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North American release: Feb 4, 2013, EU release: April, 2013


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I dunno, I know Riegal certainly isn't union, because he replaced Dave Wittenburg, who was a union VA who stopped doing non-union work for Persona recently. And, at least 3 of the names are psuedonyms, which isn't all that common in union work. I know Laura's union though, and goes uncredited for her non-union work for Persona again, which reflects what we see here

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Those of you that have a reservation for the game at Gamestop might want to check with your store, I just got done checking with mine and the ones in my area, and they aren't releasing the game until Friday the 8th. I don't know if this is happening in just my area or to all of them, so please check with the store you have it reserved at.

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IGN uploaded a playthrough of the Marth DLC

Well. That was really interesting. I can also see the new people to the franchise going "WHO THE HELL ARE ALL THESE WOMEN"

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Remember that players can recruit/meet and learn all about each of the legacy characters through DLC or Spotpass. So they can do some form of research in-game since the character usually asks "have you heard of me?". ;)

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IGN uploaded a playthrough of the Marth DLC

Huh, The reference was as plain as day for FE fans who know of Marth but new players will react in funny ways. Welp,good luck to everyone who got the game early

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Noooooooooo! Not Aversa! Think of all those innocent kids on Facebook! Posting a half-naked woman up their will ruin them!

Innocent kids don't exist anymore. XD

All those bloody/gory/action games...

They don't enjoy RPGs... except for Pokemon.

But, dang it. I still want a PS3 to play 二ノ国.

All will be settled when I get Awakening...

That's in four months...

Speaking of which, why are people complaining that they have to wait a few days... or months (Europeans)...?

They can wait... I can wait... I have to wait... We all have to wait... :(

No, only I, and you Europeans/Australians who aren't importing, have to wait...

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Noooooooooo! Not Aversa! Think of all those innocent kids on Facebook! Posting a half-naked woman up their will ruin them!

Innocent kids don't exist anymore. XD

All those bloody/gory/action games...

They don't enjoy RPGs... except for Pokemon.

But, dang it. I still want a PS3 to play 二ノ国.

All will be settled when I get Awakening...

That's in four months...

Speaking of which, why are people complaining that they have to wait a few days... or months (Europeans)...?

They can wait... I can wait... I have to wait... We all have to wait... :(

Yeah, kids these days just don't appreciate RPG's as much...

And the fact that I have and am playing Ni no Kuni right now is only because I got a PS3 for Christmas and the game is an early birthday present from my generous abuela (grandmother). I had made sure to get one as soon as possible because Tales of Graces and Journey had already come out, and the news for Tales of Xillia coming in July this year just sealed the deal for me...XD

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Hello everyone! To those who are in Europe, Australia or New Zealand (like myself), Fire Emblem: Awakening was recently put up on MightyApe, a New Zealand website, with an estimated release date of 26 April 2013. This could be a placeholder date and therefore liable to change, but I just thought it was nice to have an actual date instead of the vagueness that was 'April'. =D

Clicked pre-order as soon as I saw it I REGRET NOTHING.

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I've been checking my amazon pre-order periodically, and it just notified me that the delivery estimate has changed.

"Delivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you by email as soon as we have an estimated delivery date. You can cancel at any time."

The previous estimation was today by 8:00 PM. Balls.

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