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Best/Worst in the Series Round 171


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Most: Katarina

Honorable Mentions: Jill, Fin, Lucina

Least Interesting: FE1/3/11/12 Bord

Dishonorable Mention: ... pretty much everyone in FE11, and about 50% of FE5's cast.

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how much did Horace pay you?

Best: Ike

HMs: Sanaki, Hector, Soren, Celice, Sigurd, Micaiah (she has a lot of unused potential imo, they could've exploited her more), Trabant, Fin, Levin, Leaf, Alvis, Black Knight

Worst: Lifis. Imo he's more retarded than funny

UHMs: Marth, most of the FE11 cast due to them being easily discarded units without personality, Raven.

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Hmmmm, just how do you define "interesting" as opposed to "best"...

Best: Alvis (FE4)

Worst: Pascal (FE7)

Well for Alvis, the game really runs on subtleties with this guy. This gives you plenty of food for thought as you try to interpret things.

Just to give an example, there is the scene where he confronts Diadora with Sigurd.

Alvis wasn't a mustache-twirling bad guy in that scene. He was simply horribly afraid that Diadora would remember her husband so he wanted to confirm to herself that she really doesn't remember.

But the game never speaks that this is why he brought them together. It's just the logical conclusion of his stated fear about Diadora's memories and his "for the greater good" attitude.

It's difficult to choose the least interesting character since Fire Emblem has tons of 2-dimension characters. Heck, they have characters with no dimension at all since they don't get a single line. All those contenders make it a bit difficult to choose the least interesting character but I think I can make a case for Pascal.

As a reminder: He is a former corrupt Noble who massacred his own people for the sake of being evil, then joined a group of people whose sole goal is to kill people like him.

And for added insanity, he kept killing innocents while being employed with the Black Fang, yet the group whose much quoted "Law of the Fang" states that "failure means death" response towards those cruelties against the people they want to protect and the tarnishing of their name is... to simply lock him up.

Characters with no characterization at least leave you wondering who they actually are. They might have some depth in theory.

But Pascal mere existence defies logic so badly that he should not be able to exist at all. It makes it so obvious that the writers didn't care at all about him that it kills any theoretical belief of any hidden depth to his character.

Edited by BrightBow
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