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Spotpass/DLC Growth rates


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So I found a topic on this on another site but it was outdated and it wasn't much help, so I was wondering how much you guys know about how the growths work for DLC/Spotpass units? Are the growths fixed? How are they calculated? If no one can answer these questions, maybe someone who has played the game and gotten spotpass characters can tell me about how they compare to regular units in general. Are they a viable alternative to regular units? Have you guys found that spotpass/dlc units turn out better or worse on average? I know 20/20 stats don't really matter in this game, but I am trying to come up with some semblance of an average stats list for spotpass/dlc units.

While we're on that topic, does anyone know why the awakening section doesn't have an average stats page? I have seen some spreadsheets floating around that seem reliable, I'm just wondering why this isn't on the site officially yet.

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You can back work them from this, but I can't seem to find the page of their actual growths (this lists the caps for the regular characters and the modifiers and best/worst stat for spotpass/DLC). They're pretty much My Units using various different BEst/Worst xtats which modify their stat caps and growths.

And average stats are pretty hard considering the reclassing system - each class has a growth rate, and each character carries their own modifiers, so even if you don't reclasss, each character would have two promotion routes with different growths. More info can be found on SF's FE13 section.

You could also do a modification of Markyjoe's Avg stat calculator if there's a specific pathway you want to find, although not sure how well it would work.

I could try doing something like this for Awakening, but after my exams are done.

Edited by pichupal
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You can back work them from this, but I can't seem to find the page of their actual growths (this lists the caps for the regular characters and the modifiers and best/worst stat for spotpass/DLC). They're pretty much My Units using various different BEst/Worst xtats which modify their stat caps and growths.

And average stats are pretty hard considering the reclassing system - each class has a growth rate, and each character carries their own modifiers, so even if you don't reclasss, each character would have two promotion routes with different growths. More info can be found on SF's FE13 section.

You could also do a modification of Markyjoe's Avg stat calculator if there's a specific pathway you want to find, although not sure how well it would work.

I could try doing something like this for Awakening, but after my exams are done.

I got some awakening average spreadsheet somewhere off this site, but I am not sure who made it. So all spotpass/dlc units have a modified version of MU's base growths? Wouldn't that make them all spectacular? The link you provided to the japanese site is very useful (once google translated), and I am assuming the numbers provided are being added onto the average stats at max level, not onto the growths?

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Caps only matter after an obscene amount of levels that pretty much require either grinding or soloing most of the game with MU. They aren't relevant to "typical" ingame purposes.

SpotPass characters probably have growths determined as MU growths, but DLC characters appear to have at least some customization in their growths. DLC Marth has a Luck growth over 100%, which even with his Good Growths skill, couldn't be possible for any character with their growths otherwise completely determined by MU's formulas.

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I don't think MUs growths are game breaking unless optimized, but it's really caps that matter, anyway.

Ok, so MU's growths may not be gamebreaking without the best stat bonus, but they are still very good. Moreover, they are very versatile, basically ensuring that any low-level spotpass/dlc unit could be decent to very good as a mage or as a physical attacker (or in a class such as dark knight with both), although granted some will be slightly better than others. What are the reclass options for spotpass/dlc units again?

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Everything, pretty much. No Dancer, Manakete, or anything else MU can't be, but they still get almost every class.

That sounds like a pretty broken ability. Then is it safe to assume that despite the gold cost/proportional joining levels of spotpass and dlc units, most hardcore players don't use them because they would ruin the game's challenge?

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Well, they can't get any supports, so their chances of attacking and defending in double are a lot lower than the normal units, plus, a lot of them cost tons of money to recruit, although that's not really a big deal if you have the Gold DLC.

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Well, they can't get any supports, so their chances of attacking and defending in double are a lot lower than the normal units, plus, a lot of them cost tons of money to recruit, although that's not really a big deal if you have the Gold DLC.

How much lower are the chances of dual attacking/guarding? Because it would have to be pretty significant to cancel out the other bonuses. Also, by the way, if a spotpass unit dies in classic mode, can you just download him or get him again?

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How much lower are the chances of dual attacking/guarding? Because it would have to be pretty significant to cancel out the other bonuses. Also, by the way, if a spotpass unit dies in classic mode, can you just download him or get him again?


It really depends on how much value you assign to the other bonuses. Neither wider class selections nor support bonuses really matter for ingame purposes.

And yes. You can replay DLC chapters and SpotPass skirmishes as many times as you wish in a given file.

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It really depends on how much value you assign to the other bonuses. Neither wider class selections nor support bonuses really matter for ingame purposes.

Good point. I am thinking of spotpass units mainly as a means of grinding for optimal stats in postgame. I wonder, are the spotpass bases averaged, (that is, will they all have the same bases at the same level, plus or minus a few points from growth differences and of course RNG screwage) or are some better than others? Would it be worth leveling up say a level 4 spotpass in postgame or would one of the level 20 spotpass units have the same stats if not better?

And yes. You can replay DLC chapters and SpotPass skirmishes as many times as you wish in a given file.

Right, but can you get a character more than once? What if a spotpass character died the first time, can you replace him by replaying the mission?

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Good point. I am thinking of spotpass units mainly as a means of grinding for optimal stats in postgame. I wonder, are the spotpass bases averaged, (that is, will they all have the same bases at the same level, plus or minus a few points from growth differences and of course RNG screwage) or are some better than others? Would it be worth leveling up say a level 4 spotpass in postgame or would one of the level 20 spotpass units have the same stats if not better?

There's no way to assume without knowing their growth rates. However, it's probably a safe bet that their growths are the same as that of an MU with their chosen best and worst stats, so overall none of them should have growths notably better than the others. I guess you can calculate average stats based on that if you're curious? We do know that it applies to their stat caps, which they'll reach with such grinding anyway.

Really, though, the only answer to which bonus units to select is "whoever you want". The selection is so wide not for some tiny statistical differences but so you can choose units based on which ones you like from past games.

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Good point. I am thinking of spotpass units mainly as a means of grinding for optimal stats in postgame. I wonder, are the spotpass bases averaged, (that is, will they all have the same bases at the same level, plus or minus a few points from growth differences and of course RNG screwage) or are some better than others? Would it be worth leveling up say a level 4 spotpass in postgame or would one of the level 20 spotpass units have the same stats if not better?

Children are generally much better than spotpass characters, and are probably better than a male MU. Supports are super important for In the Strongest One's Name, where dual attacks are the difference between a ORKO and a 3RKO, and children have functionally similar skill selection to MUs (i.e. they'll have 5 good skills and won't have to stretch to mediocre ones like first-gen characters often will) while having significantly better caps, especially if you pair wisely.

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Children are generally much better than spotpass characters, and are probably better than a male MU. Supports are super important for In the Strongest One's Name, where dual attacks are the difference between a ORKO and a 3RKO, and children have functionally similar skill selection to MUs (i.e. they'll have 5 good skills and won't have to stretch to mediocre ones like first-gen characters often will) while having significantly better caps, especially if you pair wisely.

Does anyone disagree with children characters being better than MU. I'm not saying I do; I don't know enough about the game to disagree with you, but I wouldn't have guessed that all of the children characters are generally better than MU.

Anyway, someone who has used spotpass/dlc units before, which ones have you used that have turned out the best? I know one could theoretically find out which spotpass/dlc units are best by looking at the skills page and the japanese average growths page that was posted above, but I want to hear what someone who has used these units before has to say.

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I said they're better than male MU for postgame specifically. MUs of either gender are the best characters ingame.

Basically, Lightning Speed is such an incredibly important skill for postgame that I just didn't find it worth it to bring combat characters along who didn't have it unless they were extraordinarily tanky (I'm talking +7 or higher defense modifier as a manakete or general).

That said, the absolute best characters in my experience are male children of mothers with lightning speed (so, Male Mark, Azure, Brady, and Wood) because they get both Lightning Speed and Quick Slash.

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