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Awakening preview!


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Seems like my friend took it well.

[12:02:54 PM] Arieta: wait

[12:02:59 PM] Arieta: Japanese voice track

[12:02:59 PM] Arieta: available?

[12:03:04 PM] Me: option's there

[12:03:05 PM] Arieta: ...

[12:03:06 PM] Arieta: pinch me

[12:03:09 PM] Arieta: fucking

[12:03:10 PM] Arieta: PINCH ME


[12:03:18 PM] Arieta: HBA UFIAHU;'


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Seems like my friend took it well.

[12:02:54 PM] Arieta: wait

[12:02:59 PM] Arieta: Japanese voice track

[12:02:59 PM] Arieta: available?

[12:03:04 PM] Me: option's there

[12:03:05 PM] Arieta: ...

[12:03:06 PM] Arieta: pinch me

[12:03:09 PM] Arieta: fucking

[12:03:10 PM] Arieta: PINCH ME


[12:03:18 PM] Arieta: HBA UFIAHU;'


Overdose of weeb I guess. :B):
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Man, the only thing that would make this better (at this point) is if we get a free points card with the game...

Still though, my bullshit sense is tingling... I hope it's wrong, obviously, but...it's there.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIITT!!! "The game starts with you and your brother (or you and your sister, if you choose the male) fighting a decadently evil-looking dude in a brief tutorial section" WHAT IS THIS!!

Edited by Tsamimi
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Wow, I didn't think people would be this excited about dual-audio! The English voice acting this time around actually seems pretty good. I mean, relatively. In comparison to PoR and RD.

Surprised that they would keep the Japanese voices. Though if they also allow the option for Japanese text, it'll be perfect.

That they would keep the Japanese voices is surprising enough (I can't think of any other Nintendo game that kept them); I highly doubt they would include the text as well. v_v

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIITT!!! "The game starts with you and your brother (or you and your sister, if you choose the male) fighting a decadently evil-looking dude in a brief tutorial section" WHAT IS THIS!!

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Was the brother/sister thing in the Japanese version?

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Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Was the brother/sister thing in the Japanese version?

Nope. I'm guessing the reviewer is just screwing up some details. Either that or they completely changed the damn prologue.

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Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Was the brother/sister thing in the Japanese version?

Nope, not in any of the Youtube videos of Japanese gameplay that I have watched.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I think this person is making up shit.

"A new map will be offered each week, price to be announced, for a number of months; the first will be free for the first week of release."

First WEEK? That's........ And how would this person know such a thing?

And that comment about marriage/children... Frick.

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And that comment about marriage/children... Frick.

I'm pretty sure they've played the game legit. It's just they're very loose on their review and the details... probably.

Because getting my hopes up for a Japanese voice option and then shattering it later is pretty harsh.

Though I admit trolling all the other weebs like me would be funny.

Yeah... those screenshots are all from the preview site, isn't it?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIITT!!! "The game starts with you and your brother (or you and your sister, if you choose the male) fighting a decadently evil-looking dude in a brief tutorial section" WHAT IS THIS!!

Looking through it, he is probably mistaking Avatar as Chrom's brother (or sister). We do know that Chrom and Avatar fights Fauder in the Interlude.

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All those screenshots are from the press release thingy.

Looking through it, he is probably mistaking Avatar as Chrom's brother (or sister). We do know that Chrom and Avatar fights Fauder in the Interlude.

Erm, the entire paragraph:

To accommodate the character creator, cutscenes featuring your character are in first-person, which actually proved an interesting choice that makes good use of the 3D. The game starts with you and your brother (or you and your sister, if you choose the male) fighting a decadently evil-looking dude in a brief tutorial section, after which your character revives in a wooded area with genre-staple amnesia. This is the basis for hooking up with Chrom, prince of Ylisse, and his gang of shepherds, along with some more tutorials.

"Revives".... Uh... Do you people know something about this site's reliability that I don't? 'Cause this is reeking of bullshit. :\

Edited by Tsamimi
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I'm pretty sure they've played the game legit. It's just they're very loose on their review and the details... probably.

Because getting my hopes up for a Japanese voice option and then shattering it later is pretty harsh.

Though I admit trolling all the other weebs like me would be funny.

I can't imagine why the reviewer would say that unless he either checked it or had it brought up to him as an option, or somehow heard about it from someone. In either case he would have to be rather significantly mistaken for it not to be true, especially since that's a very odd detail to just make up given that it's not very commonplace in localized RPGs.

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"Sprites are still gallivanting around maps, for example, but they're not haphazardly slashing a sword up and down and making numbers fall off opponents. After an attack is initiated, fully animated 3D models do battle in glorious fashion."

I'm calling bs. This article seems to imply that he is unaware of map- vs detailed animation in the other games, and seeing as detailed is the default that you have to turn off to get to the map animation I'm not too sure about trusting this guy.

Alternatively I'm reading it wrong at he's just talking about how purdy the detailed animations are

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I don't think they'd make up such specific details, but it's possible they got confused with certain parts (especially the prologue stuff X D). I hope they're not right about the first week free DLC though...

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About the pictures, he's likely not allowed to take any screenshots or the like, so he has to use whatever pics NoA already put out. Happens all the time with previews. While he may be mistaken/confused on some details, I doubt he's making things up; Destructoid's a pretty reputable gaming site. Also, it's a preview, not a review; he'd only be able to play a short, pre-determined part of the game.

Edited by Tarquin
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I don't think they really know how long Nintendo intends to make the first DLC free. They're only really pulling info from the press release and interpreting it their own way, and I doubt Nintendo has specifically told anyone what their plans are for the DLC.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Destructoid's a pretty reputable gaming site. Also, it's a preview, not a review; he'd only be able to play a short, pre-determined part of the game.

I see, I see. Also, yes, preview! What was I thinking...

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