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Localized Names

Elinor Cross

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It's like NoA said "Screw those Celice Vs. Serlis Wars! You're getting neither!"

As for Seliph... I'm OK with this.

It was me, I changed the name. And I don't regret it. Seliph was... unexpected, but eh, I don't really care much about it.

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Huh. Kris. Guess that's a pretty solid name. I don't really know why they changed it from Kris though. It's just an alternate spelling.

Chris is generally masculine, whereas Kris is more ambiguous.

I've known both a Kristina and a Kristoffer who went by that name.

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Just got Hector's Axe. (Literally, that's the name)

This is easily the worst localization choice they've made. I will not accept any name but Hector's Rageaxe.

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Not sure how useful it is to say this, but I got a Log.

Oh, I also got a Soothing Sword.

I also got a Rift Door (Space-Time Gate).

Edited by Diortem
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Seliph = Sylph + Seraph

I was kinda hoping they'd keep Inverse, but Aversa sounds more like a name...I like it!

I am so not in the mood to change all this on the Wiki...

Guire's English name is Gaius?

Also today they're spotlighting Lon'qu

Edited by Mysterique Sign
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According to a friend of mine on Twitter, they got a Balmwood Staff.

According to the description, it seems to be the Medicinal Staff.

After finding the uses, it's definitely the Medicinal Staff.

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Thanks all!

I've been gathering the names here. Between everybody, we've found nearly all the names now.

Although something I was wondering, is it definitely Innes' Bow and Gaius's Confect? Because the grammar is a bit inconsistent X D

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Thanks all!

I've been gathering the names here. Between everybody, we've found nearly all the names now.

Although something I was wondering, is it definitely Innes' Bow and Gaius's Confect? Because the grammar is a bit inconsistent X D

Don't know about Gaius's Confect, but I'm 100% sure on Innes' Bow.

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Although something I was wondering, is it definitely Innes' Bow and Gaius's Confect? Because the grammar is a bit inconsistent X D

Not if the s in Innes is silent.

...Except I was always under the impression it isn't. Plus that's a fairly obscure grammatical rule that has mostly just been replaced with apostrophe-s for most all possessives.

So... maybe it's bad grammar? How is Innes even pronounced?

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Thanks all!

I've been gathering the names here. Between everybody, we've found nearly all the names now.

Although something I was wondering, is it definitely Innes' Bow and Gaius's Confect? Because the grammar is a bit inconsistent X D

Posting it here since this thread seems to get better attention for now.

About the Underdog Bow: its kanji name 下克上の弓 should be 下剋上の弓 with a 「剋」. For some reason, 2ch wiki has got the name wrong.

On a related note, the skill 竜/獣特攻 (Dragon/Beast Slayer) should be 竜/獣特「効」 as well, another common mistake found in 2ch wiki.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Wait. Is the item near the bottom of the list a Scented Box, or Scented Bow?

Also, My friend found a Superior Axe, so that confirms that they Weapon-Slaying Weapons are Superior X in English.

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Sigurd has been changed to Sigurd?!

God this franchise is dooooooooooomed.

Also, Fin is now Finn. Yeah.

Not gonna lie, these name changes feel far more important then they should.

Ah well, I can live with Leif and Seliph, but Orsin angers me.

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Chris is generally masculine, whereas Kris is more ambiguous.

I've known both a Kristina and a Kristoffer who went by that name.

I guess. I know that there's a footballer called Kris Boyd, so yeah.

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I found Roy's Blade (Roy's ToughSword), Barbarian (still the same), Discipline (still the same), Outdoor Fighter (Outdoor Battle), Dual Strike+ (Dual Attack+), Veteran (War Knowledge), Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change, Skill +2 (still the same), and Risen Chief from the Demo.

Edited by King Marth 64
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