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So do you guys plan on reclassing your units or are you just going to keep them in their original "class tree"


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The only people I'm gonna reclass permanently are Donnel (to Fighter and eventually Warrior), Vaike (to Barbarian and eventually Berserker), Wood (to Demon Fighter after going through Swordmaster), Emmeryn (to Bride because I have too many Sages), and Paris (to Demon Fighter because I have too many Heroes). And the only people I am (so far) reclassing for skills and then returning to default class are Female Avatar, Miriel, Panne, Nowi, Olivia, and Tiki (because they need to learn different skills either to round out their limited skill set or to pass on to their same class children). Everyone else is staying in their original class tree.

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My Unit is CERTAINLY getting reclassed. Multiple times. I want mah skillz.

As for the other units, it really depends on what my choices of other units are. If I'm in need of a certain class I won't hesitate to change.

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I'll be making Robin a Dark Knight eventually. Since Robin's marrying Tharja, I'll be able to change Noire into an Assassin. Morgan will be a Dark Flier. I might turn Sully into a Myrmidon. I have no idea about any other main characters.

As for Spotpass characters, I'll be making Merric a Demon Fighter, Celica a Grandmaster, Lyn an Assassin, Eirika a Dark Knight, and Norne, Amelia and Nephenee Brides.

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I'll reclass for stats and skills for most of my characters before returning them to their original classes.

I'm going to reclass Olivia into a Dark Flier, and Swordmaster before returning her to Dancer, all of the second gen females who can access Dark Flier for Lightning Speed, (except for Cynthia and Selena because they will inherit it). And all of the First gen females who can access Dark Flier for the same reason as the second gen females, (excluding Aversa because she is already a Dark Flier).

Donnel is also going to eventually be a Demon Fighter, until then he will remain a Hero.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Any character that can reclass into a Pegasus Knight? I'm reclassing them so that they can be Dark Fliers, and their children can inherit Lightning Speed...or at least so they can learn Lightning Speed, and then I'll probably play around from there. So that's Lissa, Maribelle, Sumia, Cordelia, Olivia, Sairi, Emmeryn, and Aversa (though she starts with it). If the kids don't get Lightning Speed, either they never will, or depending on who I marry, they'll gain access to the class. Win-win either way.

Edited by Karaszure
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I rarely reclass, i see the starting class as part of the character's character. I know it means i probably don't get the statistically best out of every unit but im cool with that. The only times i do reclass anything it normally stays within a theme so someone who starts as a magic user get reclassed to another magic based class, i cant think of any occassion where i have changed a mage to say a myrmidon.

I actually shared that thought regarding FE11 and 12's class branches, due to how impersonal they were, I only changed some classes at times due to design choices I didn't like much compared to FE3 (like no dismounting), but I think the way Awakening has handled classes for the main cast might make me experiment with them more. Take Chrom himself, reclassing him to the Cavalier tree doesn't really seem odd. Archer is somewhat more strange, but I think it still fits his lord and combat focused image, and Bow Knight basically works just as well as the cavalier promotions. On the other hand, I guess there are some plain weird options too (like buff Berserker Henry), and I probably won't use them any time soon.

There's the Avatar itself too of course. It's a perfect candidate for reclassing for various reasons, especially due to being unable to choose their starting class.

I have some ideas of things to do with spotpass characters, not just related to collecting a bunch of skills due to free reclassing. It should take a while if the distribution is done anything like in the Japanese release, but I'll reclass spotpass Ike to Sword Master when I play around with him. I think his Path of Radiance design fits better with that class than Awakening's Hero, even if he was always intended to be a Mercenary/Hero-like character. FE10 Ike is another matter, but they didn't include him. Besides, he could always benefit from the Swordmaster skills too. Also, I'll likely make Mist a mercenary, for no real reason. Might reclass Black Knight to either Hero or Magic/Demon Fighter, although I'm not completely sure at this point - due to their ability to actually wield... swords. Seliph as a Paladin or Great Knight, Leif as a Dark Knight... Caeda and Catria will be reclassed to Wyvern Lord after promotion if I ever end up using them for that long. Also, Hector is going to be a Hero if I ever choose to use him. Not only I think General doesn't fit his FE7 self, but his low speed cap combined with the general's own low speed cap is pretty stupid, ending up with speed capped at 32...

Edited by NeonZ
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I'll probably reclass peeps.

MU is gonna have a family of Sorcerers... I'm still apprehensive about that due to the female Sorcerer outfit.

Nowi and Nn will be Sages or Wyvern Lords. iunno

This all depends on whether I can arsed to grind.

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I hate generic models, so only reclassing for skills and my Avatar to Demon Fighter.

I actually have a question about generic models. Like, I know that most people who reclass to Sorceror (looking at yuriasama's YouTube videos) use a blue palette, but Tharja stands out as she has a black palette instead. Does everyone have a unique colour assigned to them, and does that stay true when they promote? For example, Henry has a sort of purplish/blackish palette as a Dark Mage, but what about when he promotes to Sorceror? Dark Knight? Does he keep that palette?

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I'll reclass for stats and skills for most of my characters before returning them to their original classes.

I'm going to reclass Olivia into a Dark Flier, and Swordmaster before returning her to Dancer, all of the second gen females who can access Dark Flier for Lightning Speed, (except for Cynthia and Selena because they will inherit it). And all of the First gen females who can access Dark Flier for the same reason as the second gen females, (excluding Aversa because she is already a Dark Flier).

Donnel is also going to eventually be a Demon Fighter, until then he will remain a Hero.

Is Lightning Speed really that essential? Because I'm planning to pair Vaike with Sully so Degel will have access to the Mercenary and Thief classes.

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Reclassing always bothered me in FE12 because you can reclass someone like Cain into a priest, which I feel makes no sense as I feel being a priest would totally go against his personality. (Not as much FE11 because the characters had little personality, compared to their FE12 counterparts who had support conversations) Another thing that bothers me about reclassing is that I feel you can make your characters broken with it, (All those skills) which I dislike. So aside from My Unit (Strategist into Mercenary) and Donnel (Either Mercenary or Fighter) I won't reclass my units very often.

Edited by Zelos
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I actually have a question about generic models. Like, I know that most people who reclass to Sorceror (looking at yuriasama's YouTube videos) use a blue palette, but Tharja stands out as she has a black palette instead. Does everyone have a unique colour assigned to them, and does that stay true when they promote? For example, Henry has a sort of purplish/blackish palette as a Dark Mage, but what about when he promotes to Sorceror? Dark Knight? Does he keep that palette?

I asked this on another topic a while ago, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think each character keeps their unique palette in their original class and their class' promotes. So I think Henry would be purple as a sorcerer or dark knight, but not his other classes.

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I asked this on another topic a while ago, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think each character keeps their unique palette in their original class and their class' promotes. So I think Henry would be purple as a sorcerer or dark knight, but not his other classes.

Hm, I checked videos and pictures, and using Henry again, I think his Sorcerer palette is the same as everyone else's (a blue/black). There doesn't seem to be any trace of his original purple colour. :( Can't decide what to make him; he doesn't look very similar to his portrait as Dark Knight or Sorcerer.

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Is Lightning Speed really that essential? Because I'm planning to pair Vaike with Sully so Degel will have access to the Mercenary and Thief classes.

No it's really not, it's very nice towards the end of the game though.

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A good chunk of characters will be in completely new classes by the end, with even some weird ones like Demon Fighter- Virion and (most likely) the Manaketes being Brides.

The space between Demon Fighter- and Virion threw me off and made this sentence a thousand times more interesting.

I want to see Bride Virion now.

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