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Street Fighter X Mega Man

Cain Magnus

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Source here.

Yeah, that's right. This is definitely real! The title of the game is obviously taken after from SF X Tekken. This was originally a fan game that was brought to Capcom's attention and they approved, help pushing for an official release. The game will be free to download at Capcom Unity. According to Protodude's Rockman Corner, this marks the beginning of Mega Man's 25th Anniversary and the end of Street Fighter's.

Of course, Mega Man fans are still nagging and complaining, but just avoid the comment section of that link. They whine like little spoiled children. They make it embarrassing to be a fan of the franchise. I honestly can't wait to play this!

What are your thoughts?
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Strange, I keep throwing my money at the screen but it won't accept it. Also how much you bet there going to make a super edition, and a turbo edition, Hyper, EX, and Arcade version.

Edited by Royal Guard
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Of course, Mega Man fans are still nagging and complaining, but just avoid the comment section of that link. They whine like little spoiled children. They make it embarrassing to be a fan of the franchise.

Yeah, how dare they whine after being spoiled with quality game after quality game that Mega Man has been relegated to getting subpar 8-bit demakes and now even just subpar 8-bit fan games?

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Yeah, how dare they whine after being spoiled with quality game after quality game that Mega Man has been relegated to getting subpar 8-bit demakes and now even just subpar 8-bit fan games?

They haven't been spoiled with Project X Zone's Appearance of X and Zero or Marvel vs Capcom 3's appearances of Zero, and Tron Bonne?

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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I'm excited for the fan game, but it's still very disappointing that Capcom still doesn't have a clue on what to do with the franchise. The fact that they're resorting to this publicity stunt is a bit discouraging.

Granted, there are fans that are overblown with the outrage, but the criticism Capcom faces with Mega Man and other niche franchises isn't unwarranted, given most of their recent antics.

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I'd say Street Fighter x Tekken's joke inclusion and the Mega Man Legends 3 disaster might warrant an especially strong apology, yeah, and I'm not even a very invested fan.

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I'd say Street Fighter x Tekken's joke inclusion and the Mega Man Legends 3 disaster might warrant an especially strong apology, yeah, and I'm not even a very invested fan.

I get Legends 3 but why does Capcom need to apologize for the inclusion of Boxart Megaman? They did nothing wrong with that. The whole thing was just bad timing but nothing vile.

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The bad timing pushed things uncomfortably close to being vile, or so went some pretty vocal fan reception. I heard more people than I expected claiming Capcom was saying "Fuckin' Megaman, whatever, here's how much we give a shit about Megaman, have a joke character in a [relatively small scale] crossover." Of course I kinda doubt it was all the same person's idea and final say to do both that and MML3, but if somebody thinks a corporation amounts to a person, that is, a single entity, and if everything a corporation does amounts to the actions of that "person," then that person might seem to have made a dick move here if the person assumes responsibility for both problems, if you get me. :p

It could easily be confirmation bias on my part, but that was certainly the loudest opinion I heard around the time. I can't say accurately say how many people they pissed off, or even how many Megaman fans for sure reacted that way, but I think it's safe to say it was a blow to what goodwill a lot of people had for Capcom as far as Megaman goes, and I'd expect it would take a lot to woo those people back, not all unreasonably so.

BUT ANYWAY this does look pretty neat if it's allowed to be viewed as its own thing. I wonder if it's the work of the same guy who originally posted a shitload of Street Fighter characters in the style of 8bit Megaman sprites a couple years ago. That would be awesome, for that dude. Maybe the free part a bit less so, but to get what I assumed started as some fan tinkering made into an official release of any kind sounds like it could be somebody's dream come true.

Edited by Rehab
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My stance is that Inafune's final prank before leaving the company was to include an insulting version of the character he is the most known for into what Capcom was expecting to be one of their biggest sellers.

Because SFxT is anything but minor. That it was being developed by the Street Fighter IV team and rushed for release at the end of the fiscal year shows that it was supposed to be the hottest shit since the original SFIV.

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My stance is that Inafune's final prank before leaving the company was to include an insulting version of the character he is the most known for into what Capcom was expecting to be one of their biggest sellers.

Because SFxT is anything but minor. That it was being developed by the Street Fighter IV team and rushed for release at the end of the fiscal year shows that it was supposed to be the hottest shit since the original SFIV.

Ähmm, the Mega Man series itself made it a habit to make fun of that guy.

For one thing, Bad Boxart Megaman was intended as a character in Megaman Universe.

And in Mega Man ZX Advent, a sidequest revolved around obtaining a disc that featured the very dreaded cover that started it all.

And that game was released in 2007, long before Inafune left.

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Of course, Mega Man fans are still nagging and complaining, but just avoid the comment section of that link. They whine like little spoiled children. They make it embarrassing to be a fan of the franchise. I honestly can't wait to play this!

I think our butthurt originates from the cancellation of Legends 3 because Capcom didn't get enough fan support...despite not telling us they needed fan support...fuck capcom.

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Btw, has nobody else played it yet? Looks pretty sweet to me but I can't find a save feature.

Edit: Also, I can't get the game to run on a proper speed. Damn useless Gefore 8200M G onboard card. Oh well, at least beating it should be a breeze that way.

Edited by BrightBow
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Non-remappable direction keys, what is this

Yes, they are. You have to be in the weapon selection screen though. The readme doesn't mention that, I think. Yes, it does say the Pause menu. Sorry. Oh and it's F2, btw.

I still wonder what "switch device" means, though.

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Yes, they are. You have to be in the weapon selection screen though. The readme doesn't mention that, I think. Yes, it does say the Pause menu. Sorry. Oh and it's F2, btw.

I still wonder what "switch device" means, though.

I could only remap the shoot, jump, weapon switch and pause keys there.

I presume switch device is to toggle between gamepad/keyboard or something.

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I could only remap the shoot, jump, weapon switch and pause keys there.

I presume switch device is to toggle between gamepad/keyboard or something.

Well, for me the direction keys are the first thing the game asks for.

Maybe the UK/US versions are different besides the additional readmes for some reason? I use the UK one. Or maybe the setting is not supported for Gamepads? Granted, that wouldn't make much sense either.

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It seems it simply doesn't work with gamepads. Which wouldn't be an issue, if it didn't default to 360's analog...

And now that I'm actually playing, I experience random slowdowns. On an i5. What?

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Well, at least my my PC keeps a reliable and consistent speed throughout. Said speed happens to be bullet time though. Driver update didn't help matters either. Just what do you need all those resources for an 8-bit style game?

Also, not only does the game not seem to have an save feature, but you can't mute the music. Minimizing it, won't make it quiet either. So keeping I active on the side is quite a hassle.

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copypasting my thoughts from another forum cuz im a cheap shit

played for a few minutes, feels like a fangame. is this actually endorsed by capcom or...?

in any case it's pretty fun and the nes soundchip voice clips for bosses are hilarious. it's just not up to par with with 9 and 10 from what i've experienced so far - stage design feels bland and repetitive, like they just throw a bunch of enemies and platforms at you without doing anything very clever. not much variation between enemies either, or consistency between stages

i dunno it's possible the game just doesn't have the right mega man "feel" because i'm playing it on a computer but it's like 5 or 6 out of 10 at the moment

also the default controls are 100% retarded

was this made in game maker or something? i keep getting this sound crackling that only happens to me in game maker games (never figured out what causes it)

edit: impressions of first 8 stages:

ryu - unmemorable stage, enemies and platforms here and there but you will probably never die. annoying at best. boss was obvious warmup

blanka - boring stage (though not as unmemorable as ryu's), cool boss with an interesting pattern. i liked the watermelons and the chiptune roar.

chun li - stage has too much going on and is really short. again, really just enemies everywhere; the gimmick is weak and a mild inconvenience at the worst. for the boss i used hadouken and didn't really have any trouble

rose - fuck rush jet segments and fuck you. level poorly-designed and boring. boss is really irritating to dodge. terrible stage would not play again.

c viper - best stage so far. second half was actually really fun though i imagine it being very difficult if you don't already have a couple weapons. laser joes are annoying but if you spam chun li's wep next to them it kills them pretty fast with no risk of taking damage. used chun li's weapon for boss and i'm p sure i got lucky and it was her weakness so i barely actually paid attention to the fight

dhalsim - first impression was "so is this gonna be a forgiving version of schwer-muta's stage from rks or something" but then it wasn't and i was disappointed. cool stage with really annoying enemies, more enjoyable than the rest so far except viper's. i hate those roller things with invincibility. boss is cool but i cheesed it and used his weakness

yoga fire is really fun in stages, woah. i dunno why they didn't show its entire function in the weapon demo

urien - fun level. i think i got screwed by picking all the boring ones first or something. that's still lame game design though, all your stages should be fun instead of just a select few gimmicky ones. also LADDERS YOU CAN MOVE IN 8 DIRECTIONS ON IN A MEGA MAN GAME that's some revolutionary shit right there

rolento - lots of pits and damaging shit flying everywhere. stage feels incomplete; was really short like an actually interesting version of chun li's. boss wants to be quint apparently. i dunno it was ok but over really fast

edit 2: reached boss rush stage and got really bored. fortress is short and horribly designed. vega stage is legitimately terrible and the boss is near impossible

just read about the origins of this game. that's kind of insulting to be honest. "hey guys we couldn't be assed to do anything for the anniversaries of our franchises so we got some guy to do a subpar job for us in a freeware program". but then again capcom

i really wish somebody could tell me how to stop game maker games from distorting sound too :X used to never happen

weapon octagon for those who don't like experimenting

Ryu > Chun Li > C. Viper > Dhalsim > Blanka > Rose > Rolento > Urien

also, easter egg taken from an imageboard:

if you pause, hold down jump, then press up down down down it replaces the entire soundtrack with guile's theme until you input the same code again

i eventually beat the game. was alright, c viper, urien and dhalsim were the only stages that stood out though. rolento could've been good but was too short. the fortress felt rushed and vega's stage was an irredeemable pos

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Man, I wish I could play this game properly so I could judge it properly.

But what I can say is that the PseudoProtomans in Ryu's stage where just tedious. They were only vulnerable for such a short time that it got old very quick.

And the lack of a save feature is unforgiving. After all, tow hard can it be? There are just a few variables to keep track of.

Edited by BrightBow
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