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My Unit --You, or someone else?



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  1. 1. Will you put yourself into Awakening?

    • Yes
    • No

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"tharja > cherche"

you are objectively horrible and i hate you now


I have mentioned a couple of times on this forum that I have a slight thing for people with psychotic tendencies...so it's not that Cherche is a worse character; it's that Tharja is completely freakin' cuckoo, and that's kind of awesome.

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I have mentioned a couple of times on this forum that I have a slight thing for people with psychotic tendencies...so it's not that Cherche is a worse character; it's that Tharja is completely freakin' cuckoo, and that's kind of awesome.

good save

i don't hate you anymore

let's hug it out dude

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Yes or no question' date=' huh? I guess that does away with the problem of multiple playthroughs. :P[/quote']

That was the point :D


My Gary Stu levels are over 9000. Of course it's me.

You can seriously have sunglasses in this game? XD

and I lol'd.

Not really. I'll be immersed in the game enough to affiliate the Avatar with myself' date=' but I wouldn't consider her as "me", since I don't act like that. [/quote']

Point taken. Too bad you can't customize My Units with personalities.

you may have just convinced me to name my my unit Isaac after myself

Oh dear. XD

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I'll likely try to make it as close to myself as I can for the first few playthroughs... Though I'll be going by Gorgar instead of my real name, 'cause I don't really like it .-. After that, I'll probably mess around with non-self inserts.

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I put yes but I feel like it is a mix of both. MU already has a set personality, so you can't fully put yourself in the game. You have choices and I'm going to make those based on my personality. I guess it would be a fantasy character with my preferences inserted.

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Pretty much, yeah. But I'm only going to do it once. Then I'm going to create different Avatars that have NOTHING to do with me, like something from the theme builds thread.

I'm also going to kill my Avatar in the most horrible way possible, and subject it to the most pain it can have, because I hate self-inserts sometimes.

Honestly, I don't really see much shame in making one to look like you. They'll act the same way, regardless. Eh.

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My first playthrough is definitely going to be me. I get to be in a Fire Emblem game? Awesome! Who wouldn't want to be in a Fire Emblem game? (Obviously the answer is almost half the people in this thread, among others; that was just a rhetorical question representing my feelings on the matter.)

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My first playthrough is definitely going to be me. I get to be in a Fire Emblem game? Awesome! Who wouldn't want to be in a Fire Emblem game? (Obviously the answer is almost half the people in this thread, among others; that was just a rhetorical question representing my feelings on the matter.)

I would. I would 8D

I've been thinking about installing my OC Lanse into the game as the male avatar. Amnesia is canonical to him anyway. XD

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There would be no permutation for which Morgan could exist. Either I'd have to play as a female despite being male, or I'd have to romance women despite not caring to do so. So no, I won't be playing as myself.

Likely, I'll end up creating a girl named 'Robin' and consider that my headcanon MU, then make a male Robin later on that resembles myself, before finally just going with cool designs and/or characters from other games. It'll depend on the hair, but I'm definitely playing as a Sora no Kiseki character at some point.

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I'm not sure yet, to be honest. Appearance wise, sure, but statistically/class, not so sure. I mean in real life I'm fast, average strength for an athlete so that isn't a flaw, pretty good eye-hand coordination so I guess my skill/speed would be assets. Top 8% of my class so I can't necessarily make magic my flaw...maybe HP? I eat unhealthy food. tongue.gif

In Awakening I'll probably go +speed -resistance my first playthrough though, so I guess I won't put myself into the game fully. Second go I might.

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Honestly, I couldn't stand having my Avatar "me". I imagine her with a similar personality, but I couldn't name her after me or give her the same hair (there isn't anything close to mine anyways) or anything...

I'd just be distracted.

I tried it in FE7 and I had to start over. I hated it.

(Then I set my name to Ursula and forgot there was an Ursula in-game... So once more after that...)

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I'm not making myself, but I am making a character I can immerse myself in. Ultimately his/her own character (I'm making at least one of each) who will develop an individual headcanon as the game progresses.

And as much as I miss my old tactician, he's in retirement--happily. On the Sacae plains where he visits Lyn from time to time and where the two of them are too derpy to admit feelings, etc etc.

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I'd make someone close to my preferences, but it ultimately ain't me 'cuz none of them have a muscular enough build.

Muscles are VERY important.

Shame you can't have a bunny for a mount eh?

I'm probably just gonna stick with the name I like for RPG characters I can name, Gawain based off the knight of the same name or Sun Ce from the Three Kingdoms period for my first run :P

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I'll "insert" myself for the first playthrough at least. I'd be cool to be in the fe universe. XD At any rate, I'll do my best to make the avatar look like me and such. Stat wise I'll probably make it so I'm good at magic (since I like reading and such) or have a high defense, and my bad stat will be skill. I have a horrible aim. lol

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