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I am the best Mario Kart player in SF.


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People here play mk7 and mkw?

I'd love to race you guys!

I may not be the very skilled in either of them, but my item luck is pretty great, so it balances out.

If I could just learn to dodge blue shells more consistently those mushrooms I end up with in first would be more useful

And I need to remember to be more aware of my surroundings when I activate lucky 7

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Thanks to video game communities (I was going to say Brawl/Smash's in particular, but while it was the first for me it's honestly not that different in this respect from some completely separate ones I've also observed), I have this nagging, ingrained sense that I'm only allowed to call myself "good" at anything competitive if I'm a major threat to win, say, at least the equivalent of a regional tournament for it

Edited by Rehab
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