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Fateborn Who Can't Sprite


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Yeah apparently the mouth is the only problem here?


Edit: Need a sacae name for her. Any idea?

@L95 Yeah it's Eirika but not just any Eirika.

Beta Eirika.

Meanswhile... still hunting for FE6 Beta.

Oh I forgot to upload finished work.


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When I'm done with her new mug. I'll name her after you! Kamon! *Actually I'll make it Kanon since Kamon sounds male.*

Hey, seriously? ^_^

Thank you very much!

Kanon is a cute name.

About that last splice, wow. You're improving. You're better than me at making the characters look unique, and this is because you use so many characters as base.

So, thanks, you helped me realize something pretty useful. °_°

She's from Sacae and she should be based on Fir.

Lyn + Fir...

Why not Fynn?

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Oh man that's pretty ironic in a big way. (You'll get it after I manage to get hack working... when I get my computer back... which is likely never... dammit brother.)

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I can't get the headpiece right to show her status in army...




I'll use the left one, until someone can offer me some advice on how to make headpieces looks fabulous instead of CRAP THAT'S JUST PIECE OF JUNK SHOPPED ON HER FACE KILL IT WITH FIRE!

I messed up with the hair on the left side at some point.



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There is such a thing as messy hair, and such a thing as a mess. You may want to redo it. Because TBH, it really doesn't look like messy hair.

And the hair you customed looks pretty bad, TBH. It's flat and pillowed at the same time.

Though, the circlet thingy looks better.

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She went through so many battles she can't help but leave her hair messy.

A veteran at young age. Ahh... exciting.

Lol it's not that the hair's messy, the shade is super weird

But yes it looks pillowy in some spots... if you don't know what that means I'm pretty sure it describes it in the Spriter's Resource thread.

But also maybe you should try reference the way shading is in the hair of other FE sprites. You should also try reference to try understand how hairtips are supposed to look. There are some spots where it doesn't really look natural at all.


Those two red circles circle parts where the tip of the hair looks kinda strange... As for the green circle, I'm wondering what those random goldish/skin-toned spots are for

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Alright, I'm not going to splice 5 different hairs on same spot and custom it...maybe

I know I'll looks like an idiot asking this. But, I don't know the real definition of pillow the pixels.

I assume it means it looks fluffy?

Edit: Dammit, I decided to just ask now and you ended up answering them for me F.D

The green circle. Actually It looked like that in the original. I'll fix that later.

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Alright, I'm not going to splice 5 different hairs on same spot and custom it...maybe

I know I'll looks like an idiot asking this. But, I don't know the real definition of pillow the pixels.

I assume it means it looks fluffy?

I'm guessing you must've been typing that before I posted my response XD

But yeah look in Spriter's Resource because I think it describes it in there somewhere~

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Nah I was still on this page for a while thinking about stuffs and reading. Then I decided to type without refreshing.

And so that's what pillowing is...



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Hair shading on her left side is very.. chunky. Trent gave me a critique once that the hair I did was like Play-doh. That's what it looks like now. It needs flow. Not to mention it's just very messy in general. There are definitely some characters you can reference.

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There's some splotches where it can still be improved, specifically on her left side near the shoulder and the top of her head. Her right side is still messy, and that random hair strand that's longer than the rest bugs me... was that intentional?

EDIT: http://gyazo.com/4a0da4de55dacf177f39fd022d5b5562

Have an example on how to fix it. I tried with the right side then gave up because it's kind of a mess. I'll play with it more and see what I can come up with.

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Surprise surprise. a WIP of the female Mercenary. Kanon.

Trying to think of a good clothing for her chest.

Two versions. Free hair and Ponytail


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