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Awakening Localized Name Discovery Thread

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Oh dear, this has kind of gone full circle.

When I translated the skill as Limit Breaker, I thought for sure it'd be called Limit Break in the English version.

I thought I was right when the promo materials referred to as Limit Break.

So, um, my initial translation was right? o__o

huh, you thought someone else would have brought this up if it were the case

i would check right now, but i just battle saved last time, so yeah....

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I know this thread is for the English localization, but I'm curious if anyone in Europe can say whether Noire, Nah, or any other characters apart from the ones we already know of got name changes.

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this is as minor and inconsequential as name changes come, but I only just realised: the European version still calls Astra "Astra". considering the European FE10 called it "Astrum", I had assumed they were going to keep some consistency there, but apparently not (which is weird given their insistence on keeping "Akaneia", "Shiida", etc)

also, I'll look into names in other European languages once I've recruited everyone bar the SpotPass characters (still waiting on Cynthia, Brady, Laurent, Nah and Yarne). at this point I'd hypothesise that Nah may have had her name changed to keep the "no" joke, but I could be wrong

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Cynthia is Cynthia.

Owain is Owain.

Gerome is Gerome.

Severa is Severa.

Brady is Brady.

Kjelle is Kjelle.

Noire is Noire.

Laurent is Laurent.

Nah is Nah.

Yarne is Yarne.

Inigo is Íñigo (written like this).

Morgan (both female and male) is Linfan.

At least, in the French Localization.

Edited by Heig
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Inigo is Íñigo (written like this).

Morgan (both female and male) is Linfan.

Linfan?? Google became confused when I searched for that name. D: What does it mean?

And that is an odd spelling for Inigo. D: Is Inigo pronounced funny in French that accents on the letters are needed to pronounce it right?

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Not surprised on Íñigo, since that's how it's spelled in a few of the Romance Languages. At the very least, it's gonna be the same for the Spanish translation as well.

And that is an odd spelling for Inigo. D: Is Inigo pronounced funny in French that accents on the letters are needed to pronounce it right?

Well, yeah, it has to do more that English doesn't use the written accent. Or the Ñ, for that matter.

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Hm... Apparently, the change from "Risen riding wolves" to "bandits riding wolves" in AvatarxLissa C Support wasn't the only change regarding dialogue in the PAL version, as Cervantes says he must "revise his theory" upon defeat in Chapter 16 (the script on Serenes has him say that "science has played me for a fool").

I also believe that he made no mention of whiskers in his pre-battle quote to Say'ri.

And of course, Paralogues and Xenologues to "Side Tales" and "Outrealm Tales".

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For Iñigo, it's the spanish writing (Read Inyigo)

I'm wondering, what's Linfan supposed to be? Someone who likes FE7?

Surely not related, but in french, it sounds pretty similar to "l'enfant" ("the child"). I found that it made a surprising amount of sense...

But here goes all my plans to name my avatar Renaud...

And the joke with Nah (as "No !") makes perfectly sense in French too

Edited by TendaSlime
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Not surprised on Íñigo, since that's how it's spelled in a few of the Romance Languages. At the very least, it's gonna be the same for the Spanish translation as well.

Well, yeah, it has to do more that English doesn't use the written accent. Or the Ñ, for that matter.

OHH. That too. 8U; The more you know.

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^ Same, I was kind of thinking they might change it to Noelle since the Japanese ノワール could sound similar. I still think the Avatar and Morgan got weird European names :P

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okay just finished up poking around the french version and while nobody actually cares there's some stuff in there that interests me so i figure i may as well report on my findings

  • Missiletainn is "Miserteinn". this amuses me immensely
  • for some reason, the sword Sol retains its English name even though the matching skill is called Solaire in French
  • all the Jugdrali holy weapons available so far retain their English names, except Valflame, which is instead "Valflamme"
  • the Deadlords are called "Seigneurs des Ombres", translating to "Lords of Shadow" where Ombre/Shadow is the French name for the Risen. all of them keep their English names except Lepus, which instead is "Leporis"
  • the Lodestar is called "Guide"
  • everything else is pretty run of the mill French translation... actually, all of the above probably is too. eh

okay i lied this stuff's boring as hell for anyone who isn't me

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for some reason, the sword Sol retains its English name even though the matching skill is called Solaire in French

From stuf on YouTube I know Luna was also changed in Spanish, to Selene... Makes NO sense why they would change it, luna is literally the Spanish word for moon. Not sure if Sol was changed though.

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From stuf on YouTube I know Luna was also changed in Spanish, to Selene... Makes NO sense why they would change it, luna is literally the Spanish word for moon. Not sure if Sol was changed though.

Well, Selene is still related to the Moon, being a Greek Goddess. It's highly likely it got changed so the skill retains the foreign feel while keeping the same theme. It's not an uncommon practice.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Well, Selene is still related to the Moon, being a Greek Goddess. It's highly likely it got changed so the skill retains the foreign feel while keeping the same theme. It's not an uncommon practice.

for what it's worth, Sol's Spanish name (Helios) matches this theme. Astra... not so much (Meteoro). the real inexplicable one as far as foreign skill names go is Astra's Italian name, "Fobos"

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Well, Selene is still related to the Moon, being a Greek Goddess. It's highly likely it got changed so the skill retains the foreign feel while keeping the same theme. It's not an uncommon practice.

I may need to review my Greek mythology >_>

Well, I guess it makes more sense than I thought. Still seems a bit odd to me that they wouldn't leave it even if it didn't sound "exotic", though, since in the original Japanese there's no such connotation.

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for what it's worth, Sol's Spanish name (Helios) matches this theme. Astra... not so much (Meteoro). the real inexplicable one as far as foreign skill names go is Astra's Italian name, "Fobos"

Well, Fobos is one of Mars's satellites. It keeps the theme somewhat, since it's still a giant rock in space. lol (Since Astra in Japan is known as Shooting Star). Astra is the odd-name out in this case... unless Astra has something to do with space as well. Closest I think could be "Astro". You know, like in Astrophysics.

I may need to review my Greek mythology >_>

Well, I guess it makes more sense than I thought. Still seems a bit odd to me that they wouldn't leave it even if it didn't sound "exotic", though, since in the original Japanese there's no such connotation.

Well, that's usually what happens. If localisations tend to change things to keep it exotic, they may also change ordinary to exotic.

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Well, Fobos is one of Mars's satellites. It keeps the theme somewhat, since it's still a giant rock in space. lol (Since Astra in Japan is known as Shooting Star). Astra is the odd-name out in this case... unless Astra has something to do with space as well. Closest I think could be "Astro". You know, like in Astrophysics.

"astra" is Latin for "stars", and indeed is the root of the English prefix "astro-", so nope it fits

incidentally, note that it's "stars", plural - as in the plural strikes it inflicts. kind of makes the European FE10's "Astrum" change a bit silly, but oh well

quick side note: Missiletainn's name was also changed in the German version, to "Mystelstein". clearly the European translators had a lot of fun with this particular weapon. pretty much nothing else of note to report there

Edited by bookofholsety
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okay just finished up poking around the french version and while nobody actually cares there's some stuff in there that interests me so i figure i may as well report on my findings

  • Missiletainn is "Miserteinn". this amuses me immensely
  • for some reason, the sword Sol retains its English name even though the matching skill is called Solaire in French
  • all the Jugdrali holy weapons available so far retain their English names, except Valflame, which is instead "Valflamme"
  • the Deadlords are called "Seigneurs des Ombres", translating to "Lords of Shadow" where Ombre/Shadow is the French name for the Risen. all of them keep their English names except Lepus, which instead is "Leporis"
  • the Lodestar is called "Guide"
  • everything else is pretty run of the mill French translation... actually, all of the above probably is too. eh

okay i lied this stuff's boring as hell for anyone who isn't me

Are you kidding? French is my native tongue, so learning more about the French translation excites me!

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Some other changes...

According to the Ending Credits, Priam is Excellus (Not really sure about the writing here...)

Also, a small change who went totally unnoticed : Validar is named Valldar. (The I is replaced by another L). It looks more like the Japanese name, so I won't complain...

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