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woooooooooooo fire emblem creepy pasta


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  • 6 months later...

Hey guys, I know this might not be the right place to post this, so please forgive me, but I tried my hand at a FE creepypasta. Could I get some feedback please?


I remember back in the summer of 2012, my family was going to take a vacation up to Ohio to visit relatives. Since we would be driving all the up there from Teas, I figured I could use a new game to keep me occupied. I had also recently gotten a new laptop, so I put 2 and 2 together and decided to get a Gamecube emulator. Once I had downloaded, Dolphin, a popular Gamecube emulator, I went searching for some games. One in particular caught my eye. Fire emblem: Path of Radiance.

Sweet, I thought, a Fire Emblem game I haven’t played yet! I downloaded it immediately, along with Pokemon coliseum and some others that aren’t worth mentioning. When we finally left for our roadtrip, I was playing Path of Radiacne nonstop. I blazed through the game, enjoying every moment of turn based strategic awesomeness.

I played through every level, and even though I didn’t need to, I killed every enemy on the map, with the exceptions of recruitables and the Black Knight. I routed them with pleasure, harvesting as many experience points as I could to train my team.

I was disappointed when I finally beat the game, as it took me less than a week to finish it. The credits played after I defeated the Mad King, and when I returned to the main menu, I saw to my delight that there were bonus levels! I rushed to test the strength of my team and my own strategic abilities against these far more difficult levels. I beat all of them without to much difficulty however, my loyal team could take anything this game could throw at them.

Thirsting for more, I looked online for an expansion pack, or an extra level, anything that would let me play my team as long as possible. I was disappointed when I didn’t find anything however.

I returned to Fire emblem with the intent of starting a new game on a harder difficulty, when I noticed another new level was available for my finished game. Confused but excited I decided to try it out. There was no explanation for what was going on in the level, only the title, which said ‘Route’.

Intrigued by the title, I started the level. It was set in a huge marsh, surrounded in fog. It wasn’t very wide, maybe 8 spaces wide, which was unusual, but it was incredibly long. I surveyed the area. All my men were on the field. And I mean all of them. Even Sothe, Rolf and Mist where there, and I never used them! I went to the team selection option, and saw to my surprise that all my men were highlighted green, like Ike usually was, meaning that I had to use them.

Now I was really confused, but I went along with it, placing the weaker members away from the edges of my formation. I had my strongest men, Boyd, Gatrie, Oscar, Brom, Titania, Keiran, and Tauroneo in the very front of my formation, and Ike, my strongest character was already in the front line.

I started the level and a text box appeared, with no face to denote the speaker, only a sillouette. It read: “Your cruelty on the battlefield is well known General. Ike didn’t respond. “Well, I believe its time for you to see what utter defeat feels like.”

I was bewildered, amazed, and disturbed at the same time. First off, in all the other bonus levels, no one spoke. Second we were the good guys, what cruelty could he mean?! Unless… he was from Daein? Thirdly, he didn’t stand a chance against my team even when we were dragged down by weaker characters.

The level began, and I decided to hold the line, and wait for the enemy to come to me. I moved my mages and archers behind my front line and ended my turn. The fog hid the enemy from sight, until they were a space or 2 from my men, but when I finally did see them, I was surprised. They were just level 1 soldiers. I checked their inventory. Sure they had silver lances, but that didn’t matter. What struck me as odd though was that the box where it showed a specific image depending on the type of enemy was different than usual. I showed what looked like an ordinary soldier, but it was slumped over, like it had trouble walking. It stared towards me, the skin looked pale and unhealthy. The apparition had no eyes. None. Just empty sockets, shrouded in shadow. The armour it had was warn and pierced in several places. The soldier looked… dead. The music playing in the backround was softer than usual, barely audible actually.

I was confused by this but determined to beat the level to get an explanation They couldn’t beat me, I knew it full well. I laughed out loud at their attempts to damage Brom and Gatrie. Any enemies that attacked were killed in the first turn. Their in battle sprite was much like their inventory picture. They were hunched over like they had low health, although their bar was full before the battle. When they were killed, instead of assuming the usually pose and fading away, they froze and disintegrated. I was appalled by the implication. They were already dead…

I decided to push the enemy back. I had my strongest men forward and kept them in a line, they attacked and kill everyone in reach. Except, this time all the soldiers were level 2. It was the enemy turn they attacked and did nothing. But their level increased again. The music became slightly louder as well, still barely a whisper.

This process repeated until the soldiers reached level 20. By then they had started to do some damage. The next wave was level 1 halberdiers! The same speaker from before said: “Not so funny now is it? How long can you last against the lost souls you so carelessly routed?”

So these were the men I had slain in my quest for experience. My troops still dispatched them easily. But it soon got to a point where even my best were overwhelmed. The first to fall was loyal Boyd, the member with the lowest defense. The others soon followed. All in the space of one turn, I was baffled and enraged.

I tried to close the window, so I could restart the level and try again, but I couldn’t close it. I was worried the game had frozen, after all it is just an emulator. But soon the Text box reappeared: “This, General, is what a route feels like.” Ike didn’t respond, but his face was twisted in anguish. He too, fell to the mass of soldiers.

The scene faded into the Game Over screen. Instead of the usual background of a battleground, it showed a figure, on its knees, face in its hands, apparently sobbing. He wasn’t wearing armour and had no sword or anything near him. Instead he wore a gray t-shirt and faded jeans. His brown hair was cut short and spiked out over his forehead.

I stared, looking at a mirror image of myself weeping over his lost friends on the battle field. I struggled to find a logical explanation, but I drew a blank. How could this be programmed into the game? The emulator closed itself.

I searched online for answers, but couldn’t even find a single mention of the bonus level “Route”. I tried starting my game again, but my save had been deleted. I started a new game, this time taking as few lives as possible. I reached the bonus levels once more, but never again saw the level.
These events bothered me deeply, but this is the first time I've told anyone what happened. Don't judge me, I'm not a superstitious person, but I really believe something was trying to teach me mercy

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I didn't even get it. I'd give that 3/10. Sounds like it could be a real (and rather crappy) fanhack in the vain of Pokemon Ghost Black, but it's fail.

Anomalous Cartridge (which is more or less an SCP-type Creepypasta) was better.

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he's still alive in ANOR LONDO but fuck anor londo dude 40000 souls and 2 humanity just gone :(

But Anor londo is like the best part of dark souls...

I miss dark souls, i really should replay it

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