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Will we get the FE Awakening 3DS in USA?


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This might be a dumb question, but does anyone know if the 3DS bundle/limited edition 3DS coming to the states?

Edited by VincentASM
Fixed topic title, in case it scares people
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^What L95 said. Probably not.

It would be strange to release a 3DS when the XL is out... and I don't think NoA is going to make a special FE13 3DS XL for NA.

It could happen, though. I doubt it, but it's possible. (If they release it, then I'm so going to buying it. If they don't, then... well... I guess I'll just have to import... in, like, 2 years or something, once I start making my own money.)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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I can almost see a Fire Emblem 3DS XL, but it depends on how generous NOA or NOE are.

Since the game's out in North America in a month, I'm starting to doubt that NOA has anything on their hands.

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I can almost see a Fire Emblem 3DS XL, but it depends on how generous NOA or NOE are.

Since the game's out in North America in a month, I'm starting to doubt that NOA has anything on their hands.

And I thought nothing would convince me to buy that giant called an XL!

But... Doesn't America never get the customs? I mean, we got the Legend of Zelda one, but, besides that...

If they made a XL, does that violate that Japanese law about "limited time offers"? Could they sell it here and there?

Because, if they could only sell it here (America/Europe, I mean), I don't think they'd make one...

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And I thought nothing would convince me to buy that giant called an XL!

But... Doesn't America never get the customs? I mean, we got the Legend of Zelda one, but, besides that...

If they made a XL, does that violate that Japanese law about "limited time offers"? Could they sell it here and there?

Because, if they could only sell it here (America/Europe, I mean), I don't think they'd make one...

We did get a ton of Mario special editions but who cares about that

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Considering the Awakening site finally has the "preorder now" thing, I'm pretty certain we aren't getting a special bundle. Bad business tactic to release info about a bundle after telling people they can preorder the game (the game by itself). That's how I see it, at least..

And besides, the release is one month away. Shouldn't info about a special bundle be out by now? Before or right about now.

I held out until now, hoping for the special 3DS. Wasn't expecting it, but hoping nonetheless. Now, though...my hope is gone. We ain't getting it. (Oh I mean, North America isn't getting it. I'LL BE SO SAD IF EU GETS IT AFTER WE DIDN'T GET IT....)

Edited by Tsamimi
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Extremely unlikely.

They would have to sell a XL and that would mean Japan wouldn't get one. Unless they make a XL bundle for Japan as well...more than a year after they already released one.

Also it would most likely be US/Canada only, like the e-shop coin physical rewards, meaning i probably wouldn't be able to get it anyway without blowing tons of money.

Like someone said, FE in the west is really niche. At maximum we could expect a FE 3DS if sales go exceptionally well and they decide to launch one as comemoration after.

Edited by Lanko
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I'm pretty sure they would've said something about it by now if they were going to release something like that. Four weeks from release isn't really the best time to raise the curtain on that kind of announcement.

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well, this is interesting:


...ly false. I have the latest issue, and it is devoted to a Top 50 thing. No Fire Emblem anywhere in sight.


Edited by Diortem
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Actually, guys. We ARE getting that 3DS! GameInformer magazine says so! It says on the bottom right corner of page 25 that you can get the 3DS bundle at participating retailers! WE'RE GETTING IT, WE'RE GETTING IT! SQUEEEE!

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The plot thickens. Diortem. So what is it? Is it an actual page there?

Okay, I might just make a seperate thread, in case this gets too confusing.

BUT... The neogaf post is faked. It's the bottom right corner of this: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=194059 , which is said to have come from the most recent GameInformer, which is false. I have the January 2013 issue, and it is a TOP 50 issue, with no FE: Awakening news as far as I see. So any news so far is faked, and the 3DS is not coming. I'll still be browsing to see what's what with the rumors, but for now, don't ANYONE get your hopes up. REPEAT: The neogaf post is fake.

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-points to earlier post-

I'm not sure anymore...

I, I don't either. My issue's page 25 has nothing of the sort, I just don't even know. ANYONE HAVE THE DECEMBER 2012 EDITION? That may be the answer to our problems.

EDIT: I have checked their website, and nothing about the 3DS. So for now, we can calm down.


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I have the actual magazine. And GameInformer has never given me false information before. It's all been accurate. Plus, the game's release date is correct (Feb 4), and the other information on the game is correct as well. It's consistent with what's been shown in trailers and such. I don't think this is fake.

Besides, this would be a really mean joke.

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