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Which Pairing Do You Think is Most Fitting?



9 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is most fitting?

    • Mario x Human Applejack
    • Mario x Human Twilight Sparkle
    • Mario x Human Rainbow Dash
    • Mario x Human Pinkie Pie
    • Mario x Human Rarity

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Momo from SF?

EDOIT: OH BoF 3 Momo! Awesome char like every BoF 3 char.

Fun fact: She's also in BoF IV. A cameo, like Bo and Karn in BoF 2. She's one of the reasons people think IV is some sort of alternate universe because she explains that she was screwing around with an invention and when it exploded she landed in their world.

Or something along those lines.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Fun fact: She's also in BoF IV. A cameo, like Bo and Karn in BoF 2. She's one of the reasons people think IV is some sort of alternate universe because she explains that she was screwing around with an invention and when it exploded she landed in their world.

Or something along those lines.

Is BoF IV really cool? Because I watched acouple youtubes of some things from it and I was like "wow ps1 so good."

Also others.

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while skimming I read the latter half as "Teemo4lyfe"

I wish all people that have ever played Teemo would have a violent heart attack.

True story.

Is BoF IV really cool? Because I watched acouple youtubes of some things from it and I was like "wow ps1 so good."

Also others.

In my opinion, IV's the best in the series. The landscapes are easily the most breathtaking in the series, the music is addicting, the pixel art is absolutely beautiful, and the battle system is classic while also having very interesting quirks. For example, while you only fight with three people at once, you can switch any of them out with your other teammates on the fly in the middle of battle. In addition, the master-student system from III was perfected in IV, and was fun to pursue.

To the widest majority, however, III is generally considered the best by a fair margin. I'd guess it's both because it was the first of the PSX BoFs and the first played by most people that are BoF fans these days. In addition it has an Ocarina of Time-esque child-to-adult scenario (you begin as Ryu as a small child and grow up later), and the dragon transformation in III is easily the best in the series, as you gain "genes" for each kind of dragon and can mix and match to make different customized forms. For better or worst it also feels more classic, as in there is a much higher involvement on grinding to get further in the game.

If you've never played the series then I highly recommend you check them out. They've always been eclipsed by more popular series like Final Fantasy, but they've always been consistently great. Well, uh, at least, before the latest PS2 one which doesn't fall in the canon that came out in 2003, which more or less killed the series.

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If you've never played the series then I highly recommend you check them out. They've always been eclipsed by more popular series like Final Fantasy, but they've always been consistently great. Well, uh, at least, before the latest PS2 one which doesn't fall in the canon that came out in 2003, which more or less killed the series.

I've played I and III. III was pretty awesome. I didn't finish it though, I would like to sometime though. I didn't feel like I had as much to offer me by the time I tried it.

Either because I was better, or worse, or something, when I was playing a fresh III, the area where Ryu and Nina end up in a graveyard when escaping Wyndia got quite grindy (at first, I was getting defeated by the first encounters I was getting in the area fairly regularly), and I stopped playing there.

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