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Ranulf and Zelgius

Paper Jam

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In another thread on another forum, there was a complaint about the manner in which Ranulf revealed Zelgius' true identity. My initial impulse was to respond that it couldn't have been done any other way, but that wasn't relevant to the thread. Instead, here are a few facts about Ranulf and Zelgius:

- Only Ranulf knew that Zelgius was the Black Knight. Nobody else had fought him in both guises, so nobody else could have realized that their fighting styles were exactly the same. (Ike fought the Black Knight but not the general of Begnion; Skrimir fought the general of Begnion but not the Black Knight.)

- Ranulf was with Ike until the beginning of part 4, so he didn't see any need to spill the beans any earlier than that.

- When they parted, Ranulf had every reason to believe that Ike might encounter Zelgius on his way to the Tower of Guidance, so he had good reason to warn Ike as to who Zelgius really was at that time.

In short, nobody except Ranulf had the ability, motive, and opportunity to reveal that Zelgius was the Black Knight. The only alternative would be to never reveal that information at all.

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they could have just left it to the tower of guidance :/

Also, though completely off topic, why did Ranulf go with Tibarn? He had no ties to anyone in that party. Ike was in one and Skrimir in the other. It's literally the least sensical party for him to go with.

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It was logical, but completely took all the drama out of the reveal.

This. As logical as it was, it truly makes Zelgius' unmasking at his chapter massively anti-climatic in that we were spoon fed the information beforehand. Endgame 2 plays it in a way that, had Ike put it together himself based on his encounters with both Zelgius and the Black Knight, would have been much more dramatic and left many players more satisfied with the information's reveal.

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I liked the way it was revealed. A big flashy reveal would've been melodramatic, and it was incredibly obvious that it was Zelgius by that point, so giving it any sort of buildup would be insulting our intelligence.

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Having anyone act all shocked about the revelation about his identity would have been all kind of awkward.

After all, we had two years to find out which PoR character could actually fit into that armor.

Even in Radiant Dawn, the question is not "who?" but merely "why?". After all, there really aren't to many people who possibly could be the Black Knight in the first place.

Besides, it's kinda nice that characters actually do the logical thing for a change. Way to often, characters act like idiots for the sake of forced drama.

Edited by BrightBow
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