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Admittedly I've had this game for awhile, but have never beaten it. Before I really start on the game, however, I'd like any advice on the game and possibly good characters to use besides the 3 Lords.

Thanks in advance to any one who does provide me with help, I appreciate it.

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Sain, Kent, Marcus, Florina, Serra, Priscilla, Lucius, Canas, Raven, Ninian, Nils, Geitz, and Pent are all good picks. Fiora, Heath, Rath, Louise, Jaffar, and Vaida all make pretty decent filler. Farina makes decent filler too, assuming you're playing Hector's story, and assuming you've got 20,000 gil to burn.

I can't think of more to say at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lyn is the best character in the game. Note that this is a personal opinion, but it is a good one. She can solo most any boss, due to her high dodge rate, and decent resistance, and her crit. is AMAZING. Use her, and obviously, don't let her die. Game Over.

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Lyn is the best character in the game. Note that this is a personal opinion, but it is a good one. She can solo most any boss, due to her high dodge rate, and decent resistance, and her crit. is AMAZING. Use her, and obviously, don't let her die. Game Over.

*1-2 Range*

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Raven. He's a Mercenary who will appear as an enemy unit in chapter 16 (Eliwood's story). To get him you first need to get Priscilla by visiting the southern village in chapter 14, or have the village survive that chapter. Then in chapter 16, you talk to Raven with Priscilla to recruit him.

He starts off with only swords, but he has great HP, Str, Skill, Spd and decent defenses, allowing him to either dodge most attacks and take the hits that do happen to land. Once he promotes to Hero just give him a few hand axes for range and you're golden. Axes are very powerful, but also heavier and less accurate than Swords. However Raven's high Skill and Speed stats will more than make up for this. He will 1RKO nearly everything.

I like Raven.

Priscilla is also a very viable choice. But there's another certain user who can tell you all about her.

Edited by Raven
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Technically, any character is usable in this game (unless they get really stupidly RNG-screwed). You can get away with almost any combination of characters. Just be sure to focus on only a small number of them. Like Sirius suggested, about 10 characters is a good amount to focus on.

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