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Void Mafia - Game Over


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I enjoy university.

why lynch someone who, for all intents and purposes, looks neutral over someone who looks actually bad

I don't like this.

I agree with you that Mancer looks bad and did so ever since day 1, however, I wholeheartedly disagree that Core looks neutral for the many reasons I've given before. If you think he's neutral, give me a good reason why you think so. (and not a one liner pls)

We didn't swap any items, but my Barter certainly succeeded. That was on N1, and my Barter has high priority (more than passing, lower than item usage), so it might be possible that your item was handed to you or something after my Barter on that Night.


Mancer how the heck do you know this, if I'm well informed all your targets had no items/untradeable stuff. How do you know the item priority if you've never got an item the whole game?

And, if what Xinnidy means by me acting weird is based off of scorri's miscommunication and saying out loud in thread various things (in which she mixed up names and stuffs), then I'd like to remind her that scorri was Void and most likely Voided on the Night before all the miscommunication stunts happened.


What do you mean by me saying you're acting weird? I'm sorry if it's something I posted earlier but I'm looking at this and I don't really remember, lest I derped.

Scorri was the very last person to be recruited to void, which is why she had no special abilities as a void recruit. She was recruited the very night BBM (the sub void leader) died, so for all purposes she was never void aside from her dying moments. The unlucky girl.

Also, BBM was obviously Culted N0, so when he tried accusing me of taking his item D1, he was knowingly trying to push off a fake mislynch on me and I can conclude that there's likely no item theft or thief either.

Yes, he was culted night 0, which is why he was Memory(Void Sub Leader), however, everybody so far was at least informed of that because it's in their Role PMs. Did you spend pretty much the entirety of day 3 without reading them?

There was no item theft on BBM's bolt, he was just giving an excuse on why he lost his vigilante role action. However, wheter there is or isn't a thief is debatable, and you know why. :/

[18:37:56] Saku Suonpää: I've been thinking

[18:38:04] Saku Suonpää: maybe all of mafia is goons

[18:38:09] Saku Suonpää: with items

[18:38:27] Captain RESB: that's a pretty big leap in logic

[18:38:42] Saku Suonpää: wolves dont seem that role hoggy to me

[18:38:48] Captain RESB: especially considering the amount of item holders to none item holders

[18:38:55] Saku Suonpää: and eli is lorewise legit reason to have items

[18:39:14] Captain RESB: and the strong town roles that have flipped so far honestly

[18:39:28] Captain RESB: make me think mafia need more than single use items

[18:39:38] Saku Suonpää: who said single use?

[18:39:56] Captain RESB: pretty much every item so far has been

[18:40:00] Captain RESB: as far as I can tell

[18:40:05] Saku Suonpää: oh really?

[18:40:17] Saku Suonpää: only ones I can think are made by eli

[18:40:22] Captain RESB: except core's axe but I know fuck all about that

[18:40:25] Captain RESB: the stone

[18:40:30] Captain RESB: crossbow bolts

[18:40:31] Saku Suonpää: and the bolts but they are rather OP

[18:40:39] Saku Suonpää: ...

[18:40:42] Captain RESB: and there are others

[18:40:43] Saku Suonpää: since when

[18:40:46] Captain RESB: that are single use

[18:40:48] Captain RESB: wait what

[18:40:56] Captain RESB: are you fucking joking

[18:40:58] Saku Suonpää: did ANY TOWNIE have ANY idea how many uses the stone has

[18:41:10] Captain RESB: do you?

[18:41:13] Saku Suonpää: no

[18:41:20] Saku Suonpää: or any other townie for that matter

[18:41:22] Saku Suonpää: you scum

[18:41:31] Captain RESB: yeah sure

[18:41:42] Captain RESB: is it a massive leap in logic to assume that the reviving item

[18:41:46] Captain RESB: is single shot

[18:41:55] Saku Suonpää: what reviving item

[18:41:55] Captain RESB: when the crossbow bolts were single shot

[18:41:58] Captain RESB: the stone

[18:42:12] Saku Suonpää: who said the stone is reviving item

[18:42:24] Captain RESB: I'm pretty sure you did at one point

[18:42:27] Captain RESB: but idk

[18:42:29] Captain RESB: what is it then?

[18:42:30] Saku Suonpää: its made pretty damn clear NOBODY BUT THE MAFIA knows what it does

[18:43:02] Captain RESB: google philosepher's stone

[18:43:19] Saku Suonpää: it gives eternal youth

[18:43:23] Saku Suonpää: not restore live

[18:43:35] Captain RESB: The philosopher's stone (Latin: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals (lead, for example) into gold (chrysopoeia) or silver. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.


Sho, remember last time?

We lost the cop.

I suggest you second guess more whenever you talk to people, the density right now should be 8 town/ 4 mafia if I can math right.

Of course, that isn't to say that SB is exempt of suspicion and might as well explain himself better here, but don't start pushing him and ignore everything else going on, please.

Making a storm on what could be a small cup of water certainly won't help your case.

On the other hand, Mancer's new Report does look more accurate though.

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On the first Night, N0, I asked the mods about the priority. I wanted to see if pass then Barter or Barter then pass or use then pass stunts could be performed, see?

You said I looked bad since D1? Why is that? If it is because of BBM's saying I took his item, then you have got to switch your mind around because BBM did that while scum in order to try to get a mislynch.

You said you were in contact with a Vig who had a Bolt and could kill. Was this BBM? After the flip, I believe that you can claim this now. N1 I believe you also told me that you're going to pass him his Bolt so he can kill or something? This leads me to believe that you might be scum pretending to be in contact with your scum buddy.

Sho, you've also claimed contact with a Vig. Your logs earlier have proved that. Who was the Vig who was mentioned there? Was it BBM? Or someone else?

I'm pretty much thinking to suspect anyone who had been in contact with a so-called Vig who had never lost or had his Bolt taken away at all. Thus, Xinnidy's claim that the Bolt was passed to our Vig N1 or N2 is definitely fishy.

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Yes, he was culted night 0, which is why he was Memory(Void Sub Leader), however, everybody so far was at least informed of that because it's in their Role PMs. Did you spend pretty much the entirety of day 3 without reading them?

Is this a slip? There's no such message in the Role PMs. I even took the time to double and triple check for this message and there's none.

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The vig in question was BBM. We knew he was vig since N0.

We decided to make a ploy and say Xinnidy was the vig so as to disguise BBM's involvement. And then through her she would give bolts to BBM. He never informed us that his bolt had never been taken away until the previous day. The time I found out was when I posted how I hate BBM.

Also Xinnidy did give him a bolt, because she had been given the bolt by someone else and had chosen to pass it along since she was acting as the vig. Blah blah blah that stuff is right up there.

Are you seriously trying to call out me and xinnidy as scum? Because if you say xinnidy is scum, you have to say I'm scum as well.

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Is this a slip? There's no such message in the Role PMs. I even took the time to double and triple check for this message and there's none.

She means the role pms in the thread.

The flips.

THEIR role pm's.

It's just worded weirdly.

You're flopping all over mancer and you seem to be panicing. Are you scum?

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It's possible both of you are scum communicating OC, since there's nothing but your claim for it.

The thing is, BBM should never have lost his Bolts, so how did Xinnidy come into contact with them?

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It's possible both of you are scum communicating OC, since there's nothing but your claim for it.

The thing is, BBM should never have lost his Bolts, so how did Xinnidy come into contact with them?

Couldn't it be possible BBM had only one bolt and others had more, so that as OC happened, the vig could find more bolts and thus more shots?

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BBM started with one bolt.

The other bolt started on a different player.

That player gave it to Xinnidy and xinnidy gave it to BBM so BBM had TWO bolts.

And no there's more than "just our claim for it". You just don't know of it.

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Couldn't it be possible BBM had only one bolt and others had more, so that as OC happened, the vig could find more bolts and thus more shots?

It could, but what Xinnidy and Shinori are implying are something different.

I urge town to not treat them as pseudo-town leaders yet since they could be scum pretending to be Masons. I mean, seriously, Masons in a game where everyone is allowed OC is weird.

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Really not liking Mancer thinking that Xinnidy is scum since she's pretty much clear at this point (as is Shinori). I think he's trying too hard to get attention off of himself.

##Vote: MancerNecro

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BBM started with one bolt.

The other bolt started on a different player.

That player gave it to Xinnidy and xinnidy gave it to BBM so BBM had TWO bolts.

And no there's more than "just our claim for it". You just don't know of it.

Do not abuse OC to use "It's not just our claim for it" then not show anything to town claiming you showed it via OC. It's entirely possible that you showed no one anything because you didn't have anything, but by saying you showed it to some people via OC, you made everyone think it's credible when it's actually lies.

Unless I see some evidence in-thread, it's just both of your claims for it.

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It could, but what Xinnidy and Shinori are implying are something different.

I urge town to not treat them as pseudo-town leaders yet since they could be scum pretending to be Masons. I mean, seriously, Masons in a game where everyone is allowed OC is weird.

We aren't implying anything else at all.

I said specifically someone else gave Xinnidy the bolt and that that bolt was given to BBM.

What are we implying at all?

Masons in a game with a cult means they can't outright claim because we started knowing each other was town but cult could still cult one of us. However, obviously that didn't happen.

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Masons also allow the players who ARE masons to know enough about who is town.

Mancer, your panicked acting and lack of logic makes me think you're scum, and I haven't seen enough from Sho to back up my vote more than I have now.


##Vote: Mancer

Defend yourself. Something about you just doesn't feel right.

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I'm not panicking and I don't see the flaws in my logic.

As of right now, I see town being led astray by two possibly scum town leaders. As a member of town, don't you think I should step in and try to make sense of it and persuade town?

##Unvote: Sho.M.the.Tits

##Vote: Xinnidy

I will stick to helping town till my dying breath, so after I flip, you guys will know who to look at.

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Masons also allow the players who ARE masons to know enough about who is town.

Mancer, your panicked acting and lack of logic makes me think you're scum, and I haven't seen enough from Sho to back up my vote more than I have now.


##Vote: Mancer

Defend yourself. Something about you just doesn't feel right.

And if they're both scum?

It "clears" two members and they don't need evidence for it? Town shouldn't just buy claims like that. Especially when they could be lying or in OC when a lot of things go on in the background.

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I'm not panicking and I don't see the flaws in my logic.

As of right now, I see town being led astray by two possibly scum town leaders. As a member of town, don't you think I should step in and try to make sense of it and persuade town?

##Unvote: Sho.M.the.Tits

##Vote: Xinnidy

I will stick to helping town till my dying breath, so after I flip, you guys will know who to look at.

Guys, I think my OMGUS radar is going off.

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And if they're both scum?

It "clears" two members and they don't need evidence for it? Town shouldn't just buy claims like that. Especially when they could be lying or in OC when a lot of things go on in the background.

Why would you have scum masons when scum already know who each other are? Its a fucking pointless role if that happens.

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