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How good/bad were you when you played your first FE game?

Gold Vanguard

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My first game was Sacred Stones so yeah...

I only used characters that looked cool. I still go by that philosophy today.

I didn't let characters die. I restarted if they did. Except when Vanessa. Good, I say. I couldn't care less for Pegasus Knights.

The only thing I consider a mistake would be never using even a single Magic unit.

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By the time I played FE8 I was already a pretty veteran strategy gamer.

I made silly mistakes because I didn't know the mechanics in-and-out, but I trundled through just fine.

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I got FE7 with a Nintendo Power guide, so I kinda had the advantage on most of you guys. I basically skipped right from being the typical new player to the typical neophyte (fuck prepromotes, turtle everything, get all the things, raise all the growth units, NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND)

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I played FE10 first. I didn't use info until part 3, I didn't even know how the class system worked until, like, Ilyana promoted, Sothe was the only one I trained in Part 1, I didn't recruit Haar, Aran, Meg, Stefan, Heather, Danved, Calill, Oliver, or Volke. I was completely awful. The next game I got was Shadow Dragon, and I stunk at that too. I don't remember when I really grasped the idea of strategy and units, but it was before I got PoR, I think. By the time I got the GBA games I definitely knew the basics.

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Pretty bad, I did make it through the first playthrough of FE7 back in 2004. Though I remember getting mislead because quite a few characters died in Lyn mode who come back in Eliwood mode, which made me think characters who died in Eliwood mode might return after a few chapters especially confusing since my first "death" was Bartre who claims he'll be back.

I had most characters dead and many of them(Priscilla,Raven,Lucius,Canas,Jaffar) where un-recruited,Checking the "Battle History" on the cartridge I ended up with 1 star in Survival, Tactics and EXP, 2 stars in Funds and 5 in Combat somehow(probably because of Marcus).

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My first FE was FE7, during that time I would,

use Prepromotes like Marcus and Wallace, resulting in wasting valuable EXP that would be better going to other units

Would get stuck at a certain chapter and GIVE UP

Couldn't beat the final boss because Eliwood and Hector were underleveled,

Never used a flyer on my team and didn't know about paired endings

and I relied on guides a lot.

Nowadays, I'm much better now than I was then and only use guides for advice and treasure locations.

Fun fact, I beat FE7 after I beat FE9.

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My first FE was FE9. I remember I Soren solo'd the game on Easy Mode. Then i got RD and played that a lot. Found out about BEXP limits and slowly started getting better. Then I found SF and LTC :3

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It took me four tries to finish FE7.

First : Saved over losing Kent in chapter 2. Ended up restarting in chapter 4.

Second : Got to Cog of Destiny, but I used up most of my good weapons, had no thieves left and generally tried to go fast with whatever units I had.

Third : Got to the final chapter with untrained lords. Lost Canas to Limstella, along with all my Luna tomes, and I'm pretty sure I saved over Lucius dying in Cog of Destiny. Only trained units were Marcus, Oswin, Guy, Erk, Heath and Hawkeye.

Fourth : Got to the end, but lost Nino while trying to train her in Cog of Destiny and a 10/1 Rath to a ballista in Victory or Death.

Edited by Dio
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I was pretty bad. My first game was Sacred Stones. I didn't rescue ross even though the game told me to. I took me 3 days to beat the chapter with orlion's belt without getting the children killed. On easy mode. Thankfully, I was smart enough not to have Seth destroy everything the moment I got him. I was also relying on wikipedias to decide who to use and what to premote them to.

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I think I ultimately finished FE8 my first time through it, but with many casualties because I didn't restart unless Eirika/ Ephraim died. Chapter 19 was particularly bad, if I recall correctly. I at least didn't do the skirmish maps because I remember wanting to get on with the game instead of fucking around and taking my time.

also my best unit was neimi

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I started with fe7 and I was pretty horrible at it when I started.

Lets see

I had most of my units killed

Relied on Marcus and Oswin trough the entire game

I thought Wallace was an awesome unit

I did't know how to recruit characters like Raven

And last, but not least I did't promote Hector since I forgot about the heaven seal.

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Pretty much everyone died. My three lords all sucked(My first FE is 7 if you haven't noticed) and so I had to use Athos to beat the dragon. However, he needed a healer and the healer needed a healer. Btw I'm totally pro at that game now.

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I was OK I guess.

I started with FE8 back in 2005. My first play through was marred by arena whoring though. And I mean SERIOUS arena whoring. In the chapter in which Joshua is recruited I remember grinding everyone to level 20 at the arena. Even Natasha got to level 20 from healing so much. That trivialized the rest of the game. I also had nearly 200k when I was done with chapter 5. I managed to recruit just about everyone I think. I'd reset if I ever lost anyone, so everyone was alive at the end of the game. I took everyone to the tower of valni and promoted whoever I could. I don't remember using the divine weapons at all. I used basic iron weapons for most of the game, and in the last chapter I used silver and killer weapons.

I remember my Eirika being horribly strength screwed. She had 12 or 14 strength at level 20/20. She maxed everything else though lol.

My supports were a mess. I think most people had supports with at least 3 different people.

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I played the japanese version of FE7 first, I remember I destroyed the Mani Katti after a few chapter, I thought the Weapon will become stronger gee_wiz_emoticon.gif . In a European version, I killed Dorcas and promotes every character at level 10 and Marcus stole a lot of exp.

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Let's see... I was about 11 when FE7 came out, and I was piss-poor. Like, I didn't realize the whole "don't let units die" thing. So my final chapter was Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Athos, and Renault. I mean, the lords were really good. But still.

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Let's just say, the Dawn Brigade has a nice spot in the cemetery, next to all the ones who joined them in Part I (nobody told me I wasn't supposed to use Tauroneo), but despite the mass murder of Part 3, Nolan rose from the darkness and became the hero Tellius deserved. Haar, Nephenee, Tibarn, and Boyd all made themselves hero's, it really just ended up becoming my trio of over leveled characters: Ike, Haar, and Nolan. My FE7 run was a little better, my FE11 run was even worse then RD, but I by the time I got FE8, I had mastered the art through multiple playthroughs of FE7 and 10.

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my first game was PoR and I really sucked.

Boyd died in the 2nd chapter because I didn't know he would die permanently.

After this I didn't let anyone die......at least no one who was on my side.

I killed Zihark,Jill(she suddenly ran into titania despite haar telling her to leave us alone),Haar(since I didn't get jill),I never recruited stefan(ok I think no one did this without guide) and didn't hire volke(didn't know if it was possible for characters to backstab me),I killed makalov and marcia died before I could talk to her

I also didn't gave volke the money,so he never became an assassin and I also didn't give ike aither(I thought he was already strong enough the way he was),which resulted obviously in me failing to defeat the black knight.

I overused titania,so she hit level 20 pretty fast,but I stopped using her after this and was surprised how weak she was in the final chapter.

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Let's just say, the Dawn Brigade has a nice spot in the cemetery, next to all the ones who joined them in Part I (nobody told me I wasn't supposed to use Tauroneo), but despite the mass murder of Part 3, Nolan rose from the darkness and became the hero Tellius deserved. Haar, Nephenee, Tibarn, and Boyd all made themselves hero's, it really just ended up becoming my trio of over leveled characters: Ike, Haar, and Nolan. My FE7 run was a little better, my FE11 run was even worse then RD, but I by the time I got FE8, I had mastered the art through multiple playthroughs of FE7 and 10.

Yeah...That was pretty much the same for me. I thought the DB sucked because of how hard it was to level them up and that they kept dying. There were a lot of awesome characters I barely used, like Mordicai or Michiah. If I remember correctly, in my first few playthroughs Haar, Tibarn, and Ike were the units who had killed the most.

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I got about 60% of my units in Shadow Dragon killed and ended up arena abusing the few characters I still had. I relied on those units and a generic hunter with an usually high strength stat(I also never used reclass). I then realized how much I was sucking and restarted the game. I actually did much better on my second playthrough, I kept most of my units alive and I actually used reclass(general Sedgar was my hero).

Edited by RayDavid99
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I played through FE1 on a rom out of curiosity like over a decade ago. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, and the Japanese didn't help. Eventually, my characters all started running low on "numbers" (weapon uses) and I got really confused. I did make it to chapter 5 though, much thanks to the help of Jeigan and Doga.

FE2 was a slightly different story. I got like everybody to 3rd tier in the 1st chapter's thief hideout. (I made almost everyone generals, lol.) Then, the game got so tediously easy I didn't get very far anyway. So much for all of that grinding... :facepalm:

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