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Yet another FE4 pairing question


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The only pairing I've decided on is Lex With Brigid, 'cause I wanna know what a Patty leveled with experience is like

And of course Sylvia and herself

So how should I pair the remaining 1st Gen mums so that the kids don't need the Pursuit Ring just to have the skill?

Pairings I've done in previous playtroughs

Aideen:Midir & Fin

Aira: don't matter, the kids get what they want like Pursuit & Astra from mommy anyways, don't need things like Noish's Crit

Lach: Beo & Fin, 'cause the charisma bots really need Pursuit to not suck in combat

Tilto: with Azel, nothing specially spectacular; with Levin, Holsety comes early in 2nd Gen & then mounted, but Arthur without Pursuit Ring still gets ORKOed by final chapter Ishtar

Fury: Claud & Noish. Dunno about the other pairing that passes down Holsety (seriously who uses Corple?) since Sety already kick butts with Lightning

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Azel Lachesis for epic Nanna

Tiltyu Fin because lol (she doesn't have a lot of good pairings)

Fury Claude is her best pairing for Sety, Noish would be better for Fee

Aideen, uh, Midir's a lot better than Fin

Ayra Noish is crazy fun, or just do Ayra Levin because lol.

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IMO Patty won't really need the Pursuit Ring if she's already got Elite. If you're worried about her damage output before promotion, see if you can have Lex kill the Thunder Sword guy in Chapter 3 so he can pass it down to her. This'll at least allow her some decent chip and more windows for kills until she promotes. If you go with this option I recommend Jamuka for Aideen. It'll get you a Hero Bow for Lester so the Pursuit Ring isn't as needed on him until later as well.

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Jamka gives Continue, Noish doesn't. They both give Charge.

I'd try Levin x Fury because if you don't want to do Levin x Tiltyu again you might as well. And you get to see Sety with wrapped around speed, yay.

Aideen- Midir is really the only good one for Lester. If you don't particularly care for him, you can try Azel?

Lach- I'd recommend Lex but you're already using him, so... Azel is viable here. Nanna becomes a much better healer and magic sword user.

Tiltyu- Fin is pretty fun but you'll have to work fast in C3.

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Jamka gives Continue, Noish doesn't. They both give Charge.

I'd try Levin x Fury because if you don't want to do Levin x Tiltyu again you might as well. And you get to see Sety with wrapped around speed, yay.

Aideen- Midir is really the only good one for Lester. If you don't particularly care for him, you can try Azel?

Lach- I'd recommend Lex but you're already using him, so... Azel is viable here. Nanna becomes a much better healer and magic sword user.

Tiltyu- Fin is pretty fun but you'll have to work fast in C3.

Swordmasters get continue anyways.

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Jamka+Arya just so they can attack for like 5000 turns in a row.

You mean Hokuto Shinken?

LOL how does Tiltyu+Fin work when both kids are magic casters? Does Prayer+Wrath means Arthur & Tinny become big-damagers who almost don't get hit?

I've done it. It's not bad it's just getting there in time.

Edited by Integrity
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The standard clear time for a draft run is in the region of 15 turns, so with a 180+10 growth, it's definitely possible to make Fin x Tiltyu.

The kids...well, that involves a lot of mathcrafting to make sure they end up at the <10 HP mark on EPs. It's not like Lex Tiltyu where there's no risk other than them getting 1HKO'd from above half HP. And then there's keeping them healed up on PP, because Prayer is a one turn thing.

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The standard clear time for a draft run is in the region of 15 turns, so with a 180+10 growth, it's definitely possible to make Fin x Tiltyu.

The kids...well, that involves a lot of mathcrafting to make sure they end up at the <10 HP mark on EPs. It's not like Lex Tiltyu where there's no risk other than them getting 1HKO'd from above half HP. And then there's keeping them healed up on PP, because Prayer is a one turn thing.

Liife Ring.

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The Life Ring is liable to still leave the kid in 1HKO range unless they're manually healed, in which case there wasn't a point to having the Life Ring.

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Fin/Tiltyu is pretty fun, especially in arenas. Arthur and Tinny are pretty much guaranteed to never get hit, and the high LUCK helps them out even more. The 10% MAG growth for Arthur is unfortunate, though.

Pairing Fin and Tiltyu, though, was pretty tough. Fin had to rush over to where the pirates were by turn 25, I believe. I probably could've done something different, though, since in another file, Fin and Briggid fell in love with each other by turn 50, despite not even standing next to each other once. I was planning on pairing Lex and Briggid and leaving Fin alone, but I forgot about the 180+10 love growth and spent up until turn 50 trying building up Noish and Fury's love points. I believe Briggid recruited herself under turn 20, which explains it.

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The Life Ring is liable to still leave the kid in 1HKO range unless they're manually healed, in which case there wasn't a point to having the Life Ring.

I thought the life ring reset prayer.

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I thought the life ring reset prayer.

It resets Prayer, but if Tinny gets healed up to 12 HP by the Life Ring and then takes 13 damage (not difficult to do to /tinny/ of all people), the strategy didn't work too well.

Hell, at best the Life Ring'd leave the kid with 20 HP after a Prayer session, and that's not particularly much for a mage.

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With how a lot of FE4 enemies come at you, once could argue that one turn of invincibility is good enough. Fin x Tiltyu is probably inferior to Lex x Tiltyu just because of how much more tricky Prayer is than Ambush, but it's still a fun pairing, and if he doesn't want to repeat Azel or Levin, and is determined to use Lex for Patty, it's probably still the best.

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So you've decided on BriggidxLex and Sylviaxforeveralone and you want pursuit on as many other pairings as possible while still trying new pairings?

AideenxBeowulf- You've already tried Midir and Fin, so Beowulf is the only other father that passes down pursuit without destroying Lester. He also gives charge and the best strength growth for a father that passes down pursuit. I'm talking about for Lester of course. Lana always does her job well and will not even see combat until she promotes. Charge on Lana before she promotes is a bad thing, but she shouldn't be anywhere near enemies in the first place especially since she can start with Libro/Physic/Reblow/whatever you wanna call it.

LachesisxAzel- It's great for Nanna but Delmud kinda gets shafted. He still has hezul blood and pursuit so he'll be fine.

TiltyuxFin- It gives pursuit and passes down a skill that sometimes helps with staying in wrath mode safely for a longer period of time. It's not as reliable as ambush, but it's much better than nothing.

Ayra- Most people could father her kids without killing their combat. If you're feeling brave you could even try Levin. For some reason Ayra's male child (can't be bothered to attempt to spell his name now) has a +3 promotion bonus for magic and a decent magic cap for a physical unit, so he could do some good damage with magic swords (most likely better than what he'd do with physical weapons)...

Fury- As with Ayra, the kids will always have pursuit. You say you've already paired her with Claude, Noish, and Levin? I guess you could try Alec for a Fee that isn't as afraid of bows.

Edited by Momentai~
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You've forgotten a certain turban. Alec doesn't do too badly with Aideen, although he's inferior to Fin. MidalexLachesis works pretty nicely, the kids are going to be strong anyway and appreciate his speed. I'm not a fan of Azel, Delmud and Nanna can't really put that magic to good use.

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Oh yeah lol. I completely forgot about Alec. He doesn't do badly at all, but I would still choose both Fin and Beowulf over him (Fin first, then Beowulf).

In the long run I think Midir would be better for Delmud because he provides better growths for him. Azel does give a better speed, HP, and luck growth, but the speed growth Midir passes down is more than sufficient, and HP and luck aren't that important. In the beginning Azel can pass down any B rank sword (I don't think it's too hard to promote him so he can gain access to swords), whereas Midir would be limited to passing down only sword drops. That may or may not be a bad thing... I don't remember if any good swords were dropped in gen 1.

I'd argue that Nanna can make good use of Azel's magic. As a healer that doesn't have access to B rank recover to make magic obsolete for healing (unless Claude is her father, in which case lololdelmuddestroyed), she's stuck with live/relive. That may be fine for the beginning but near the end when the enemies can inflict some big boo-boos the extra ~+30 magic growth (compared to the average physical father) will be much appreciated. Azel is the only father that doesn't slaughter Delmud's combat while still providing a great magic growth (the best magic growth actually) for both kids. Actually in Delmud's case Claude will give him a magic growth equal to Azel's but he doesn't pass down pursuit (or anything else for that matter) so yeah...

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Ayra- Most people could father her kids without killing their combat. If you're feeling brave you could even try Levin. For some reason Ayra's male child (can't be bothered to attempt to spell his name now) has a +3 promotion bonus for magic and a decent magic cap for a physical unit, so he could do some good damage with magic swords (most likely better than what he'd do with physical weapons)...

Levin's blood doesn't actually give Magic so his son with Ayra ends up using just his base growth of 30%, which is not all that spectacular; Azel and Claude would provide 40% and not waste Holsety (although you may see that wasted anyway depending upon what you want to do). Claude's honestly not that awful a choice for Ayra; sure, he provides them with no skills, but they have what they need to start with, their SPD can't really be broken (although Claude is far worse than Azel on that), and they'll have very chunky RES. Granted, their STR will be balls, but hey, it's different.

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Dew is pure trash and a terrible father. Let him rot. 50% hp growth? no thanks. 85% hp growth on a 2nd gen char is pathetic. Can't think of anyone who actually wants bargain aside from Ares and Shanan. Solar sword is pretty lame also.

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Dew is pure trash and a terrible father. Let him rot. 50% hp growth? no thanks. 85% hp growth on a 2nd gen char is pathetic. Can't think of anyone who actually wants bargain aside from Ares and Shanan. Solar sword is pretty lame also.

Faval wants Bargain, too. Also, I'd say Dew!Skasaha is better than Lex!Skasaha.

You seem to be forgetting that other than HP, Dew passes down some great growths.

Edited by ZeeEmm456
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Wouldn't Patty would be completely unusable? But that's probably the only pairing with Dew I'd consider.

Lex!Skasaha will almost always be better. He'll have enough speed to double, he will level up faster, and have better defences. Does anything else need to be said?

Dew's growths in str, spd and def aren't that much better anyway. It's 40 / 40 / 40 compared to 40 / 20 / 50.

Don't forget you'll actually have to use Dew so he can pass down swords. You know, that kid swinging around a dinky iron sword that 10hkos(?) bandits. He's pretty much the worst thief ever. I mean, Dew's not even fit to carry Cath's cum-rag.

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