing beneficial for him), and I didn't really enjoy or care about the love story between Shia and "girl". That said, all the actors performed incredibly well, I especially enjoyed Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce's performances, the violence in the movie isn't glorified but is still gratifying, and it's a greatly shot film overall.

As for Star Wars movies, I personally really liked Return of the Jedi, and enjoyed Revenge of the Sith, but hated the first two. 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 in order of enjoyment.

Lawless stuff

I really liked the villain because of the way he contrasted Forrest. Forrest was a tough, gangster like son of a bitch who fought to protect an illegal operation and get money. While the villain(don't remember his name) was serving the law and was a gentleman.(sort of) But Forrest is the guy fighting for a principle and family pride.(Something he reiterated over and over to Shia Lebouf) It's almost like how good characters keep going for what's right because they know it.(Batman comes to mind, and some assassin's creed protagonists as well are constantly asked why they keep going and they say it's because they are convicted by their beliefs. Similar to Forrest.) While the good guy(law enforcer) was doing it for order and to keep the law. I know it's not an uncommon theme, but I still really like it.

I agree Shia Lebouf sucked. But he always sucks.

I'm looking forward to gangster squad, coming out in January. I really like those type of movies. Lawless, Public Enemies, Citizen Gangster, etc.

Edited by Fenrir
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I saw Lincoln for the first time a 'lil after Thanksgiving, and really enjoyed it, but felt like I really didn't need to see it again, because it's a dialogue heavy movie and I followed most of it. In a larger sense, I was right.

But, I saw it again with a friend who hadn't seen it yesterday, and I actually started crying when a senator who Lincoln is talking to on the doorstep of his residence says:


I hate them all. I hate black people. I am a prejudiced man.

Well, to sum it up shortly, viewing the phrase as coming from a man who is filled with self-loathing and is committed to worthless hatred...well, this character seems fundamentally unfit for the particular position of authority he ends up in, because his inability to consider his world intelligently have made a mockery and a puppet of whatever was "noble" in him. Even fictions suggesting the presence of such people outside my body always shred my self-pretensions of humanity to ribbons, at least for a little bit.

In general, Lincoln is a very easy movie to resist if you consider that many of the personal moments are probably fairly imaginary, even when they are plausible. But in my case, it just takes one break to be particularly vulnerable to some happy chaff as well.

Effective tearjerkers after that:

-Once was when a triumphant set of music plays as Stevens walks down the aisle following his big moment before the amendment is signed.

-When Lincoln rides on a horse and sees corpses on a battlefield post-13th amendment, and then Grant says (in the next scene) something like "you know about this, but you still decided you needed to see it, so you came down."

As for the first viewing, Blair was probably my favorite character because of his voice.

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I haven't seen Game of Thrones, is it any good?

Game of Thrones is <333333

Well, it's not really for everyone. It can be really hard to follow and you'll probably never know the names of each of the characters unless you watch with subtitles or you've read the books. I would seriously recommend reading the books as it will give you a better appreciation of just how big the show is, but you don't have to.

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@SeverIan I'd like to see Lincoln sometime to talk to you about.

Last night(Hey I have nothing today) I watched Warrior(With Tom Hardy, about MMA shit) and Memento.(Yeah, I know I'm late) I'd go further into detail if anyone wants to talk about those movies.

I've heard nothing but good things about GoT

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Actually, that was Peter Dinklage's character Miles Finch.

I haven't seen Game of Thrones, is it any good?

Well yes, but it's a TVshow so not really talk-about-here thingy. The reason the 2nd season isn't as strong as the first is because the second book was weaker to begin with, but also because there is no central protagonist for the 2nd season and there are multiple storylines. Season 3 should be tighter, and it's the best book they are adapting too.

Personally, I prefer LOTR to SW. Because I really didn't like return of the jedi, mainly because it felt...cheesy.

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Well yes, but it's a TVshow so not really talk-about-here thingy. The reason the 2nd season isn't as strong as the first is because the second book was weaker to begin with, but also because there is no central protagonist for the 2nd season and there are multiple storylines. Season 3 should be tighter, and it's the best book they are adapting too.

Personally, I prefer LOTR to SW. Because I really didn't like return of the jedi, mainly because it felt...cheesy.

Hehehe, sorry kinda forgot GoT wasn't a movie.

On topic, I've seen all three LOTR movies, my favorite one was Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I honestly prefer Lord of the Rings over Star Wars.

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I like return of the king. It's a rare combination where the last episode has a good enough plot to keep it afloat and the character development you get from the first couple takes it a notch up, as does the fact that the most is at stake.

I remember watching those and being so mad whenever Frodo and Sam scenes were happening. Anybody else do that? That's one downside of having a couple plots going on at a time and alternating, one set of characters might be way cooler.

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who here prefers the star wars trilogy more than the lord of the rings trilogy?

I want to enjoy LotR I really really do but I can't because I've read those books and they didn't. Now you say "Wait a second Guy Starwind you can't fit everything into a movie based off a book!" Truthfully I agree with you. Anyways I understand not being able to put in everything but it's when you make stuff up in place of what was actually suppose to be there... that's when I get mad. Why did they add in the Go home Sam? Why is Liv Tyler so important? Why didn't Aragorn tell the ghost to take over Mordor? With that being said why were the ghost in the battle of Minas Tririth? Why is Gimli(a very serious character in the books) turned into comic relief? Why do I have to keep seeing flashbacks to Liv Tyler? The list goes on. Once again I understand you can't everything into the movies. However, you should NEVER make things up in its place!

So, in short Star Wars.

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I'm of the Star Wars > LOTR crew, but I loved the books for the latter a lot. Actually pumped to see the Hobbit movie when it comes out because I really liked that book as well.

I think i liked the hobbit more than any of the other books.

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Watched 'The Exam' couple of months ago. I thought plot was pretty good and the twist was amazing. I have Man on Fire next on my PC. Any reviews on that movie?(I guess you could say its old haha)

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