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Strunk plays Fire Emblem : Sword of Seals!


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I feel I should ask. The Angelic Robe. I doubt giving it to either Wolt of Ellen would be wise, but should I give it to Roy, or wait until I recruit Noah or Tate and give it to one of them?

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Sorry that you had to do this whole chapter over. I hope something like this doesn't happen again.

Under normal circumstances I'd definitely recommend waiting for Tate, but if you're really having difficulty keeping Roy alive then don't hesitate to give it to him!

Also, your Wolt is gaining exp at a faster rate than I anticipated. He's going to be sitting at level 20 for a few chapters while waiting for his promotion item, but it's no big deal. Good luck to ya, just keep chugging along and eventually it'll get easier [to deal with].

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For the most part, it isn't that hard to keep Roy alive. It's the (how many is it now, twenty?) useless forced units that mostly die in one round with any enemy on the map that make it hard to survive any given turn. Once I unlock the preparation screen, I get the feeling things are going to become much less of a hassle to deal with.

Anyway, I think I'll give the Angelic Robe to Tate once I recruit her, unless it becomes completely impossible to survive without it before that point.

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[spoiler=Chapter Five(Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Five : Start!


So we killed him.


Nowhere is safe as long as I'm around, for I am...

War-Causing-Death-Man! Deathman for short.


I feel as if I've seen this guy before.


And this guy looks a bit like Frankenstein's Monster.


Well, I wouldn't really call us an army. Maybe "Two Guys and A Healer".

Isn't there a show with that name or something?


Should have tried that last chapter, before we sold everything.


Yay, easy experience! Not much, because of how weak these guys are, but still!


As long as it isn't trying to recruit itself, let it past.


Looks too generic to be recruitable. Alright, we'll hear what it has to say.


We were already going to do that, actually, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't reward us for doing it anyway.


We'll help. That way, you can live in fear of us, like you should.


What do you mean I sound like a villain?

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

This would be a much more annoying set up if it weren't for that wall.


Forts + Marcushielding = Fun.

Also, I have way too many units.


I hate how they can climb over mountains.


Roy gains a critical and a level.


Ellen gains Magic.





These guys start moving out right around the time I take out the last of the enemies near my group. I can only assume they're going after the village, which means we need to get there first.


It begins!








Roy and Wolt level. Thanks to the enemy layout, Ellen isn't able to heal without getting attacked.


None of the bandit enemies have any chance to hit Roy. The mercenaries, on the other hand...


Finally, everything else is dead. Now, to tie up some loose ends and then take out the boss.


Roy and Wolt reach B support.


Ellen gains Magic. Only Magic.


Visiting the village gets a "Gant Lance". Nobody can use it right now, but I guess it'll be useful later on.


Is it just me, or does everyone have horribly low strength?


Wolt gains a nice level fighting the boss.


Roy doesn't do as well with his level.

Since Wolt just leveled up, and because of his high level, he didn't level again from finishing the boss, so no more level screenshots.


Before we go, we buy around twenty door keys. I doubt I'll ever need them, but I've never bought keys before, so why not take them along for when/if I need them?


We conquer the castle and complete the battle.

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[spoiler=Chapter Five(Part Two)]

[spoiler=After Battle]image.pngimage.png

Suddenly, a wild Saul appears!


Would be nicer if you could actually help in battle.


I can only assume he's got a very important message that will cause insane plot-twists for the next several chapters.


Or not.


Wait, is it?


It is! It's a plot point!



This guy?


I still can't see it.


Yes, actually. It's used to unseal the magical blade that was used hundreds of years ago to slay the dragons and bring peace to the land.

What, can't a guy know something every once and a while?


Well, I'm just guessing, but, I assume you take the emblem to the room where the sword is being kept, hold it up, and watch it turn everything white for a few seconds.

Oh, and there's a poem you have to recite. Something about a Brave Sword that passes down knowledge from a Dragonstone...? I can never remember.


Trust a maniac to not do what you expect.


I miss blinking.


And then we recruit another Heal staff.


The chapter seriously just ends here.

[spoiler=Personal Notes]This chapter wasn't that bad. It was definitely better than last chapter, although I may just be upset about having to do it over.

Aside from the annoying bandits that kept trying to kill everybody, and the mercenary units, which had both high hit rates and good damage against both Roy and Wolt, everything went very smoothly.

I bought a ton of keys, as stated in the chapter. I just wish they'd sold some Chest Keys.

I think Roy is getting screwed on his strength, although from what I heard about Roy, it may just be normal for him to have absurdly low strength.

My keyboard is annoying me further. It's started showing signs of my "left" button not working, which is going to go very well with my barely-functioning "down" button.

If you get any of my references, feel free to post about it. I don't know why, but I felt like including a couple.

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Oh my god, I pity your Roy and his abysmal strength.

But he averages like 12 at 20/--, so I guess you're not that far behind.

Noah should be good, although in my playthrough, I used him and he had like 13 Strength as a Paladin.

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Your Wolt is more or less average. Not particularly blessed or screwed in any area.



Unfortunately your Roy is pretty badly strength and speed screwed. He has the strength of base level (1) Sain at level 19 xD

It doesn't matter though because soon enough Wolt, Noah, and Tate will be all you'll need!


Before we go, we buy around twenty door keys. I doubt I'll ever need them, but I've never bought keys before, so why not take them along for when/if I need them?

You will need door keys and chest keys if you don't want to miss out on a hefty sum of money. I'm pretty sure the gems and money in the chests comprise most of the money you earn in this game unless you're planning on doing some serious arena abuse. Aside from that some villages do give money, but I don't remember there being any storyline events that earn you money automatically.

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[spoiler=Chapter Six(Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Disclaimer : Lucius isn't in this game.

Oh, and

Chapter Six : Start!


A few problems with this.

First, we haven't technically met this "Dorothy" person.

Second, that is a very long sentence.

Third, I don't have a third, but doesn't it look better if I pretend I do?


Which means he will be halfway useless, and then be killed half to death.




And this is why you plan in your head, instead of out loud : People can hear everything you say.

Only I can hear your thoughts.


This guy is ugly. All bad guys are ugly. What's with that?


All bad guys also have red armor, too. Maybe the red armor slowly causes people to get more ugly?

So whenever we recruit an enemy, we're saving them from a Fate Worse Than Death : ugliness. No wonder they all join so easily.

Note : As a disembodied voice, I can call anybody anything and not be held responsible. Ha ha.


Because this plan has worked so well the last fifty times they tried it.


There's no point to this screenshot, but I'm posting it anyway.


That should be easy enough. You can't kill somebody that can't be deployed. Except Leila, but who cares about her? She wasn't even deployable!


There's no point to this screenshot, but I'm posting it anyway.


Knowing how the enemy units work, "what they wish" would mostly include "dying painfully at the hands of".


There's no point to this screenshot, but I'm posting it anyway.


And this is why you plan in your head, instead of out loud : People can hear everything you say.




This man knows what's up with the world. Nobody ever gets any breaks.

Not while Deathman is around!


Have you noticed how all of them are red?


Who are you again?


You should read this as sarcastically as possible.


This is not how you spy.

This is like, how an angel would spy.


Later. That implies you'll be recruited this chapter, and stick around so that there'll be more time for conversation. Right?


I already found that out by using my strange, vaguely defined psychic powers.


No, you can trust her. She's not ugly enough to be lying.


Actually coming up with a plan better than "kill everything"? Roy for best Lord ever.


I'd like to point out the irony in the units that will be participating in this chapter.

I'd like to, but that would be as redundant as everything else this chapter.


Okay, he fell for the trap. Can we get on with the chapter? I'm running low on room!


Seriously, can you please hurry this up?


Thank you, random evil guy!


Damn it, Roy! Stop saying cool-sounding lines that make me take more screenshots!

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[spoiler=Chapter Six(Part Two)]

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

It was a pain, but we managed to get into a defensive position before the bulk of the enemy reached us.


Dorothy's Steel Bow is really going to help.


Urgh. Damn you, Roy!


At first I was worried she was going to steal all of the chest items before I could get to them, but then I remembered I don't have any chest keys, so I won't be getting to them either way.


Luckily, Wolt can actually injure these things.

Wasn't it just two or three chapters ago where Roy was the only one able to hurt Armor Knights while Wolt was completely useless?


I like Heal + Rescue + Drop.


Ellen levels. This time without Magic and with things that aren't Magic.



Too many enemies



Roy hits his max unpromoted level with an incredible nine strength.


Of course, I still have to use him, because Wolt can't handle everything on his own.


Wolt levels.


I was right. The Steel Bow really was helpful. Could use more durability, though.


Thanks to that last level, Roy can sort-of help kill the Armor Knights.


Wolt maxes out his unpromoted levels. Now nobody will be gaining any more experience.


Except Ellen.


Before we take on the boss, we clear out all the rooms and recruit Sue.


Roy and Wolt's support also becomes complete.


No, MY plan was flawless. Your plan absolutely sucked. And you're ugly. Or were ugly. Because you're dead.


And then we conquer this cas- throne. We're inside this time. We're conquering the throne. Yes.

[spoiler=After Battle]image.png

Boring! Skip!


You should read this in the most annoyed tone possible.


I guess we know where we're going next chapter!

[spoiler=Personal Notes]This chapter wasn't so bad. I know the game is just trying to lull me into a false sense of security before next chapter, though. Even with level 20 Roy + level 20 Wolt + A Support, I have a feeling it's going to be very difficult.

Moving on to the daily complaint about my laptop, one of the sides where the screen half connects with the keyboard half (I'm very good at words) is coming apart, so I'll need to fix that.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother looking up the items I didn't get this chapter. I get the feeling it would only make me sad.

Unless I'm mistaken, Noah shows up next chapter, so at least I'll have somebody to give killing experience to. I get the feeling Ellen will be hitting level twenty soon.

Also, I didn't manage to talk with Cath, so her recruitment will have to wait a while. Not like it matters in the least.

As for my references, since nobody guessed anything, it would be nice of me to tell you what I was referencing and where. Instead, I threw in more. Though nobody's going to be able to guess what they are because I suck at hints.

I took way too many screenshots in this chapter. I couldn't even fit the opening + the battle into a single post! It's not actually a big deal, but my obsessive mind somehow makes me annoyed whenever I need to split an update.

Anyway, next chapter should be up tomorrow! Or whenever I manage to beat the stupid thing.

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@Momentai~ Since I can't quote a quote

It's good to know Wolt is doing well, for the most part. He seems to preform better than Roy a lot of the time, but Roy can actually counter. I guess they're both evenly useful at the moment.

As for the chest keys, I plan to buy a couple dozen as soon as I'm able. No idea when that is, though.

This is actually being a good challenge.

I wonder how it would go without Ellen and using Lilina at level 1 gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I get the feeling, although I can't be absolutely certain, that I would have a lot more restarts. Ellen has helped a lot, especially in situations where Roy or Wolt get left with only a few health, and a single hit will kill them. I went through that in one chapter, back in FE7, and I don't feel like repeating that.

Oh my god, I pity your Roy and his abysmal strength.

But he averages like 12 at 20/--, so I guess you're not that far behind.

Noah should be good, although in my playthrough, I used him and he had like 13 Strength as a Paladin.

As long as Noah gets more than base defense by level twenty, I don't think I'll mind too much. Although it would be nice if he got blessed in every single stat and maxed everything.

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[spoiler=Chapter Seven(Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Seven : Start!


I told you we'd be going there this chapter.


How can you not tell at a glance that this guy's evil?


"Something", eh?


"...just like everywhere else Roy and his army went."


Mercenary Knights? What? Is that a hybrid class? Why don't I have any of those?


Just send somebody wearing blue armor up to them. They'll do whatever you want.


"Do you have any idea how expensive blue armor is?!"


And then he'll leave right afterword.


I get the odd feeling that isn't going to work.

What's that feeling called, again?

Oh yeah. Common sense.


Oh, now this random boss is pulling a Midboss-Escape.


"Stay here and die while I run away!"

"Yes Sir!"


I would say this is a good thing, because we can get more experience, but...


And they shall not be forgiven.


They're just going to get themselves killed.


See? Even the princess doesn't recognize that class.


Urgh. Optimism.


Easier said than done.


And suddenly, Noah.

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You've jinxed the run.

Watch Noah get the almight Shin levels deluxe consisting of Hp/Skl/Luck/Res and nothing else.

Hush, you!

I predict his Noah will be blessed to compensate for Roy's extreme screwage.

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[spoiler=Chapter Seven(Part Two)]

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

It turns out that Wolt has just enough strength to take out the Wyvern.


And then we recruit Noah.


These guys are dead. Since nobody ever said I had to keep everybody alive, I'm not resetting.


These guys are annoying.


Noah gets his first level.


Son of a-


Noah now has the same strength as Roy.


Ellen gains Magic. Also, Resistance. She's probably going to be a very good Magic-Tank later on.


According to a certain Awakening gameplay video, tanking with a healer is a great strategy. It seems to be working here, too.







Don't be like this


Oh dear god


Roy is so useless right now




Why did I want to do this?!


I hate these guys.




For some reason, the injured cavaliers that ran away aren't coming back, which is great for healing.


Die, you dastard.


She's so maxing Luck and Resistance.


This is getting old.




We sell the Red Gem, the Elixir, the Torch Staff, and the Hero Crest. Everything else should actually be useful.

We buy three Iron Lances, two Steel Lances, three Javelins, two Iron and Steel Bows, three Iron Swords, two Heal and Mend staves, and three Chest Keys.

I would take screenshots instead, but all of this stuff got sent to Merlinus, who isn't on the map.

We're also completely broke now.


We move up to open the chests, and suddenly REINFORCEMENTS


Ellen heals and levels up. She also reaches ten Magic, which is pretty much what I was hoping for.


We start putting our first Chest Key to good use.


This boss quote is relevant because Wolt actually was the one that killed all of them.


Roy gets the kill because he's one only one that can do more than one damage, and that's only with the Rapier.

This boss was actually pretty strong.

It's too bad he kept his one weakness sitting right outside his throne room.


Roy conquers the throne and this battle is over.

[spoiler=After Battle]image.png

Wait, all that work and we didn't actually do anything yet?


No you're not.

You're standing inside the castle.

Right now.


I could have told you that!





That tends to happen when the evil guy summons an army of end-bosses.


Stop hyping them already. I killed one before. I get the idea.


And then we begin the second half of this battle.

[spoiler=Personal Notes]After I decided to let two of the new units get killed, this chapter become a bit easier.

Luckily, everybody became extremely good at dodging when sitting on forest tiles, so most of the time, nobody got hit.

Noah is not doing as well as I'd hoped he would, but at the moment, pretty much any unit that can damage enemies and level up is going to help. Plus, I finally have a unit that can attack both short and long ranged with the same weapon.

I'd been thinking the next chapter was one of the ones that needed to be done in under twenty turns, but I checked again, and apparently I'd just been mixed up. It should be a fairly easy chapter.

We've finally reached the end of where I've played before, so, from this point on, everything is new. Yay.

Also, the next chapter appears to have eight chests, which're going to take most of my Chest Key uses. Those things are way too expensive, and I don't know when I'll be able to get more. Maybe I should have waited before getting weapons this chapter.

Oh, my computer hasn't gotten any worse. In fact, the "left" button seems to be working fine now. Also, references. I didn't add any this time because. Or did I?

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Hush, you!

I predict his Noah will be blessed to compensate for Roy's extreme screwage.


You posted in the middle of...

Why would you...


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You posted in the middle of...

Why would you...


Umm, I'm sorry...

It's my fault that your Noah is getting screwed! I gave you bad karma by interrupting your post and wishing good things upon him!


I don't think you have to worry about your chest key supply for a while. iirc on the chapter before you'll need more of them next they sell chest keys.

Edited by Momentai~
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Umm, I'm sorry...

It's my fault that your Noah is getting screwed! I gave you bad karma by interrupting your post and wishing good things upon him!


I don't think you have to worry about your chest key supply for a while. iirc on the chapter before you'll need more of them next they sell chest keys.

That's good. I don't really feel like running out of keys right before a promotion item or a statbooster.

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With Zealot dead, he has to go to Sacae anyway if he wants the true ending.

Wait, what's that? What'd you say? Did I miss something? Have you guys been hiding something from me? WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!

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Wait, what's that? What'd you say? Did I miss something? Have you guys been hiding something from me? WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!

Long story short, you need to get all the Divine Weapons to get the true ending. And you can't break any of them (or the Sword of Seals, for that matter), either.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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