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Okaaaaay drafters it's time for a new game!


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GODDAMMIT the forum just ate my post.

Anyway, 1: I can't make this idea happen and 2: I don't like this idea anyway.

I like creativity. Darros' Aideen draft blew in concept and in execution (just like all darros' drafts) but I like creativity. The only thing I ask is that people run their ideas by somebody before posting them. You know who was great about that? Crash Fucking Gorden. He had his idea for the Infantry Draft, so he hit me up over MSN one day to talk about it. Two talky sessions later his idea was refined by my experience and his draft ended up being really pretty damn fun.

SFDTT2 and the Olympics were just people trying to ape my idea (SFDTT) - which is really funny to me because SFDTT kind of flopped.

EDIT: Also, my GOOD BEHAVIOR SURPRISE is about 50% complete. Whee!

Edited by Integrity
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I like creativity. Darros' Aideen draft blew in concept and in execution (just like all darros' drafts) but I like creativity.

Hey I had that one political draft that actually worked.

cant say the same for the others...

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Hey I had that one political draft that actually worked.

cant say the same for the others...

The Political Draft was literally your worst idea out of the lot. It was even worse than the Aideen draft.

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But people actually did it and it didn't suck ((it wasn't a REPLICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA topic)) and nobody got 100000000000 turns on it even though that was hilarious

Edited by Dallas
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The only thing I did in that Aideen draft was let Aideen die in C1 and every single 1100000000 penalties I got was a pure consequence of that action.

Shin was no fun and went out of his way to kill her twice. Or he was planning to, but he sucked and never finished.

But people actually did it and it didn't suck ((it wasn't a REPLICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA topic)) and nobody got 100000000000 turns on it even though that was hilarious

Because people finished doesn't make it a good idea and also it was a shit idea. The only reason anybody got 110000000 turns on the Aideen draft was because I joined with the sole intention of sabotaging it through one tiny action when you set those astronomical penalties.

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I'm pretty sure most of my unfinished drafts are stuff that'll be emulated. I know one of them is a HHM draft that I still can't wrap my tiny brain around, but that's due to early rules and all that.

Anyway, thanks~! Mind if I join one more during some unspecified date so I can sit on a nice even number?

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  • 4 weeks later...

After much deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that your idea is not going far enough.

Just ban new drafts entirely for awhile. Or at least, make sure that somebody's backlog is completely clear before allowing them to make a new one. This not only encourages people to finish their drafts, it also reduces the amount of clog that this board has.

I don't understand for the most part why people would bother drafting the same game more than two, maybe three times, especially when they basically make the same types of picks anyway or use the same strategies. If someone wants to play the game using a different character, then they should just do so. They don't need to make a draft.

(plus drafts are a cancer on this forum, just not as bad as forum games)

EDIT: derp grammar

Edited by Tyrant Sage
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I think Integ's call worked. There have only been like, 2 new drafts since Integ made this thread and most people are working hard to finish their current drafts. I dont think its that hard to understand that some people might like to be able to compete with others to grab certain units and use those units as best they can to LTC the game. Some people also like the restrictions draft rules present them. Others might be in it just for the drafting process of picking a team. In any case, they do it because they want to have fun. If someone drafts the same characters, I'm guessing they do it because those characters are good and they wanna beat their own/someone else's LTC record or because they like the character.

Edited by BASEDRyan
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As the drafter with, imo, the worst except for maybe sharpy backlog, I endorse this. A little late, I know, but I endorse this.

I know that I've had a horrible completion rate, and actually know now that this was a bad move on my part to draft the fuck out of my games. But as PKL said, I play for the fun of picking the teams.

And as a surprise, I finished all my FE8 drafts sans my Ewan themed one over this break that I had on hand. (Didn't have the team on log.) Got over 300 turns on all of them.

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