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USB controllers: recommendations sought


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So with the advent of me playing games that I like to play with a controller, I'm starting to look about for a good USB controller that I like. I figured the best place to start was to put out a request for recommendations, so hi!

The stage:

I don't want to spend stupid amounts of money on this. I've already got an X360 controller that does its job well enough, I'm just not terribly fond of it.

Good compatibility (in general terms) is a plus. No point buying it if I can't use it!

imhotep, the Gamecube controller was the best ever but I'm rather fond of the PS2 controller layout since it's clustered and I have tiny hands. The 360's controller just doesn't fit for me.

Fire away. Links are coolest!

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I use a Logitech Gamepad. At this point, there's probably a much newer revision of it than the one that I have, but it's served me well when I've used it. IIRC, Logitech has a page that has all of their available gamepads, their features, and specs on their site. Should be enough information to get an idea about whether they'd fit or not.

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I would like to second the Xbox controller. Most games are already compatible with it (at least most steam games), and it's pretty simple to set up. I've had no problems with mine.

I also came here to recommend... an xbox 360 controller. I bought the PC edition with the wifi dongle and I love it.

Of course it fits my hands pretty well, sorry for not having anything else :/

I've already got an X360 controller that does its job well enough, I'm just not terribly fond of it.

The 360's controller just doesn't fit for me.

Guys. I *own* a 360 controller. I just don't like it.

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Well I just thought I'd post that to say I haven't really found anything better.

I had a knockoff Genesis controller a while back, but it was really crappy and broke after a couple of months. Now If I could get an authentic Genesis gamepad for the PC, I'd be in 16 bit heaven.

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You can use a 360 controller, or


Et tu, Jyo?

It looks like the answer is "get the logitech controller if you like it or just hook a ps3 controller up" so I guess this thread served its purpose.

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