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I got some new games that I got from Christmas was:

New Super Mario Bros. 2, Pokemon: Black 2 and White 2, Mario Party 9, Mario Sports Mix, 2000 Nintendo Wi/DSi Points Card, a Christmas Card that have a Message about a Preorder copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening is been ordered and be delivered soon (which my Mother happily got it for me), and a $50 Gamestop Card.

Best late Christmas present, ever.


Big Version

Since, when was there an Awakening Jigsaw puzzle existed? (I don't recall heard anything about Jigsaw puzzle)

Edited by Kyon
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This was a really fun Xmas. I suppose after a near-apocalypse, there's got to be some sort of payout. I got several cool things...

--A 3DS XL (like 80% of the forum population)

--Wireless keyboard for the TV

--Phone mount for my car

--Sleeping Dogs

--Saints Row: The Third

--Harvest Moon 3DS

--Samurai Warriors 3DS

--A couple pairs of shoes (because lolgirls)

--VS Pink sweatpants (college fashion 101 right here)


I'm kind of obsessed with the white boots. They're so chunky, like two marshmallows. X) Moon boots ftw.

Edited by Paulina
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Generally I believe it but dude that is well over the designated birthmas haul unless rich relatives are facotred into the equation

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actually you sort of get the same amount of shit as your bithday except they call it birthmas

yeah my superbro's birthday is like the 19th and it always gets rolled into christmas and he ends up with like 120%* total presents so it sort of blows

(* the extra 20% is because i feel bad and always buy him something especially for and on his birthday)

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OK wait hold it hold it.

Did all of you people get XLs.

Am I the 20%.

I checked them both out at Target. I was originally going to get the regular, but the XL screen was ha-yooge in comparison, like a mini laptop. And there wasn't any noticeable pixel blurring, which was my biggest concern. My only problem is I still haven't figured out how to properly hold it. If you have bigger hands, it probably wouldn't be a problem, but after 30 mins my left hand starts cramping up. ;_;

Oh, and I got it for $160 on sale at Best Buy, which is the regular retail price. *slick*

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