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Calculating Hard Mode Bonus Levels in FE8


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Byte 21 - Hard mode bonus levels?

I found that for some reason a lot of the chapters in FE8 have some absurd level bonus like +34 Levels and +44 Levels, granted I haven't made a Mode.txt yet but that's mostly because I have no idea how to go about doing so.

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It's not quite +34 or +44; that would be really crazy X D

I haven't bothered checking the numbers properly (I just messed around a bit with the Prologue boss), but it's more likely you have to divide the value by 10.

So 10 would be 1 level, 34 would be 3, 44 would be 4 etc.

But that's just my guess anyway.

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I doubt the hard mode bonus levels are simply +3 or 4 levels. A Berserker with 13 Strength at level 2 managed to skyrocket to 29 Strength. Even with a 65% class growth and a class base of 12 Strength, it would require the Berserker to gain 16 points of strength through levelling which doesn't happen unless the Berseker managed to gain 25 bonus levels at the least.

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considering that it's generally something-4 (assuming that 34 really means 0x34) it could be the number lsr 2 (for example 0x34 >> 2 is 13, which makes actually a lot of sense) and the extra two bits are just ???

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Sorry about double posting but I didn't want to have to start another topic about this, is it possible to force the game to load the additional levels given to promoted enemies as +5 or +3 instead of stuff like +9 and the absurd +19 via hex editing?

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Oh I see, I guess I'll just design my hack around normal mode then or if I try to work with Hard Mode reduce the growths that promoted classes have since unpromoted ones don't have those additional levels. At least experimenting with growth rates will let me find out the highest possible value that a class should have when you're working with HM.

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