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Interest Gauge: Police RP


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The idea just struck me. Who would be interested in a serious RP centred around a police station in a probably fictional city in the early nineties?

I have no idea how it would work and it may crash and burn, but it MAY work spectacularly. Post here if you're interested in the concept.

If curious, ask and I'll try to provide details.

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Only if there is a loose cannon cop who makes up his own rules and doesn't play nice.

Yeah, enjoy being fired.

Three things;

1) Combat is rare. When it happens, it will be largely based off the SH fistfighting system.

2) Most mundane days will likely be skipped.

3) Your submissions will be given a rank by me. Beyond rampant favouritism (Yes, surprisingly, only people I really trust will be given a rank of Inspector or higher) you'll be restricted to PC, WPC, DC, Sgt. or DS.

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oh yeah, and you can post signups here. I'll count them when the real OP is made. Up to two characters per person, initially.

I'll work on the format if anyone's interested for now; the only really vital thing is whether you want to be Uniformed or CID.

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3) Your submissions will be given a rank by me. Beyond rampant favouritism (Yes, surprisingly, only people I really trust will be given a rank of Inspector or higher) you'll be restricted to PC, WPC, DC, Sgt. or DS.

sergeant pain mckilldoom

backstory: idk

personality: as expected from a guy called pain mckilldoom

appearence: see personality

age: 33

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to block the whole submission based on this and not anything else.

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Okay, a brief check has decided that uniformed simply isn't going to work. Everyone here is CID because wherever you're going to has a fucking massive CID apparently.

There is no format, just give me enough information to go on. An appearance, name and age is all that's required.

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Elias Morgan


Average looking, medium height, slim weight, dark blond/brown hair, hazel eyes.

Right now, I doubt I could reasonably keep up with multiple roleplays along with everything else, so count me out for now.

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... And if I don't have a vague idea of personality your chances of being a sergeant are practically nil.

Years in CID would be useful, too.

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The name's Jack Strauser, 32. Since my childhood, I've been wanting to be a detective. Little me thought it was cool that all these rough and tough guys would investigate crime scenes diligently and figure out who the real culprit is. In the end, I really did enter the world of homicide, yet not before a couple of unfortunate events turned my life around. Had me reeling, you might say. That passion is now long gone, and yet...I still continue to work. Who knows why, but I have a feeling I won't be quitting any time soon, even if I'd like to.

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Name: Aran Williams.

Age: 22

Appearance: short blond hair, thin, yet slightly toned build. Barely buck teeth, bit of a pointy nose.

"Oi've always dreamed o' workin' on tha force, sir! Been a bit of'a nark me 'ole loife, always wanted t'crack down on the bigger criminals in th'woild. Went t'school just fo' this! No man's gonna stop ol' Aran, I promise you that sir!"

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