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Does Anyone Like Youtube's New Designs?


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Quite often now, we've seen layout changes on that oh-so-well-known video sharing site. But personally, I've NEVER seen anyone who approved of each subsequent change; nearly everyone seems to wish we had the original 2005 layout. I'm inclined to say that if nostalgia plays a role in that preference, it's minimal.

But what about the other side of the argument? Are there any positive sides to the site updates?

(The new way of replying to comments is better than it was, IMO, but it could still be more streamlined. But that's all I can think of)

EDIT: And on a similar note, does anyone think Youtube will eventually get rid of unnecessary (and I'm not talking monetizing, I'm talking useless things that are just inconvenient, like how clicking on your name opens a menu instead of taking you to your channel) things, or should I, like, switch to Nico Nico Douga?

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I usually complain about it for a few days because I can never figure shit out, and then when I do, I shut up and just deal with it. I just wish that there wouldn't be a new change every so often, and that they'd just stick to what works instead of constantly experimenting with shit.

*sigh* But you can't please everyone.

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We reached perfection briefly with the replay glitch, every update afterwards that contained no replay (glitch) has been a denial of

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I prefer the page by page comment loader rather than the "click to load more posts" thing. I think the 2005 version looked the most aesthetic, but as far as function went, I liked the last version before it switched to this one.

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The new players all act very buggy to me and will sometimes crash my browser. And it's just generally awkward that the layout and the players keep changing when I switch between videos. Though, I guess if I had activated cookies, then Youtube would permanently use it, rather then switching all the time.

I do however appreciate that Youtube now loads profile image on the comments. Since that stops the browser for like a minute, it provides a good reason to stay away from the comments.

I still wonder how they actually do this. If I don't tell the browser to cancel the loading of the page, then the browser will treat it as if the page is already loaded, except it's obviously still trying to get the images since the browser hardly responds anymore. And deactivating Java script has no effect either.

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One of my biggest gripes with the new YouTube is that their suggested videos are too heavily skewed towards what I already have in my subscriptions/favourites, instead of generating new videos based on what I just watched. My other big gripe is that the page is left biased instead of center biased, so there is a ton of wasted screen real estate on the right side of the page. Otherwise I guess I don't use YouTube enough to notice any of the bugs in any given update, since YouTube is often on the fritz at my school even since before the latest change.

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