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H2 Marth & Bow Users Run

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Jake... Missed getting str with a 90% Chance.. It's official Anna hates you for some reason

I guess it had to happen eventually :P

Hmm, very poor luck on the levels lately :(

That aside, I kinda liked the feena dancing for marth while in a river of freezing water thing :)

Yeah, i did that to prevent the reinforcements from ruining everything. Glad you liked it and found it helpful. And yeah, my luck stinks ;/

Having not checked in for a while, I've finally got caught up, and so far it only looks like Ryan and Jake are the only ones getting good levels anymore (outside of the Drill Grounds.) Hoping you get better luck soon

Yeah. The Drill Grounds always gives mostly good levels though since how many stats you gain is fixed. And thanks :)

It's official: 10% chances never happen.

It's still kinda unlucky ;/

Ouch.. That sort of burns

But just in general it was kinda amazing not to proc

I'd say it was anything but amazing :(

[spoiler=Chapter 13x]


Wryyyys promotes. I only promoted him for his move and to add a bit of survivability though. Since he cant really use tomes in this run.

Thanks to Xinny again for adding audio :)

Also, I forgot to mention, I got a Quick Bow (Brave Bow with poor MT and 12 uses) and Wry's staff (called Polish) in How's everyone

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[spoiler=Chapter 14]

No sound for this one because I got lazy and didnt send it to Xinny/didnt wanna bother her again

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Chapter 15 and 16 have been the toughest chapters yet.

Norne got the Chapter 15 Energy Drop

[spoiler=Chapter 16 Part 1]

Btw, I got a lot of money from selling every lance and axe I got in Chapter 15.

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[spoiler=Chapter 16 Part 2]

This part was pretty rough and it beat me once. Needed a bit of luck to get through with no casualties due to Killer Bow Warriors having critrates on everyone but Marth.

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Dayum. Your doods are all so overleveled.

And your and my Ryan are like total opposites.

You get a ton of levels in the Dragon Chapters because they give a ton of exp per kill. And lol.

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[spoiler=Chapter 16x]

Best to watch while hearing this song:


So sad T.T


First things first, sold useless Master Seals/Whip and the new Bullion.

Gave Katarina the Spirit Dust, Speedwing and Goddess Icon. Also gave her Starsphere and a Thoron.

Time to go to the Drill Grounds.


Won her first 2 battles pretty easily and got this level. Pretty good.


Very good level!




Amazing level again


Wow, a lucky break in the arena for once. Holy shit


Better than Cleric Cecil


Katarinaaaaaa. Ok, that's enough Drill Ground training for now. Even though I got like 30000G after selling everything still loool

Edited by BASEDRyan
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That music was so sad, I usually listen to Tearing Shadows or other battle music watching the videos without audio, but that music... hit right in the feels.

Yeah, that song is really sad. The OST in general is amazing <3

[spoiler=Chapter 17 Part 1]

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I do like how Gordin made up for Ryan's last lackluster level up [yes I know he has 3 capped stats]

Edited by Jedi Of Connacht
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You didn't bench Tomas, did you.

You didn't.

*sits in corner*

I gave him a kill :P. I find Sheema more worth it, plus I like her more. Even her future is in doubt though...

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I wonder if the Wolfguard will appear next chapter (in my playthrough I didn't bother with talking to them, I just lolwarped Marth to the boss and seized on turn 2) since you made them retreat. Either way, next chapter's plain annoying.

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