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Favorite Alcoholic Beverages?

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For those of you who drink/are of age, what is your favorite kind of beer/wine/liquor? When it comes to beer I love Indian pale ales, Ranger is probably my favorite. I drink wine occasionally, but I don't know much about it or how to determine whether a particular wine is good wine or cheap wine. I usually drink white wine, though. And liquor wise, I love whiskey. Gentleman Jack is probably the best tasting liquor I've ever tried.

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MEAD is the best fucking shit in the world MEAD god i could drink nothing but MEAD forever and dehydrate so i would also drink water tempered with MEAD

Unfortunately, mead is kinda pricey (c'mon bees, survive the winter and give me honey to brew doods) so I fall back on good old lagers. Especially Red Stripe, for some reason.

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What kind of beers have you tried? Cheap beer tastes like crap, but if you feel like spending 10$ on a six pack, there's some really delicious beer. You just have to find one that suits your taste. I used to HATE wine, but the more different kinds I tried, the more types of wine I found that I actually enjoyed.

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i like this wine vs beer thing going on between the genders

i prefer hefenweizen and stella artois when it comes to beers, i only drink the low quality shit for beer pong, and that's like bud lite at best.

usually drink coke & redrum (bacardi), patron, sometimes hennessy (when it's blllllllllllllllllack people's out night), arnold palmers (having one right now), AMF's (when it's that kinda night) and i'll occasionally have a mojito if my girl is having one and feels awkward that she forgot her friends arent with her.

edit: i almost forgot the king; johnnie walker blue label. for those mad men type of nights.

Edited by blllack&goldmedalmamba
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Haha, it's funny how alcoholic preference seems to be split by gender, isn't it? And yeah, Patron is amazing. I also use low quality beer for beer pong, no use in chugging good tasting, expensive beer. That's what shitty beer is for. ^_^ And I've only had a sip of wild black, but both Wild Black and Wild Blue start tasting awful after a beer or 2 to me (I probably couldn't even drink a whole one any more).

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I'm not old enough to drink alcohol, but I actually would like to try lots of drinks when I reach the age where I can consume the stuff legally.

also it would be really awesome and supercool if you guys could give a few pointers as to which drinks are tasty / terribly shittastic

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Stoller JV Pinot Noir. I had a glass of this stuff on vacation last year and I absolutely died.

Not a big fan of red wine usually, but I like Pinot noir. I've never had that specific kind, but if it's that good I might have to pick up a bottle sometime.

And Daigoji, speaking of brandy, have you ever tried making a mix drink with brandy and milk? Sounds odd, I know, but some friends were doing it and gave me a glass and it was surprisingly delicious.

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I generally only like girly shit. Sweet candy-flavored shit. Midori sour, that kind of stuff. If I do drink shitty-tasting alcohol it's usually stronger stuff in shots. I'd say outside of some brands of Hefeweizen I've never tasted a single beer that wasn't utter shit. Dos Equis can be bearable with lime.

As for "my drink," that'd probably be a White Russian. Fairly sweet, strong enough to make it worth drinking, and large enough that it takes some time to drink. It's what I generally drink in my personal free time, if I ever drink alcohol.

Edit: Holy shit I said shit a lot in this post. Shit, man.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I like cider. And not "real" cider either, I like the lamestream stuff. Kopparberg is my favourite, Rekorderlig and Gaymers are nice too. I used to drink Strongbow all the time because it's cheap, even if it tastes kind of awful, but I drank too much one night and now... I don't.

Tried beer, never really liked it. Shame, since I have like seven bottles of Cobra in my fridge that I'm never going to drink.

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