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Strunk plays Fire Emblem : Sword of Seals!


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Long story short, you need to get all the Divine Weapons to get the true ending. And you can't break any of them, either.

I know that much. I just don't get what Zealot has to do with that. Or Sacae Route, for that matter. I feel like there's something I don't know that is probably important here.

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I know that much. I just don't get what Zealot has to do with that. Or Sacae Route, for that matter. I feel like there's something I don't know that is probably important here.

Okay... to get to the gaiden on the Ilia route, Zealot and Yunno must be alive in addition to clearing the chapter beforehand within 25 turns.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Okay... to get to the gaiden on the Ilia route, Zealot and Yunno must be alive in addition to clearing the chapter beforehand within 25 turns.

The guide I got the sidequest information from only mentioned Yuuno needing to be alive. Pegasus dung!

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Oh wait, you have Tate. Which means you're guaranteed to go to Ilia. :|

If you want the true ending, you're either going to have to:

1) Allow yourself to use one of the nomads to get to Sacae.

2) Start over and save Zealot.

3) Use a hack or something.

Edited by Sangyul
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Are there any more arenas before the split? If so, I'll just train Sue and Shin to level 20.

Yeah, plenty.

Edit: I should also mention, in chapter 20 of the Sacae route, you'll run into a green nomad that you have to recruit and keep alive, otherwise you don't get sidequest. Sue and Shin must also be alive.

Edited by Sangyul
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Uh oh. I think it's safe to say that Sacae is harder than Ilia. Too bad, your Wolt really would have done well at Ilia.

That haxxed blessed L'Arachel from your FE8 playthrough is really coming back to haunt you; it's like you can't get a break from the bad luck in this one. xP

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[spoiler=Chapter Eight(Part One)]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Chapter Eight : Start!


Which were designed for the sole purpose of annoying anyone that can't use Magic.


Even if I didn't know where this is going, I'd know where this is going.


If by "protect the castle" you mean "rob the castle blind and kill everyone inside", then, yes, he wants to protect the castle.


Yes, but don't fear! They still have to stand around talking until you're ready to start! Oh, wait. That's you.





They're dead too.

Except Noah. But he's not all that strong either.


Nope. Unless you were expecting a one-man-army. In which case, yes. Larger.


We just kind of walked in. After killing everyone outside, but still.


How about we just go kill Bern for you, so they aren't able to look down on you?

This would be after we kill you, of course...




Oh, that guy.


Good luck with that.


No can do. I mean, if it weren't for the sidequest, maybe. But...


What, you guys were planning to go to the sidequest, too?


And killing her will go over so much better.


Wait, this guy has a brain? Run! Get out while you can!


Uh. Armor Knights can't use Bows.


Trying to pin all the blame on Wolt, are you?


Shouldn't have agreed. Now you have to die.


...The hell are you?


I don't know. He looks vaguely like Legault. He may be recruitable. Plus, we already have a boss this chapter.


Hey, he really is recruitable. Who'd have thought I'd be right on my first guess?


I'm going to guess Thief. He looks like one.


Took long enough for somebody to point that out.

I prefer to think there's no comma in the second line.


Hey, I was right again.


You should leave that to the guy that can magically see the entire map at once.


Sure, but you're not actually going to be joining us this chapter.


All bosses sit on thrones these days. They're too lazy to actually move around. Of course, it would probably be harder for us if they did.


No, I want to meet the guy. I want to shoot a few arrows into his thick skull.

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[spoiler=Chapter Eight(Part Two)]

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

Noah gains a level on the very first attack this chapter, and it's a good one.


Ah, Physic. Healing my units without killing my healer.


Javelins are also useful.


Wait what

Who the hell


I have strong feelings for that hairstyle. I just can't tell if they're positive or negative.


She's over there. No, I won't be more specific.


Armor Knight + Horseslayer is not good.


Noah gains another level.


Physic level. Maxed Resistance. Not Luck, since I forgot it goes to thirty. BUT MagicTank is now complete.


Hey, Cath is in this chapter.


A few more points of strength, and you'll do fine.


Or Health. Health is good too.


Ellen reaches level 20.


Noah dodge-levels.


Noah reaches level 20. Darn, now I can't pretend to be entertaining by showing a bunch of level screens.

Luckily, there are other kinds of screenshots I can use to pretend to be entertaining!


We claim the first set of chests.

Oh, hey. See that Knight Crest?


And then nothing was ever hard again.


Look at those weapon ranks.

I wasn't aware paladins gained axes in this game. I guess I should train those, too.


Light Brand. Kill Mages from a distance while raising Sword rank.


I am so glad I bought those Chest Keys.


I like this chapter.




I win, in every single way.


Time to go.

*knock knock knock*

Time to go.

*knock knock knock*

Time to go.

[spoiler=After Battle]image.pngimage.png

Oh. She doesn't-

This should be funny.


No, THIS is the best line in the entire game.




Kind of hard to get the latest gossip when you're locked inside a two by two tile cell.


No, no. Don't blame yourself. I wouldn't have let you get there in time to save him no matter what.


He was actually a General-

Yeah, you're right. Too soon. Wait, wasn't I already making fun of him right after he died, too?


So you've practiced how to act when your father is brutally murdered?

I suddenly have the suspicion I'm not the only one here that wanted to watch.


The people that were holding you hostage were too considerate?


Nope! You've already got an A support. No love for you!

[spoiler=Personal Notes]This wasn't that hard. In fact, it wasn't hard at all. I'm hoping it gets harder than this, even with promoted units, because if this is the full extent of difficulty, I'm disappointed. No, I'm not jut saying that to miss of the universe, causing it to get angry and edit history to make the next ten chapters the hardest in any Fire Emblem game ever.

Anyway, not much to say about this chapter, other than, need to pick up Axes and Light Magic at the next shop. Whenever that shows up. Oh, and I actually did this chapter and 8x yesterday, and decided not to post it so I could be lazy today and still make it look like I did something.

I'm glad I got Tate's promotion item so early. I won't have to worry about her sitting at level 20 for any number of chapters. If only I could find an Orion's Bolt... As for the Secret Book, who do you think should get it?

Oh, and trivia! This is the largest chapter (screenshot-wise) I've ever done. So yay. My hand hurts.

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According to the main site, you can get an Orion's Bolt from a village in chapter 11A/10B.

Edited by Sangyul
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[spoiler=Chapter Eight Gaiden]

[spoiler=Before Battle]image.png

Sidequest One : Start!


Bull. We've killed everything they've thrown at us thus far.


Okay, I KNOW I've killed this guy before.


There're four of them.


Note to self : Watch out for those spots.




Look at her smile. She's obviously happy Hector died.


OR you could actually protect it like a sane person would.




Been there. Used that.


It's because you're in a cave.


We should know this already.


Are you done yet?

Because there're a bunch of bandits standing a few feet away holding weapons and hoping to kill you.


Yeah. That was me. I told you that. Just now.


Lilina can't even partially tell what I'm saying. Even though she's magical and Roy isn't. This is what happens when you're related to Hector.


Just keep not hearing me. I'll keep not using you.


You're lucky we're really strong and that's true, or else I'd make a joke here.


'Kay. Let's do that.

[spoiler=During Battle]image.png

Noah has gone from "alright" to "awesome".

Oh, and he doubles.


Barrier spam. We're going to get at least a little experience for Ellen.


Noah levels up. He also gains a second S weapon rank, which is awesome.

Next is Axes.


Staff spamming is the only way to level Ellen right now, since I don't have any Light Magic.


Noah, as the only unit that can gain experience and kill things, is really enjoying this chapter.


What a surprise. More Luck and Resistance.


Killing you.


You don't really have a choice.


Annnd he's dead.


Noah is well on his way to becoming a tank.

Wait, I take it back. He already tanked everything on the map.


And we conquer the throne.

[spoiler=After Battle]image.pngimage.png

Like I said. It's going to Noah.


Promote and you'll be fine.

No, seriously. Go ahead. Promote. I'll wait.


The first of the Legendary Pokeweapons has been captured.


Took long enough! Let's go kill them!




Damn it.

[spoiler=Personal Notes]What, haven't I said enough today?


Noah did very well. Aside from a couple Physic uses, he killed everything without help. I don't know why I bothered to bring Wolt, he did absolutely nothing. At least Roy let Ellen spam Barrier on him.

The last part of the chapter may some just a tiny bit rushed. As in, I cut out 90% of the cutscene. But I was getting close to the image limit, and I didn't feel like splitting yet another chapter into two parts for something most of you probably aren't going to read anyway.

Since I forgot to include this in the last Personal Notes section, and I don't feel like editing it because I'm lazy, I thought I'd clarify about some things that happened last chapter.

First, everyone survived.

Second, I actually had no clue who Astol was or that he was recruitable. I figured there was a 50/50 chance he would be a secondary boss. But I guessed right, so I'm awesome. Bow before my awesomeness. Or something like that.

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According to the main site, you can get an Orion's Bolt from a village in chapter 11A/10B.

Good. Wolt needs to promote sometime soon, or he'll start to fall behind like Roy. About the A/B split, I don't think it really matters which of the two I visit, so do any of you have a preference?

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Noah, as the only unit that can gain experience and kill things, is really enjoying this chapter.


Noah is well on his way to becoming a tank.

I'm hyping Noah so bad right now.

Though, wait until you get Tate. The hype will never end.

Also, don't worry about the next chapter. It's fog of war, but Noah should breeze through it. In fact, he even recruits someone, as does Sue.

And no Boron, she's pretty easy to recruit on both routes if you play fast enough.

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Gwahahaha! My blessings always work! Noah is finally coming out of his rut.

Yeah, you'll probably want to bring Sue along for chapter 9 if you're planning on going to Sacae and getting the good ending. Tate is definitely gonna promote and get a few levels in before the route split happens and arena whoring both Sue and Shin is the only way to ensure you go to Sacae without blowing another orion's bolt on Sue.

I recommend going the B route because you get the orion's bolt and Tate a chapter earlier.

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